Beaten 209 games

Game Achievements Playtime
A Story About My Uncle
0% (0 of 15) about 4 hours
Advent Rising Won on SteamGifts
about 6 hours
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders Won on SteamGifts
86% (43 of 50) about 5 hours
Agent A: A puzzle in disguise Favourites
96% (29 of 30) about 4 hours
Agent Awesome Won on SteamGifts
84% (33 of 39) about 8 hours
Alchemy Garden
0% (0 of 43) about 4 hours
Alex Hunter - Lord of the Mind ABC Challenge 2019 Won on SteamGifts
about 4 hours
Alpha Protocol
about 21 hours
Aragami Favourites
88% (45 of 51) about 27 hours
Arizona Sunshine VR
62% (30 of 48) about 6 hours
Assassin's Creed Liberation
about 12 hours
Assassin's Creed Revelations
0% (0 of 48) about 20 hours
Assassin's Creed Rogue
about 14 hours
Back to Bed
95% (19 of 20) about 3 hours
Back to the Future: Ep 1 - It's About Time
about 2 hours
Back to the Future: Ep 2 - Get Tannen!
about 2 hours
Back to the Future: Ep 3 - Citizen Brown
about 2 hours
Back to the Future: Ep 4 - Double Visions
about 1 hour
Back to the Future: Ep 5 - OUTATIME
about 2 hours
Bad Dream: Coma Won on SteamGifts
29% (6 of 21) about 4 hours
Baobabs Mausoleum Ep.1 Ovnifagos Don´t Eat Flamingos Won on SteamGifts
69% (9 of 13) about 1 hour
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
89% (42 of 47) about 23 hours
Bedlam ABC Challenge 2019
95% (23 of 24) about 7 hours
BioShock Infinite
76% (61 of 80) about 25 hours
BioShock Remastered
87% (57 of 65) about 17 hours
Blue Estate Favourites
85% (23 of 27) about 8 hours
Borderlands GOTY Enhanced
77% (62 of 80) about 58 hours
Broken Age
77% (35 of 45) about 7 hours
Budget Cuts Favourites VR
90% (27 of 30) about 9 hours
Budget Cuts 2: Mission Insolvency VR
78% (33 of 42) about 10 hours
Bulb Boy Won on SteamGifts
83% (10 of 12) about 2 hours
Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition Won on SteamGifts
55% (33 of 60) about 14 hours
Car Mechanic Simulator 2015
about 23 hours
Car Mechanic Simulator 2018
65% (39 of 60) about 62 hours
Case #9
32 minutes
Ceville Won on SteamGifts
about 6 hours
Chaos on Deponia
88% (30 of 34) about 8 hours
about 2 hours
Clandestine Won on SteamGifts
48% (24 of 50) about 15 hours
CONSORTIUM 2014 Won on SteamGifts
71% (28 of 39) about 12 hours
Dead In Bermuda Won on SteamGifts
69% (25 of 36) about 8 hours
Deadlight ABC Challenge 2019 Won on SteamGifts
93% (29 of 31) about 4 hours
Deponia Doomsday Won on SteamGifts
91% (33 of 36) about 6 hours
Depopulation Won on SteamGifts
about 1 hour
87% (7 of 8) about 3 hours
Dishonored Favourites
33% (26 of 80) about 17 hours
88% (8 of 9) about 3 hours
DmC Devil May Cry
44% (25 of 58) about 12 hours
Downward Spiral: Prologue Won on SteamGifts
87% (7 of 8) about 1 hour
88% (37 of 42) about 10 hours
Dreamscapes: Nightmare's Heir - Premium Edition Won on SteamGifts
about 2 hours
Dreamscapes: The Sandman - Premium Edition Won on SteamGifts
about 5 hours
Dungeon Escape VR VR
43 minutes
Emily is Away Too
95% (20 of 21) about 3 hours
Enigmatis 2: The Mists of Ravenwood Won on SteamGifts
72% (26 of 36) about 4 hours
Enigmatis 3: The Shadow of Karkhala Won on SteamGifts
76% (26 of 34) about 4 hours
ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West™ Premium Edition ABC Challenge 2019
79% (46 of 58) about 20 hours
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Deck Verified
26% (25 of 98) about 111 hours
66% (8 of 12) about 3 hours
Experience: Colorblindness
11 minutes
about 9 hours
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin
about 13 hours
Fall of the New Age Premium Edition Won on SteamGifts
about 4 hours
FAR: Lone Sails Won on SteamGifts
85% (12 of 14) about 4 hours
about 2 hours
Finding Teddy
73% (14 of 19) about 1 hour
92% (95 of 103) about 32 hours
Frederic: Resurrection of Music Won on SteamGifts
61% (11 of 18) about 3 hours
Gemini Rue
80% (12 of 15) about 5 hours
GET EVEN Won on SteamGifts
92% (37 of 40) about 12 hours
Ghost of a Tale Favourites
70% (14 of 20) about 19 hours
Goat Simulator ABC Challenge 2019
67% (86 of 127) about 27 hours
Goodbye Deponia
96% (48 of 50) about 7 hours
Goosebumps Won on SteamGifts
77% (31 of 40) about 4 hours
Graveyard Keeper
49% (61 of 125) about 53 hours
Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan Won on SteamGifts
96% (28 of 29) about 5 hours
Grim Legends 3: The Dark City Won on SteamGifts
80% (29 of 36) about 4 hours
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride Won on SteamGifts
75% (18 of 24) about 6 hours
about 12 hours
Half-Life 2
? about 12 hours
Half-Life 2: Episode One
92% (12 of 13) about 5 hours
Half-Life 2: Episode Two
? about 5 hours
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
23 minutes
Hammer 2 Won on SteamGifts
about 1 hour
Hard Reset Redux Won on SteamGifts
72% (83 of 115) about 15 hours
Haunted Favourites Won on SteamGifts
about 6 hours
Heaven's Vault
75% (33 of 44) about 16 hours
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice VR Edition Favourites VR
92% (13 of 14) about 9 hours
Henry The Hamster Handler VR VR Won on SteamGifts
82% (24 of 29) about 3 hours
Hitman: Sniper Challenge
about 1 hour
HIVESWAP: ACT 1 Favourites
97% (43 of 44) about 4 hours
91% (45 of 49) about 6 hours
Hob Favourites Won on SteamGifts
89% (33 of 37) about 16 hours
House Flipper
25% (24 of 96) about 25 hours
House of 1,000 Doors - Family Secrets Won on SteamGifts
about 4 hours
House of 1000 Doors: The Palm of Zoroaster Collector's Edition Won on SteamGifts
about 3 hours
I Am Bread
46% (16 of 35) about 5 hours
I Can't Escape: Darkness Won on SteamGifts
83% (10 of 12) about 5 hours
I Expect You To Die Favourites VR
90% (10 of 11) about 5 hours
I, Hope ABC Challenge 2019
about 2 hours
Jalopy Won on SteamGifts
44% (10 of 23) about 6 hours
Karaski: What Goes Up... ABC Challenge 2019
50% (23 of 46) about 4 hours
Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth Won on SteamGifts
95% (39 of 41) about 16 hours
Kingdom of Aurelia: Mystery of the Poisoned Dagger Won on SteamGifts
about 2 hours
Lacuna Won on SteamGifts
72% (18 of 25) about 5 hours
Lethe - Episode One Won on SteamGifts
78% (15 of 19) about 7 hours
Little Nightmares Favourites
54% (12 of 22) about 5 hours
Lost Chronicles of Zerzura ABC Challenge 2019 Won on SteamGifts
about 7 hours
Mad Games Tycoon Won on SteamGifts
79% (31 of 39) about 38 hours
Mages of Mystralia Favourites
93% (28 of 30) about 12 hours
Maize Favourites
about 4 hours
Mass Effect (2007) Favourites
about 27 hours
Metro 2033 Redux
35% (17 of 49) about 10 hours
Midnight Mysteries 4: Haunted Houdini Won on SteamGifts
44% (7 of 16) about 5 hours
Mini Ninjas Favourites Won on SteamGifts
about 9 hours
Moss Favourites VR
94% (36 of 38) about 6 hours
Munin ABC Challenge 2019 Won on SteamGifts
94% (17 of 18) about 11 hours
My Time at Portia Favourites
89% (81 of 91) about 191 hours
Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) Won on SteamGifts
78% (15 of 19) about 5 hours
Nightmares from the Deep 2: The Siren's Call Won on SteamGifts
89% (26 of 29) about 4 hours
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart Won on SteamGifts
60% (9 of 15) about 3 hours
No Man's Sky Favourites VR
92% (25 of 27) about 268 hours
Nostradamus: The Last Prophecy Won on SteamGifts
about 5 hours
Observer ABC Challenge 2019
78% (15 of 19) about 9 hours
Old Man's Journey
about 2 hours
OPUS: The Day We Found Earth
90% (28 of 31) about 2 hours
70% (19 of 27) about 5 hours
Orwell: Ignorance is Strength Won on SteamGifts
63% (12 of 19) about 5 hours
85% (12 of 14) about 15 hours
61% (8 of 13) about 5 hours
Paratopic Won on SteamGifts
90% (18 of 20) about 2 hours
PC Building Simulator Won on SteamGifts
71% (67 of 94) about 91 hours
Pillars of Eternity
50% (24 of 48) about 74 hours
Pixel Puzzles Ultimate Jigsaw Puzzles
3% (75 of 3016) about 24 hours
Pixel Puzzles: UndeadZ Won on SteamGifts
90% (27 of 30) about 8 hours
Plague Inc: Evolved
29% (67 of 234) about 11 hours
Pony Island
85% (17 of 20) about 3 hours
74% (43 of 58) about 33 hours
Project Warlock Won on SteamGifts
90% (18 of 20) about 10 hours
Psychonauts Favourites
46% (17 of 37) about 20 hours
Puzzle Agent Won on SteamGifts
about 4 hours
Puzzle Agent 2 Won on SteamGifts
96% (50 of 52) about 3 hours
Q.U.B.E. 2
49% (14 of 29) about 7 hours
Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut
48% (25 of 53) about 4 hours
Quarantine Circular
77% (14 of 18) about 3 hours
Reflection of Mine Won on SteamGifts
96% (27 of 28) about 14 hours
90% (9 of 10) about 1 hour
Renowned Explorers: International Society
58% (97 of 165) about 32 hours
Rhiannon: Curse of the Four Branches Won on SteamGifts
about 6 hours
Rise of the Tomb Raider
52% (75 of 143) about 35 hours
Robinson Crusoe and the Cursed Pirates Won on SteamGifts
about 3 hours
Rollers of the Realm ABC Challenge 2019 Won on SteamGifts
19% (6 of 32) about 5 hours
Rover Mechanic Simulator Won on SteamGifts
76% (23 of 30) about 8 hours
Sakura Angels Won on SteamGifts
about 2 hours
Sakura Space
about 2 hours
Sakura Spirit Won on SteamGifts
about 2 hours
Scrap Garden - The Day Before
90% (19 of 21) about 1 hour
88% (30 of 34) about 8 hours
39 minutes
Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter
18% (12 of 70) about 20 hours
Shadow Warrior
73% (68 of 92) about 21 hours
95% (23 of 24) about 7 hours
Sins Of The Demon RPG Won on SteamGifts
55% (5 of 9) about 7 hours
Soulless: Ray Of Hope Won on SteamGifts
37% (4 of 11) about 2 hours
STAR WARS™ Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast™ Won on SteamGifts
about 14 hours
Stardew Valley Deck Verified
59% (29 of 49) about 124 hours
Still There
86% (20 of 23) about 4 hours
Sudeki Won on SteamGifts
about 23 hours
SUPERHOT Favourites
53% (14 of 26) about 4 hours
57% (15 of 26) about 2 hours
Superliminal Favourites
77% (21 of 27) about 8 hours
Syberia 2 Won on SteamGifts
about 5 hours
The 7th Guest Won on SteamGifts
about 5 hours
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit
about 2 hours
The Beginner's Guide
about 1 hour
The Deer
23 minutes
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Favourites
82% (62 of 75) about 206 hours
The Emerald Maiden: Symphony of Dreams Won on SteamGifts
76% (10 of 13) about 3 hours
The Fall
70% (12 of 17) about 3 hours
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Won on SteamGifts
78% (75 of 95) about 22 hours
The Journey Down: Chapter One Favourites
about 3 hours
The Journey Down: Chapter Three ABC Challenge 2019 Favourites
about 3 hours
The Journey Down: Chapter Two Favourites Won on SteamGifts
about 3 hours
The Mooseman
66% (10 of 15) about 2 hours
The Other Half Won on SteamGifts
about 2 hours
The Secret of Tremendous Corporation
38 minutes
The Sexy Brutale
83% (15 of 18) about 9 hours
The Stanley Parable
80% (8 of 10) about 2 hours
The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe
72% (8 of 11) about 3 hours
The Talos Principle VR ABC Challenge 2019 VR
97% (39 of 40) about 45 hours
The Tiny Bang Story
about 3 hours
The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day
96% (31 of 32) about 3 hours
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
25% (13 of 54) about 5 hours
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Favourites
about 52 hours
Time Lock VR 1 VR
about 1 hour
Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers
81% (43 of 53) about 7 hours
Tomb Raider
32% (16 of 50) about 12 hours
Train Station Renovation
68% (50 of 73) about 16 hours
Train Valley
87% (34 of 39) about 17 hours
Train Valley 2 Won on SteamGifts
53% (56 of 104) about 30 hours
Turbo Pug DX
62% (17 of 27) about 3 hours
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion Won on SteamGifts
97% (36 of 37) about 3 hours
Victor Vran Won on SteamGifts
33% (29 of 90) about 18 hours
Weird Park Trilogy Won on SteamGifts
about 10 hours
Wick ABC Challenge 2019 Won on SteamGifts
91% (34 of 37) about 9 hours
Wolfenstein: The New Order
96% (48 of 50) about 21 hours
Woodle Tree Adventures Won on SteamGifts
62% (5 of 8) about 1 hour
Yesterday ABC Challenge 2019
about 3 hours
Yesterday Origins
69% (25 of 36) about 6 hours