Shiro’s profile
Le update
Well, it’s been a while. And I haven’t even finished that much! I keep getting stuck playing those same games over and over again.
stares at Overwatch, Black Desert online, PUBG, Killing Floor 2, Path of Exile and some other games.
Nonetheless, since I just updated my lists, I thought I’d mention them in a post, for archiving reasons!
All games that have been marked as beaten or finished since my last post:
Not much to say here. Beat this game with a friend and had a blast. It took us a long time to finish the game though. It’s not a game you can play for a long time in one session. The game is hard, challenging, but simply a lot of fun. I’d definitely recommend this game to anyone who likes a challenge and has a friend to play this with. I wouldn’t recommend playing it solo, as it’s not nearly as much fun.
DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die Edition
Well, after a loooong time of playing and playing on and off a lot due to the difficulty of the game, I’ve finally managed to beat the game! Personally I find this the best Dark Souls and I’d definitely recommend it to people who, again, like a challenge and don’t mind dying a lot. This game isn’t quite as “funny” as Broforce, but this game just gives you a lot of satisfaction if you manage to kill that hard to kill boss or get past this super annoying area etc. etc.
Had a lot of fun, and I might actually do another playthrough of this game later, simply because I just think it’s a lot of fun.
Funny thing. I actually have 2 saves, and the one that beat the game has the least playtime… See screenshot :D

Dreaming Sarah
Been quite a while since I last played this game. Can’t say much anymore about the story, but I CAN say that I recommend this game. It was a nice looking game and I recall really enjoying the game when I played it. It has a few puzzles but they were all pretty simple. Its not too long to complete so if you have it, I’d definitely say to you… “Go beat it! o/”.
Hero Siege
Not much to say here. I’ve loved this game since I got this game. Very simple game. It’s a buggy piece of crap, but I still love playing it with friends. Very simple top-down-ish view where you just level up your character, destroy monsters, level up, find gear and just keep fighting more and more (pretty much over and over again) until you beat all bosses. I’d recommend this one as well for anyone looking for a cheap co-op game. Ofcourse, it has to be your kind of game, but personally I really love this game. If only I had more people to play it with :)
I still haven’t beat all difficulties, but hey. Beat normal and hard! I think it’s enough to mark it as beaten!
Ibb & Obb
Another game that I’ve -almost- beat before but never actually got around to finishing. I ended up finishing it with a friend, and then played it through with another friend! So, beat it twice! I tried going for the 100% but some of the achievements are just too grindy for me. So no 100% for me!
Still though, I’d really recommend this game to others. This game might look childish but do not be fooled. This game is HARD. You need to basically just work together (it’s a 2 person game) to solve puzzles. And most puzzles only have 1 (sometimes 2) ways to be solved. This game will definitely require you to think hard at some points. Personally had a lot of fun playing this game and I think that if you’re into puzzles (or maybe even if you’re not) and like playing co-op, this game is great for you! I do recommend using voice chat though, since there’s no text chat in the game, so communication would be a bit hard without voice :D

Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series
(SG win)
This is one of my most recent wins and plays. Won this game and got right into it. This game was really nice to play since I’ve seen every episode of Game of Thrones. A lot of things in this game make me remember things that happened in the show. The nice thing in this game is though, that you don’t follow the main characters of the tv show, you follow people that are barely ever shown in the actual show. It’s pretty cool to be able to see how the events of the show affect this other family that you follow in the game. I did however feel like the game was a tad long and it did start becoming a drag to finish near the end, but I was really glad I finished it when I did. I’d recommend it if you like(d) Game of Thrones!
Sisters in hotel
Got this game off of a key-drop somewhere, and since I got it, I decided to just play it. Holy shit. This game is really just made for the achievements. You need to AFK this game for a long time simply to get all achievements. Someone recommended me to simply AFK it for the achievements and not play it at all. Well, I wanted to at least play the game. Not only was the story absolutely shit, it bugged out for me on at least 3 occassions (getting me stuck in the game for one reason or another) and finally the English was horrendous at some points in the game. Definitely would not recommend this game, unless you just want the 7143 achievements this game gives you… In that case, have fun idling the game, considering beating the actual story took me less than 30 minutes if I remember it correctly.
The Wolf Among Us
(SG win)
Got challenged to play this game over some thread on SG. Played the game, beat the game, enjoyed the game. Not much to say here. It’s a very nice game with a very funky story. If you like the telltales you should play this. Very unique style that really works for the game. I’d recommend! o/
Jurassic Park: The Game
(SG win)
Not as fun as I thought it’d be. Game looks pretty good, and the story is alright. I feel like most of the time I was just watching a movie with some minimal interaction though. And then at some point you’d just randomly have to do quicktime events, which sometimes came at not-so-very-predictable times when I didn’t have my hands on my keyboard. The game also isn’t that well made, considering you can just “cheese” all quicktime events by tapping the W, A, S and D keys simultaneously over and over again. Wouldn’t really recommend it unless you’re a big fan of Jurassic Park.
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst
(SG win)
What can I say? Another game I didn’t quite enjoy as much as I thought I would. The game is pretty cool as in you get to fight some of the cooler fights in the Naruto (shippuden) universe. As I’ve already seen the anime, I’ve personally skipped all the cutscenes since I’ve seen it all before and it just took a long time to watch it all again in the game, where they showed nothing new I hadn’t seen before. The fighting wasn’t quite as challenging as I thought it’d be (I even took the “harder” option everytime I did a boss and got a choice between two difficulties), which was a tad disappointing. Some battles were still very cool to do though. If you have it, I’d recommend you play it. That is, if you like Naruto. Not too long to beat if you skip all cutscenes as I did. Only 6 hours! \o/
New kind of adventure
(SG win)
Well, then. THIS game……
Okay, let me tell you a story first. :P
Basically, I was joining gibs on SG through the wishlist and recommended tab. Joined all of the gibs I wanted to join and ended up going back to the main page. Ofcourse, all the regular giveaways were scrolling by there. I see the soonest-to-end giveaway being some weird purple guy and a girl with pretty bad looking polygons. My interest was peaked, and since the giveaway was only running for another 10 seconds, I decided to just hit that enter button! Guess what…? 10 seconds later I’m the proud winner of THIS game…
When I joined the giveaway and I saw the image, I simply thought “This looks SO bad, I kind of want to try this out. See how bad it really is.”
Well, I can tell you. It is REALLY bad. This game has no content except for running around in a mini-world and being able to play a flute and pick up strawberries. It looks like a more was planned, but none of it was (or probably ever will be) implemented. This game is horrible. If it wasn’t an SG win I’d probably even remove this from my library. This game is absolutely horrendous. Not worth anyone’s money and I’m sad the developer ever got money for this sack of shit. This is something a random Unity developer could make in about 30 minutes. How and why did this ever get in the Steam Store?
Nonetheless. Since I’ve done everything there is to do in the game, which is simply play a flute and pick up strawberries (I’ve even went as far as to explore out of bounds, but I just fell off the world), I’ve decided to mark it as “completed”.
Le outro
Well, that’s it! All that I’ve beaten in the past 11 months. Not that much, again, keep getting pulled back into playing the same fun games over and over again. I do hope I get to beat a few more games soon-ish though! We’ll see!
But for now…
crawls back into a hole
Anyways, have a good one and good luck fighting your backlogs everyone! \o/
May you have more progress than me! :3
Wow, that was a pretty long post, that took longer than I thought it would >:O
Oh, also, please excuse me if I made any typo’s or mistakes. It’s 1 am and I’m about to head to bed :)
Le update
Again, I keep getting stuck to playing the same games over again that I tend to get back to. Been playing a lot of Rocket League lately, and even got into a modded Minecraft server again. Been playing that a lot and there hasn’t been a lot of time to play other games. I have finished 1 or 2 games though! Mostly just played ‘em for the 100% though.
A Wild Catgirl Appears!
(SG win)
I had been trying to win this one for quite some time on SG just because the title intrigued me. I wanted to get into playing it, and ended up finally doing that a week ago or so. When I started the game someone immediately messaged me telling me the game was pretty shit, so, already kinda demotivated, I got into the game…
Now, I started playing the game, standard Visual Novel it seemed at first, but I seemed to be pretty wrong about that. The drawing-style wasn’t really to my liking and the story seemed very rushed. I think after about 5 minutes of not really liking what I saw, I gave up on the game and I just put it on “skip” mode to skip through all the dialogue and get the achievements as fast as I could.
I had wanted to at least finish one playthrough normally, but the game style just really didn’t appeal to me at all. Didn’t take me that long to 100% it after that. Although, the guide I followed to 100% it was flawed. Some information was wrong, so I had to do like 3 extra runs to get it right.
I definitely would not recommend this game. I mean.. If you have it, go right ahead and start it and go for the quick 100%, but the game itself is not worth it in my opinion.
Also, most of my playtime is from idling. 100%ing the game only took me 0.3 hour.

Got this one from one of those GreenManGaming random game box thingies. As mentioned in my last post, I had given it a try, but the game was harder than expected. There’s 5 achievements, all skill based. It’s just “Get 10 points”, “Get 20 points” up to 50 points. After a bit more practice (and patience, something I usually lack) I managed to finish the game. I mean.. The game wasn’t that bad, it was better than I had expected it to be. I mean.. It was fun for about 30 minutes? Which isn’t too bad, considering the developer’s intentions for the game.
As for the game itself, it seemed to get laggier the further in you get. Every 10 points you get, the thingie starts spinning faster and it gets harder. But, beyond the 30 points I was just constantly lagging and it was hard to play. Not really that good. Also, the game has only that 1 thing you can do and really doesn’t have any variations (except for some epilepsy mode that you really don’t want to play unless you hate yourself a LOT). Replayability is close to zero for me. There is a leaderboard, but it would require immense practive to get high up on it, and there really is no point imo.
I would not recommend the game. Not for the easy 100% (since it isn’t that easy and can get quite frustrating) and not for the game itself. As I mentioned, it can be fun for about 30 minutes, but the game is just very lacking in all aspects. And it even lags for me! On a decent gaming setup!
This one also has cards, so about 2 hours of my playtime is idling time. I think finishing the game took me about 1.5 hour.

Le outro
Not sure if there’s any more to say. I haven’t been feeling like playing many games lately, just been going to the standards. If anyone would be up for playing any co-op game (that I’ve played or not) I’d love to do that though! Co-op is always fun! Just let me know! Or not!
Anyways, have a good one and good luck fighting your backlogs everyone! \o/ May you have more progress than me! :3
Le update
Since the last post not much has happened. I’ve actually just bought more games since then. I’ve bought the Fallout Classics collection, The Stanley Parable and Torchlight. I’ve also bought a few random bundles from GMG and got like 7 more games or so!
So yeah, not much finishing, and lots more adding to the backlog!
Now for the games I’ve beat… (kind of)
The Stanley Parable
A game I’ve played before but never owned. Bought it first day of the sale. It’s as great as I remember. I’ve played through many many endings already. Finished it several times. Marked it as beat.
As for the game itself, I would recommend it to most people. It’s a narrative based game where you keep having to make choices. Every choice has an impact on the story. You do need to play this game for the story though, there is nothing else in the game really. The game is great for a good laugh!

Rocket League
A game that was gifted to me by a friend a long time so we could play it together. I’ve played the game for over 130 hours by now. I managed to earn all the “base game” achievements. Since I don’t own any of the dlc and am not planning on getting it, I’ve decided to finally mark the game as beat. Ofcourse, I will still be playing this game more. It’s a great game when I’m bored and just want to play something.
As for the game, again, it’s a game I would recommend to most people. It can be a lot of fun, but you do need to be able to get those first 25 hours in while being completely shit. I’ve met a lot of people who never play the game because they’re “bad at it”. Everyone is bad at it in the beginning! Play the game! Learn the game! Become the game! Uhh.. Wait, what? I mean… Just play it, get better and eventually you’ll start to enjoy it! It’s great fun with friends! And can be fun to play alone sometimes too!

Le outro
Now, apart from buying and beating Stanley Parable and noticing that I’ve actually “beat” Rocket League, there’s not much that has changed since the last update. I mean… I’ve tried getting into Darksiders and Cook, Serve, Delicious. I quite liked Darksiders, but it’s one of those games I do like, but after closing it once, I never feel like getting back to it. As for Cook, Serve, Delicious. I played for about 6 days and I suppose it was fun, but I can’t imagine having to beat the game. It’s already starting to become a bit of a drag, let alone having to do another 14 days just to get to a 1 star restaurant! And then another 80 days to get to 5 star!
I’ve also started playing Freebie, since I thought it would be easy to 100% it. I was wrong. I managed to get 3 out of 5 achievements in about an hours playtime. Might get back to it to try and 100% it, but it’s quite frustrating to try and get it to 100%. It’s entirely skill-based.
As for the list of suggested games that I was working on, I might get back to it later, but for now I just don’t feel like playing those. I’m in one of those moods the last few days (2 weeks actually) where I want to play games, but I just don’t really feel like anything.
Anyways, thanks for reading and have a good one!
And ofcourse, if you have any co-op games or multiplayer games and you’re in need of a partner, I’m always up for it!
Hmm, maybe I should make my posts shorter. There’s a lot of text there for not a lot of information :3
Le new intro
Since the last post I’ve only finished 2 games. I’ve finished Tengami and The Banner Saga. I’ve also tried getting into Dracula 4 & 5. Here’s the update on how things went.
Tengami is a very short game. Only took me about 1 hour to 100% it. It has a really nice vibe to it, the atmosphere is very nice and the music really fits too. The game feels like you’re playing a book. Every time the map switches it’s as though you go to a new page. The character is a flat character, just like in Paper Mario, where your character just “flips” as you change direction. It has a very nice and authentic feel to it. As for the puzzles in the game, they were all pretty easy. None of them really took too much effort, except for some backtracking in one or two of them. Nice and quick 100% :)
The Banner Saga
(SG win)
Now, this is a game that was both better and worse than I had expected it to be. When I joined giveaways for this game, I was mostly impressed by the visuals of the game. The visuals of this game are indeed, great. It looks very nice and that really helps in me liking the game more.
The reason it ended up being better than I had expected it to be is that the game actually has a lot of nice mechanics that I had not expected it to have before. The idea is that you have a big group of people with you and you travel the land. Now, as you travel you need to not only fight any enemies along the way, or help any people that need your help, you need to also make sure that you always have enough provisions for your people. If you do not have enough provisions to feed the people, they will start leaving. If you do not have enough people, you will start having trouble fighting the enemies, due to them outnumbering you, thus giving you a disadvantage. The fact that you need not only care for yourself, but also for your group of people really adds that little extra to the game for me. You travel with a big band of people, of which you have a few that are able to join your own combat party. Those people all have their own story and you can choose wheter you use them or not. Now another thing I really liked is that when playing this game you learn more and more about the people you are with (if you choose to) and it’s nice to get to see some backstory on them. It’s not too much, but it was still enough for me to not want to lose them.
The reason the game ended up being worse than I had expected is due to the combat mechanics. This is mainly because it is not really a style that I like. When I play games I try to stay away from the “Turn based combat”. Now, this game definitely does have turn based combat. This is mostly a personal preference though. As for people who do not mind turn based combat, this is probably not as much of an issue. The turn based combat has some nice mechanics to it. It’s got, ofcourse, the standard: “One of mine, one of yours” effect. By which I mean that there’s a queue of whose turn it is when. First it’s one of my character’s turns, then one of the enemies, then one of mine, then one of the enemies etc.. All characters can either attack the armor of the enemy or the health of the enemy. The more armor the enemy has, the smaller the chance you’ll deal good damage to the health. You can also use “Will” to use special attacks or just to deal a bit more damage to your normal attacks. The combat mechanics work pretty well and the battles weren’t too hard. Although, sometimes there were some enemies who just did a blatant amount of damage, usually you could still manage to fight them and kill them though. I think I’ve only lost like 1 or 2 battles in the entire game (I did play on easy though, since I dislike the turn-based combat and didn’t want that to be a thing to get stuck on).
One thing I’d like to note though is that the “will” mechanic wasn’t properly explained (to my knowledge). I only found out about the fact that you can use will to deal more damage in your attacks about 80% into the game. It made combat a lot easier when I figured it out. At first I thought you simply did more damage if you had more will remaining, but this didn’t seem to be the case.
Another thing that sometimes got on my nerves were the “events” while travelling. Sometimes when travelling some events would pop up and you need to make a choice. The choice is usually something like “Save the people”, “Save the food” or “Don’t do anything”. The idea is that saving the people or saving the food would cost you more time. Saving the people would increase morale, where saving the food would make you have more food to get through the journey (and thus lowering the chance you run out of food and lose people). Not doing anything on the other hand means you can keep travelling and won’t have to waste any time, but people will get sad about losing people and food and thus morale goes down. These events can sometimes really be a bitch. I’ve had one take away about 90% of my food stocks after just spending everything I had on buying it.
Overall I did really enjoy playing the game. The mechanics and the looks together really made it a nice game and the combat wasn’t as bad as I had thought it’d be (although I still didn’t like it).
Dracula 4 and 5 - Special Steam Edition
Soo, I was actually planning on playing this game, but when reading the reviews of the game and actually trying it out, I’ve decided not to do it. The reviews I’ve read on steam all seem to mention that the “Special Steam Edition” is like the actual game, but with lots and lots of pieces cut out of it. This definitely doesn’t seem like that’s a good thing. Now, apart from the game not being “complete” it’s one of those point and click, gather items and solve puzzles kind of games. These kind of games are really not my kind of game. I’ve tried giving it a shot and I got through the first room before I already thought it was a drag. I know that if I don’t mark this as “Won’t Play” and need to force myself to play this game that it’d just make me put it off over and over again so I won’t have to get to it since I really don’t feel like it. For this reason I have decided to just… Not do it and mark is as “Won’t Play”. Maybe the fact that the game doesn’t even have achievements doesn’t help the matter neither. Anyways. Sorry for the one that requested it! It’s just not for me!
Le outro
Not sure if I’ll be having a lot of gaming time upcoming week. Got an exam I’ve got to learn for thursday, so I should spend some time on that. I’ll still be playing some games ofcourse.
And again, list of the games I’ll be playing next in the correct order:
37 minutes playtime
0 of 43 achievements
Adventures of Shuggy
0 minutes playtime
0 of 13 achievements
Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut
4 hours playtime
0 of 60 achievements
Year Walk
0 minutes playtime
0 of 10 achievements
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
5 hours playtime
no achievements
Cook, Serve, Delicious!
3 hours playtime
0 of 52 achievements
Wallace & Gromit Ep 1: Fright of the Bumblebees
0 minutes playtime
no achievements
Le intro again
Soo, about 3 days ago I made a cry for help to you guys to give me some suggestions for games to play. Now, in the meantime I’ve beat 4 of them, so I guess it’s about time to make another post! So, here ya go! Thanks everyone for the suggestions!
Bioshock (1)
Soo, since the remastered version was out, I decided to just go with that, since it has cheevo’s and the original doesn’t. I started a new game, and ended up quite liking the game. It was very good looking and had nice gameplay. Definitely a good recommendation, and I definitely recommend it to others too!
One thing though, I do suggest that if you play it, you play the non-remastered version. I was told beforehand that the remastered version would have bugs, but I did not expect what I ran in to. Everytime I tried to change my powers in the gene-bank I’d crash if I’d stay in that menu for longer than 15 seconds. This has been at least 10 crashes for me. Apart from those crashes I’ve had 2 random crashes while actually not doing anything too. All these crashes together must’ve made me take at least 1 hour longer than it should’ve for me to finish. I suggest saving a lot IF you do decide to play the remastered version :)
I’ve also decided to mark the non-remastered version of Bioshock (1) as beaten. I mean.. It’s not like I’m going back to it, and I’ve seen the entire story. Please tell me if this is not allowed? :3
Now, this is one I ended up quite liking, even though I did not expect it. It seemed like a very repetetive platformer where you die a lot. I mean, yeah, I did die a lot, but it wasn’t nearly as repetetive as I thought. It ended up not being too much of a grind. I’ve finished it in only 2.1 hours. Ofcourse, this is only beating it. I kind of wanted to give the super gravitron a try, but to get to that you need to go ahead and get all collectibles first, which… Is just not possible for me. Some of them were at such hard to reach places that I just couldn’t (I tried like 30 minutes on one of em).
I am a tad disappointed that I’ve finished the game and only got 1 achievement!
Anyways, another game that I would recommend others to play. Thanks for the suggestion!
Jurassic Park: The Game
(SG win)
Now, this game was less than I had expected it to be. When I was joining giveaways of this game I was expecting something more like other telltale games. Like The Walking Dead or The Wolf Among Us. I was a tad disappointed when I found out it’s kind of just like a movie where you can sometimes do quicktime events and choose what the people say (which as far as I know, barely matters). I think it only matters what you say if you’re going for the achievements, which I didn’t. As I myself am not a big fan of quicktime events, and this was about 60% of the game, this game was not as enjoyable for me as I had hoped.
Not to say, that I did not enjoy the game, because I did. Omg. There were some moments I was literally laughing out loud in front of my computer. The ways people died were sometimes quite comical. It is just a shame there were as many quicktime events as there were and that my choices had so little effect.
Anyways, thanks for the suggestion! Another one off the list!
A relatively short game with a very nice atmosphere. The entire game is black and white and you’re constantly solving puzzles to proceed in the world. I really liked the looks and the atmosphere of the game. At the beginning of the game the puzzles are quite easy and it keeps getting harder (obviously).
Overall I quite liked the game. The puzzles were challenging, but not too challenging. I’ve never actually been stuck somewhere for over 10 minutes, which is good. I still had to actually think and try stuff to actually finish the puzzles though.
One thing that did get on my nerves was that sometimes, I’d mess up a puzzle RIGHT at the end (sometimes even 2-3 times) and then I’d have to do the entire puzzle from the start again (checkpoint). The checkpoints are, at times, a tad too far back in my opinion.
Finally I would like to say that, yes, I did like the game. Howeeeveeerrrr, the game (even though it only took like 3 hours to complete) started being a big grind to me. In the game, about halfway through, a certain thing happened and I thought I was finally done. The game actually kept going beyond that point though, and from there on it just got worse and worse. It’s not that it was boring, just that it was a grind. I thought I was getting close to the end, so I was expecting the end after about every puzzle I did. Everytime I finished a puzzle and it did not end up being the end, I was let down. This kept going for about half the game, which just made it feel like a huge grind to me.
Overall I did like the game, although I think it would have been better if it had been a lot shorter. The very least they could do is remove that event halfway through the game that made it feel like I was close to the end.
Thanks for the suggestion though! Another one off the list!
Le outro
And again, thanks everyone for the suggestions! I still have quite a few to go! I probably won’t have as much gaming time next week as I hope, so I’m not sure how many I’ll be able to finish, but I’ll definitely try to get a few! Thanks again!
And for the people who are interested, here’s a list of the next few games I’ll be playing in the order I’ll be playing them!
0 minutes playtime
0 of 4 achievements
The Banner Saga
3 hours playtime
1 of 39 achievements
Dracula 4 and 5 - Special Steam Edition
0 minutes playtime
no achievements
37 minutes playtime
0 of 43 achievements
Adventures of Shuggy
0 minutes playtime
0 of 13 achievements
Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut
4 hours playtime
0 of 60 achievements
Year Walk
0 minutes playtime
0 of 10 achievements
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
5 hours playtime
no achievements
Cook, Serve, Delicious!
3 hours playtime
0 of 52 achievements
Wallace & Gromit Ep 1: Fright of the Bumblebees
0 minutes playtime
no achievements
A cry for help
Sooo, I kind of made a post a few hours ago, stating my progress in the past few months (yes months, it’s quite a timespan).
Anyways, I just realized that I didn’t make any plans on what to play next. Sure, I will just be playing multiplayer/co-op games as usual, but I suppose I should set some goal or at least have a game to work on next. Soooo, I’ll take suggestions! If you have some time, I would like to hear a suggestion. Please keep it to 1 suggestion per person, so I know it’s the best game you can think of (in my backlog)! I’ll try and work through them in the order they were suggested!
Thanks for your time, and have a good one!
Here! Have a cat for motivation! And a link to my games list!
Le intro
Soo, ‘tis been a while since I made a post! Longer than I had imagined!
In the meantime however, I’ve not played that many games. I’ve mostly been doing co-op games. It’s what I’ve been into lately, I really never feel like playing alone nowadays.
Trine 2
I’ve recently played this one co-op with someone. Took us about 2 days of playing to finish it. I really enjoyed playing the game, it has nice mechanics and it looks really pretty! We considered trying to 100% it, but it would just be a loooong grind that would take a lot of effort and frustration, so we decided against it :).
Resident Evil 5
(SG win)
I had previously played this game before on the Xbox360, but I really wanted it on PC so I could play it together with some friends. In the end, I did end up playing it with our dear Douglas. We we’re originally planning on 100%’ing the game and got pretty far, but then we found out most of the remaining achievements were hidden behind a dlc that would cost us about 15 euros (as much as the base game) so we decided to give up. We’ve beaten the game though!
I still really like this game. Many times have I played and finished the game, but it keeps being fun to play it!
Tokyo Hosto
(SG win)
Now this is one of those games that I mostly just finished because it was short and easy and because it was recommended to me by a steam friend. I’ve completely beat the game, and it only took me about 30 minutes. Quick one! It was, however, a lot more fun than I thought. It made me laugh out loud quite a few times!
Aozora Meikyuu
This is, yet another one of those “easy to complete” games. I’ve 100%’ed the game without actually playing it. The reason for this is that this game doesn’t actually interest me. I just got it from a bundle once, so I activated it.
Last days of spring
Another game that doesn’t really interest me. The artstyle really isn’t to my liking at all, and the story seemed very shallow. Only finished it for the 100%.
Nice little game. Very short and easy to 100%. A bit of a shame it had to take me about twice as long as it should’ve because I didn’t “stand still” at one spot long enough to get the achievement.
Last, but definitely not least. Starbound! I got this game waaaaaaaaaaaaay back when it was in Early Access. I really enjoyed it at the time, but they kept doing major overhauls and re-doing stuff that I had gotten used to. They made me make new characters/worlds every few days. It was quite annoying at the time. Between then and now I had tried to get back to it a few times, but every time there was a problem with it. Either extreme laggyness or just the fact that I couldn’t get myself to play more of it due to it feeling too much like it used to.
Now, a little while ago (months by now) the game was actually released! No more Early Access! A lot of people started playing it suddenly and some friends of mine had set up a server. So, I decided I’d give it a shot again! I played on the server (even though noone was ever there and it was just like singleplayer) and got through the entire questline and got the best stuff I could get in the game. Sounds like I beat it to me! A shame I haven’t gotten to actually co-op it with anyone, but ah well. It was a nice game! I really recommend it! Ofcourse, you need to be into open world building/survival games!
Since I was playing on a server though, I didn’t want to actually build a “base” on a planet so I did everything on my ship. I don’t like building something, knowing that it could just disappear just like that (when the server shuts down). Sooo, I tried making my ship as fancy as I could. It looked like this in the end:
Thanks for reading! And have a good one! o/
Oh, and if you have any co-op games that you need a partner for, and I own the game, hit me up? I’d love to play! o/
Soo, I just finished categorizing my games. Dang. Almost as many games unfinished as not started okay, not really, but it’s close.That’s just crazy.
I also completed Summer Sale, since I wanted it on my “completed” list. I should have already 100%ed the game before, but one of the achievements was bugged. So, I just reset my progress and got the actual 100%. Yay!
Just worked on categorizing my games for a bit. Spent about 30 minutes and I’m not even halfway yet D:
I need a small break now. I’ll continue later.
Seems like I’ve tried to play a lot of games though, but never finished them. Heck, There are barely any games I’ve actually finished. I guess my backlog does really need fighting :3
Soooo, I just joined and I’m still kinda new to this.
Not sure if it counts, but today I bought myself a new game that I’ve been wanting to play for quite some time, Pony Island. I had 3 euros in my steam wallet and it was on sale so I decided to just get it. Considering I had wanted to play it for a long time I decided to play it right away.
2 hours later I found myself staring at the end credits. I was a tad dissapointed that it was already finished after playing for just 2 hours, but I definitely enjoyed the 2 hours that I played. I think it was worth my money. Beware though, if you are interested in playing this game, it is a very odd and kind of a grim game.
Well, yay for my first game beaten since joining? :3
I also recorded my entire playthrough. If you are interested in getting the game, I suggest not watching it or only watching a little bit of it. The video can be seen here if anyone is interested:
Also, I am aware this isn’t part of the monthly theme. Is that required?
1092 | games (+84 not categorized yet) |
61% | never played |
29% | unfinished |
5% | beaten |
2% | completed |
3% | won't play |