3 January 2025 | S25E01
So I picked this up in order to reach Fallout Tactics later in the franchise for my A Journey Through Time challenge.
What can I say, this game's a classic I've never played before. The lore & the story, as well as the storytelling, are truly remarkable for 1997. I hated absolutely everything about the game mechanics so I followed a step-by-step guide just to get through it. Still a fantastic game for its time.

Are you planning to play Fallout 2? I think it kept the vibes from the first game, but is much grander in scope and scale. I do like it better, but it’s good to start with Fallout 1 first to get used to the game

I actually wanted to start Fallout 2 right away but it doesn’t start for me even though I tried all the fixes I could find online. As I don’t wanna miss the story I turned to watch Oxhorn’s playthrough on youtube instead :/

Oh, sorry to hear that! I played the GOG version and it ran without a glitch. It’s a long game but seriously, a palythrough should be enough. Particularly if Oxhorn covers side-quests and skip all the unnecessary loot hauls imposed by the weight limits hehe
Definitely part of RPG legacy. I can see how people today would fight elements of it, though.
I can see now why it is indeed part of RPG legacy but damn the mechanics are terrible, especially inventory management and combat (understandable though). If they were any better I would certainly love to do a low-int playthrough and other shenanigans
If you haven’t gotten around to playing Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura you should check it out. That’s a low INT game to end all low INT games, but is also jank incarnate that will get you to look favorably back on Fallout.
Haha, thanks, I’ll mark it down :)