Jaay Dee’s profile
damn I forgot to update in a long time!
Not much, besides “beating” crusader kings 2 by playing a game from start to finish, and beating hacknet, I only played and beat three other games: Arkham City was 100 percented, half life 2 was beaten, and new vegas main game was beaten, currently playing dlc stories. After that, backlog is clear
Happy playing!
Hey everybody, an update from me!
Beaten DX Human Revolution (tried the no alarm achievement but failed :( )
Beaten Grim Dawn, that was a big one, 20h ARPG, it was worth it
Beaten Aquanox and Poker NIght at the Inventory, old SG wins, beaten them due to an SG event, I have officially cleared {not all beaten, but all have been played some amount} all SG wins!
Next on the agenda are Hacknet and Crusader Kings II
Happy backlog killing
woooh finally a new post and this one’s a mouthful:
FINISHED: Outlast, Back to Bed, Psychonauts, Ticket to Ride, The Walking Dead S1, Brutal Legend, Dsitrust, Hitman (the two free episodes), Killer is Dead, Kingdom Classic, Mr Shifty (SG Win), Owlboy, The Darkness II,
STARTING: Crusader Kings II, Satellite Reign
Backlog would have been cleared if it weren’t for those pesky free games :D
Happy back log clearing!
Hey long time no see
little update:
finished Saints Row The Third, Orwell (SG Wins)
In the middle of: Outlast (I’m in the final stretch of the game); Back to Bed (final set of stages unlocked)
will start: Psychonauts, Ticket to Ride, The Walking Dead S1 (in the near future, before january probably)
cheers and good luck with your backlog!
Cleared some of my unfinished:
A Virus Named TOM - went on hiatus because it bored me /FINISHED/
Castle Crashers - -||- because it became too difficult for solo play /FINISHED/
GRID Autosport - -||- it became more of a chore playthrough than a fun one, and some of the disciplines are waaaay too difficult /On hiatus, too long, so little time/
Monaco - -||- can’t remember why I dropped it, but will definitely give it a chance /FINISHED/
Because I cleaned my never played list, I am now on my unfinished list:
A Virus Named TOM - went on hiatus because it bored me
Castle Crashers - -||- because it became too difficult for solo play
GRID Autosport - -||- it became more of a chore playthrough than a fun one, and some of the disciplines are waaaay too difficult
Monaco - -||- can’t remember why I dropped it, but will definitely give it a chance
Woooh, I am officially close to clearing my never played list! This was my progress this week:
Beaten Jotun, awesome game
I consider Fallout Shelter beaten, I got all the rooms, and done a substantial amount of quests
Beaten Ground Zeroes, was an unfinished game
Unfortunately had to mark Saints Row 2 as won’t play, as the game was jumping around with fps, and was not worth the hassle in my opinion.
For now the only game that is never played is a game that I got for owning Solarix, a game called Planet Ascyra Chronicles but it ain’t out yet.
Awesome site guys, good luck with your backlogs ;)
Got 3 items off my list:
It runs really badly on my pc, after going through three sets of races, I only farmed for cards, as it didn’t go over 20 fps
For now I like the game, but cannot find a full server, maybe will give it a chance again tomorrow, if there’s time
Pretty good metrodivania, liked it a lot, final boss was really cool and difficult at times
Next on my list will surely be Red Orchestra 2 MP, will se about others
Good luck with your backlog guys
Got several items off my list:
Steamworld Heist (beaten) awesome game
Given a try, but couldn’t go through it. (won’t play)
Dungeons 2
Minion Masters
Starpoint Gemini 2
Currently (still) playing
Fallout Shelter, trying to get to the point where I have unlocked and built all the rooms, have done a number of quests, before marking it as Beaten.
Next to play: definitely in July, will try out
Moto Racer 4
Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer
Saints Row 2
definitely waiting for the summer break
cheers guys
Got 3 items off my list:
Limbo (beaten)
Given Crazy Machines and its expansion a try, but couldn’t go through it. (won’t play)
Currently playing
Fallout Shelter, trying to get to the point where I have unlocked and built all the rooms, have done a number of quests, before marking it as Beaten.
Next to play: Maybe in June, definitely in July, will try out
Dungeons 2
Minion Masters
Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer
Saints Row 2
Starpoint Gemini 2
just waiting for the summer break
cheers guys
312 | games |
1% | never played |
2% | unfinished |
71% | beaten |
4% | completed |
22% | won't play |