Unfinished 208 games

Game Achievements Playtime
Alien Rage - Unlimited Won on SteamGifts
37% (18 of 49) about 4 hours
Alien Swarm
13% (8 of 66) about 5 hours
8% (4 of 52) 35 minutes
And Yet It Moves
10% (3 of 30) about 1 hour
Anodyne Won on SteamGifts
17% (1 of 6) about 1 hour
Anomaly Warzone Earth
10% (4 of 42) about 1 hour
about 2 hours
Antisquad Won on SteamGifts
2% (2 of 178) about 1 hour
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
? about 16 hours
Assassin's Creed® III Won on SteamGifts
about 7 hours
Bad Rats Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 13) about 2 hours
Batman™: Arkham Origins Blackgate - Deluxe Edition
7% (2 of 30) about 2 hours
BattleBlock Theater
14% (4 of 30) about 6 hours
BeamNG.drive Won on SteamGifts
? about 30 hours
Betrayer Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 21) about 3 hours
Beyond Good & Evil Won on SteamGifts
36 minutes
Blocks That Matter Won on SteamGifts
4% (1 of 32) about 2 hours
Borderlands 2
31% (23 of 75) about 30 hours
9% (1 of 12) 18 minutes
Broken Age Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 45) about 5 hours
Broken Sword 2 - the Smoking Mirror: Remastered (2010)
0% (0 of 27) about 2 hours
Brütal Legend
9% (5 of 59) about 5 hours
Bulletstorm Won on SteamGifts
about 1 hour
Bully: Scholarship Edition
about 2 hours
12% (2 of 18) about 1 hour
Cargo Commander
0% (0 of 19) about 1 hour
Cargo! - The quest for gravity Won on SteamGifts
20% (10 of 52) about 1 hour
Castle Crashers Won on SteamGifts
9% (1 of 12) about 2 hours
Castle of Illusion Won on SteamGifts
9% (1 of 12) 31 minutes
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Ultimate Edition
3% (1 of 47) about 1 hour
Chaos on Deponia Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 34) about 3 hours
Child of Light
about 1 hour
27% (4 of 15) about 1 hour
Cinderella Escape! R12 Won on SteamGifts
13% (1 of 8) 17 minutes
Cities: Skylines Won on SteamGifts
15% (18 of 127) about 20 hours
13% (1 of 8) about 1 hour
12% (2 of 18) about 2 hours
Collisions Won on SteamGifts
5% (1 of 24) about 3 hours
Contrast Won on SteamGifts
72% (16 of 22) about 3 hours
Critical Mass
4% (1 of 27) about 1 hour
Critter Crunch Won on SteamGifts
36% (5 of 14) about 2 hours
Crossbow Warrior - The Legend of William Tell Won on SteamGifts
25% (5 of 20) 25 minutes
DARK Won on SteamGifts
10% (3 of 31) about 2 hours
Dark Matter Won on SteamGifts
18% (3 of 17) about 1 hour
7% (1 of 16) about 1 hour
Dead Rising 2
2% (1 of 50) about 6 hours
Death Rally Won on SteamGifts
14% (12 of 87) 42 minutes
52% (10 of 19) about 6 hours
Depth Multiplayer Won on SteamGifts
5% (2 of 40) about 5 hours
Devil May Cry 4 Won on SteamGifts
about 1 hour
DiRT 3
about 2 hours
DiRT 3 Complete Edition
5% (3 of 60) about 2 hours
DiRT Rally
99% (169 of 170) about 147 hours
DiRT Showdown
15% (7 of 49) about 1 hour
Divinity II: Developer's Cut
about 1 hour
Don't Starve
about 1 hour
DOOM 3: BFG Edition Won on SteamGifts
4% (2 of 65) about 3 hours
Downwell Won on SteamGifts
10% (2 of 20) 22 minutes
Draw a Stickman: EPIC Won on SteamGifts
12% (6 of 52) about 1 hour
Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project
2 minutes
Dungeons of Dredmor Won on SteamGifts
? about 3 hours
0% (0 of 1) about 8 hours
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 100) about 5 hours
3% (1 of 47) 19 minutes
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
0% (0 of 29) about 1 hour
Eldritch Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 15) about 1 hour
Euro Truck Simulator 2
? about 30 hours
Exile's End Won on SteamGifts
46% (5 of 11) about 4 hours
Faerie Solitaire
60% (18 of 30) about 13 hours
Fallout 4
10% (8 of 84) about 8 hours
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon
about 5 hours
9% (1 of 12) about 1 hour
16% (3 of 19) about 4 hours
Foul Play Won on SteamGifts
34% (10 of 30) about 2 hours
Frozen Synapse Won on SteamGifts
44% (7 of 16) about 17 hours
Gas Guzzlers Extreme Won on SteamGifts
10% (10 of 105) about 1 hour
Ghostbusters: The Video Game Won on SteamGifts
about 1 hour
Giana Sisters 2D Won on SteamGifts
32% (16 of 51) about 1 hour
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams Won on SteamGifts
24% (6 of 25) about 4 hours
Goat Simulator Won on SteamGifts
8% (9 of 127) about 1 hour
Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition Beaten outside of Steam
0% (0 of 55) about 4 hours
GRID 2 Won on SteamGifts
2% (1 of 60) about 1 hour
about 1 hour
Grow Home Won on SteamGifts
8% (2 of 26) about 3 hours
Gun Monkeys Won on SteamGifts
25% (2 of 8) about 2 hours
5% (2 of 42) about 1 hour
Hamilton's Great Adventure
4% (1 of 26) about 1 hour
5 minutes
Hell Yeah! Won on SteamGifts
34% (4 of 12) about 2 hours
Hero Academy
14% (9 of 69) about 2 hours
0% (0 of 12) about 2 hours
Homefront Won on SteamGifts
9% (4 of 47) about 1 hour
Hotline Miami Won on SteamGifts
12% (4 of 35) about 5 hours
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Won on SteamGifts
11% (3 of 29) about 3 hours
Hydrophobia: Prophecy Won on SteamGifts
47% (6 of 13) about 2 hours
Inescapable Won on SteamGifts
about 1 hour
Intrusion 2
15% (2 of 14) about 1 hour
about 2 hours
Joe Danger Won on SteamGifts
5% (1 of 20) about 1 hour
Jotun: Valhalla Edition Won on SteamGifts
3% (1 of 36) about 1 hour
Just Cause 2
10% (5 of 50) about 5 hours
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™ Won on SteamGifts
14% (8 of 61) about 5 hours
Knock-knock Won on SteamGifts
6% (1 of 18) about 1 hour
L.A. Noire
68% (41 of 60) about 30 hours
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris Won on SteamGifts
18% (7 of 40) about 5 hours
Legend of Grimrock
5% (2 of 40) about 3 hours
LEGO® Batman™ 2: DC Super Heroes Won on SteamGifts
about 6 hours
LEGO® Jurassic World Won on SteamGifts
49% (24 of 49) about 29 hours
16% (2 of 13) about 4 hours
Lichdom: Battlemage Won on SteamGifts
11% (6 of 59) about 5 hours
Little Racers STREET
24% (10 of 43) about 2 hours
Lords of Xulima Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 15) about 9 hours
Lost Planet 3
0% (0 of 50) about 1 hour
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Won on SteamGifts
about 2 hours
LYNE Won on SteamGifts
7% (2 of 33) about 1 hour
MacGuffin's Curse
7% (1 of 15) about 1 hour
0% (0 of 12) about 2 hours
Madballs in...Babo: Invasion
6% (1 of 17) 37 minutes
Magrunner: Dark Pulse Won on SteamGifts
25% (6 of 24) about 1 hour
Mass Effect 2 (2010)
about 2 hours
Miasmata Won on SteamGifts
23% (6 of 27) about 2 hours
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
about 1 hour
Need for Speed: SHIFT Won on SteamGifts
about 2 hours
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
about 4 hours
Of Orcs And Men Won on SteamGifts
5% (2 of 45) about 1 hour
Offspring Fling! Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 10) about 2 hours
On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One Won on SteamGifts
9% (1 of 12) about 1 hour
Papers, Please Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 13) about 2 hours
17% (2 of 12) about 2 hours
Pillars of Eternity
0% (0 of 48) about 9 hours
Poker Night 2 Won on SteamGifts
6% (1 of 18) about 4 hours
Poker Night at the Inventory Won on SteamGifts
35% (7 of 20) about 1 hour
about 1 hour
Prototype 2
0% (0 of 43) 8 minutes
3% (1 of 37) about 3 hours
Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut
4% (2 of 53) 10 minutes
Rayman Origins Won on SteamGifts
about 1 hour
Receiver Won on SteamGifts
9 minutes
Red Faction: Armageddon Won on SteamGifts
6% (3 of 58) about 1 hour
Resident Evil Revelations 2
3% (1 of 43) about 4 hours
6% (7 of 123) about 1 hour
Risen 2 - Dark Waters
0% (0 of 49) about 2 hours
Risen 3 - Titan Lords
10% (5 of 50) about 2 hours
Road Redemption
4% (2 of 55) 39 minutes
Rogue Warrior
18% (8 of 45) about 1 hour
room13 Won on SteamGifts
6% (3 of 50) about 7 hours
Rune Classic Won on SteamGifts
11% (3 of 29) about 1 hour
4% (1 of 25) 10 minutes
Sacred 3
5% (2 of 45) about 4 hours
Saints Row 2 Won on SteamGifts
about 2 hours
34% (4 of 12) about 3 hours
Serious Sam 3: BFE
7% (4 of 62) about 5 hours
Shadow Warrior Won on SteamGifts
7% (6 of 92) about 1 hour
Shadowrun Returns Won on SteamGifts
about 4 hours
Shank 2
10% (2 of 20) about 4 hours
Shattered Planet
42% (29 of 70) about 3 hours
Shift 2 Unleashed Won on SteamGifts
about 4 hours
Sid Meier's Ace Patrol Won on SteamGifts
16% (8 of 52) about 2 hours
Sid Meier's Civilization V
5% (12 of 286) about 16 hours
Sine Mora
10% (1 of 10) about 1 hour
Snapshot Won on SteamGifts
12% (4 of 36) 25 minutes
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2 Multiplayer Won on SteamGifts
14% (5 of 36) about 4 hours
Solarix Won on SteamGifts
15% (3 of 20) about 6 hours
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Collection Multiplayer
6% (3 of 50) about 3 hours
Spelunky Won on SteamGifts
5% (1 of 20) about 2 hours
22% (3 of 14) about 2 hours
State of Decay
18% (8 of 46) about 3 hours
Stealth Bastard Deluxe Won on SteamGifts
8% (2 of 27) about 4 hours
Stick It To The Man!
0% (0 of 16) about 1 hour
4% (1 of 30) about 4 hours
Strike Suit Zero Won on SteamGifts
4% (1 of 27) about 1 hour
Sugar Cube: Bittersweet Factory Won on SteamGifts
10% (2 of 20) about 4 hours
Surgeon Simulator Won on SteamGifts
4% (4 of 123) about 4 hours
Sword of the Stars: The Pit Won on SteamGifts
9% (16 of 187) about 17 hours
System Shock 2
about 5 hours
Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Empire Won on SteamGifts
12% (2 of 18) about 10 hours
Take On Helicopters Won on SteamGifts
about 2 hours
The Banner Saga Won on SteamGifts
16% (6 of 39) about 3 hours
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II Won on SteamGifts
12% (7 of 63) about 4 hours
The Marvellous Miss Take Won on SteamGifts
37% (7 of 19) about 3 hours
The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom Won on SteamGifts
25% (3 of 12) 30 minutes
The Temporal Invasion Won on SteamGifts
17% (2 of 12) about 7 hours
The Witness Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 2) about 4 hours
They Bleed Pixels Won on SteamGifts
2% (3 of 150) about 5 hours
Thief Gold Won on SteamGifts
about 3 hours
This War of Mine Won on SteamGifts
? about 5 hours
about 1 hour
Titan Souls Won on SteamGifts
4% (1 of 27) 16 minutes
Toby: The Secret Mine Won on SteamGifts
40% (2 of 5) about 3 hours
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 Won on SteamGifts
about 2 hours
Torchlight II Won on SteamGifts
4% (4 of 119) about 2 hours
TrackMania² Canyon Won on SteamGifts
about 2 hours
Transistor Won on SteamGifts
7% (2 of 33) about 3 hours
Triple Town
40% (4 of 10) about 3 hours
Two Worlds II HD
0% (0 of 66) about 3 hours
Under the Ocean
8 minutes
Undertale Won on SteamGifts
about 5 hours
Valkyria Chronicles™ Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 20) about 7 hours
5% (1 of 20) about 2 hours
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - Anniversary Edition Won on SteamGifts
15% (9 of 60) about 3 hours
Wasteland 2 Won on SteamGifts
3% (1 of 46) about 15 hours
Wasteland Angel
25% (10 of 40) 14 minutes
Worms Crazy Golf
32% (9 of 29) 32 minutes
Worms Reloaded
2% (1 of 61) about 6 hours
Worms Revolution
15% (5 of 34) about 3 hours
8% (4 of 50) 26 minutes
Xotic Won on SteamGifts
40% (18 of 46) about 2 hours
Zeno Clash Won on SteamGifts
14% (3 of 22) about 6 hours