Just started playing Payday 2. It’s a lot of fun when you play with friends. Not so much when you play by yourself. The game could be a lot better, specifically if they took out all the micro-transactions. There is just so much potential in this type of game that isn’t being hit. I think it would be interesting if they added a game mode where some people are cops and others are robbers. Competitive gameplay would be amazing while beings cops trying to figure out where the robbers are trying to strike while the robbers come up with ways to fool the cops. As far as the game itself though, I love the fact that you can choose your heist. You have multiple different entries in which you can execute your plan. You can go guns blazing, stealth, and scope out your locations. Like I said, great ideas, just sometimes poor execution. My girlfriend and I have also been running into some bugs as well. All in all, I’ll give the game a 5/10. It’s still a lot of fun overall.
p.s my girlfriend is amazing and she taught me how to do all this (the banner and such.)
You might try the first Payday. I personally like it better, even though there’s only like 5 heists.
Thanks for the info. I’ll check it out.