For now checking out the site and of course as first goal beating or maybe completing all my steamgift wins.

Thanks! But man my backlog is just too big :D And it’s so full of totally useless games, at some point I got trapped in the mindset of “Oh, it’s a good deal, I wanna have it” - without even being really interested in the games I bought. Well, I’ve learned my lesson, or so I hope :D

Welcome to the site! There’s a very helpful site if you want to auto-generate neat looking review and game boxes to format your future posts if you so desire. Alternatively, looking at other people’s posts via inspect element and stealinglearning them is a great way to really customize your own post style.
There’s also several events on the site. Monthly Theme gives out a theme per month that you can pick games from your backlog that fits to participate. This month focuses on DLCs. Challenge Me lets other people pick 5 games from your backlog for you to play. This month’s just ended and the new one hasn’t came out yet so stay tuned for the new post. There’s also some long term events like ABC Challenge and a screenshot challenge which I can’t find the link for but does exist. xD
As for good deals, don’t we all do that? xP Discounts, bundles and sales are traps!!

Thank you, that’s very helpful! The code generator looks really neat.
This comment was deleted over 5 years ago.
Welcome and have fun fighting the ultimate backlog with us!! :D