December’s Gate 2023
If we don’t count the daily visits to Genshin Impact, this month has practically been for Baldur’s Gate 3. Game of the year!
118 hours and I still haven't decided to finish it, there's so much to see and so many ways to solve the problems that I can't stop experimenting (and constantly saving the game because… epic fails)! Love it!
Well, I’ve also been messing around a bit with RetroArch but only because I got the retro nostalgia 😅
Compared to November, when I played a lot of hours, this month has been more relaxed due to personal issues and because I’ve started drawing again.
Is Act III as bad as I’m hearing from some people (without spoilers)? I started the game a few days ago but am not kind of worried.
Also, I have RetroArch on my Steam Deck with the whole Retro Achievements. It’s really impressive how well those work, and it’s nice to have a sort of hub/record of your emulated games, too, and kind of like a Steam equivalent of community features for emulated games. Last year, I ended up playing a fan translation of the first Clock Tower game, some Harry Potter JRPGs that were on the GBC, Paper Mario, random stuff from when I was a kid (like 102 Dalmations lol).
I’m liking the third act. I have so many things to do and so many ways to find solutions that that’s where all my hours of play are going: to see how far I can go with my decisions.
And about RetroArch… What can I say, I’m the perfect victim as soon as I can play an SNES game 😅