Progress Report #13: May 2024
This is the month I notice that while my backlog overall regresses, my completions percentage has been increasing consistently. Guess BLAEO might be turning me into a game completionist, and I'm not too sure that's a good thing. :-)
Monthly tally - Backlog: 21, Yekhus: 5
Total play time: 35.5h
Completed or Beaten (5)
Animal Well
The Deed
DISTRAINT: Deluxe Edition
Martial Law
33 minutes playtime
6 of 6 achievements (not Steam)
1 hour playtime
6 of 18 achievements (not Steam)
Also Played (4)
A friend mentioned that they had never tried either of the Left 4 Dead games, so I recommended it for some play-time together. A great chance to revisit this great classic!.
I'm making slow progress on completing Patrick's Parabox, with bite-sized puzzler fixes here and there.
Also scrounged one session of Arx Fatalis (been trying fruitlessly to give it an earnest go for two months now), but immediately after, Animal Well appeared out of the blue to absorb me. Still intent on deep-diving Arx and finishing it, hopefully next month.
Added to collection (Steam) (9)
- Dave the Diver
- The Jackbox Party Pack 2 (SG giveaway)
- Classic Marathon (free)
- Machinika: Museum (freebie)
- Astra Ignota (free)
- Pinball FX (free)
- The WereCleaner (free)
- Quake II (SG giveaway)
- Mediterranea Inferno (IG giveaway)
Added to collection (GOG) (2)
- LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (pass)
- The Lullaby of Life (pass)
Added to collection (Epic) (7)
- Orcs Must Die! 3 (freebie)
- Cat Quest II (freebie)
- Circus Electrique (freebie)
- Electrician Simulator (pass)
- Dragon Age: Inquisition - GOTY Edition (freebie)
- Farming Simulator 22 (freebie)
- Bramble: The Mountain King (pass)
Added to collection (Other) (3)
- Dark City: International Intrigue (pass)
- Nine Witches: Family Disruption (pass)
- Spirits of Mystery: Whisper of the Past (pass)

Do you have Arx Libertatis installed with Arx Fatalis? It’s highly recommended on modern systems.

Yes, thankfully! It’s a must. Vanilla Arx Fatalis is way too clunky. Good tip!
Congratulations on all of your assassinations!! ᓚᘏᗢ
I see so many people playing Dave the Diver, I really should just give in and pick it up sometime soon.
Rip on becoming a completionist, it’s a path full of peril and exhaustion, but your stats look oh so pretty!!!!
Thank you, Zelrune, the cat master! :)
I got my sights on Dave the Diver when I loved the hell out of Dredge, and wanted more. Looking for games with similar vibes, I heard about D the D. I’ts on my shortlist of next games to play, so will see if it disappoints or not.