
July 2024

Huh, it’s been 5 month since the last post hasn’t it? I was meaning to post these more frequently and then shit happens as per usual. Medical issues, which lead to less time to game, which lead to less time to make posts. Hopefully i get to post these more often, but the medical stuff is far from over. I don’t want to end the beginning paragraph on a sad note however, so enjoy the last 5 months as i did :) (Also, nobody bothered telling me i still had the wrong year in the last post, shame on you :P)

Dead Rising 3

Dead Rising 3

16 hours playtime

Coming into DR3 i hadn’t really played any other DR game, and i gotta say, looks like i’ve been missing out. DR3 is absolutely superb, walking the fine line between too easy to have fun, and too difficult to not have any fun. You’ll have fun mowing down zombies like they’re nothing, but once you’re out on foot, brother, you better hope you got some stamina or some good crowd weapons. Then the goofy weapons, clothing and collectibles just add to the charm, and even if they aren’t all chuckle worthy, they at least never delve into cringy levels of design. Then there’s also the story which…. is there. It’s not exactly very good, but at least you can tell an attempt was made, and it never feels half-assed, even if the plot is a bit bad. It’s enough to keep you moving forward, and gives you something to work towards which is the least you’d want, and something some games seem to misunderstand.

To sum it all up, DR3 doesn’t overstay it’s welcome, and offers a fun experience that delivers for 100% of it’s runtime. It’s worth a buy for sure :)

Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion

Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion

6 hours playtime

Y’know, Turnip Boy is one of the best examples of what i want from an indie game, a short concise story, with solid gameplay that doesn’t take itself too seriously and knows perfectly what to do to keep the player engaged. I don’t want 60 hours of mediocrity, i want more of these 2 hour amazing experiences that are at their 100% all the way through.

In short, buy this game right now, it’s amazing.

Need for Speed™ Payback

Need for Speed™ Payback

18 hours playtime

So… Payback. When it launched it got hated for it’s speedcards system, but now? Honestly, it’s a pretty fun game. I had a good time, the driving’s fun and the campaign is long enough to give you stuff to do, but not too long to get boring. But of course, Payback is far from perfect, and it has some glaring issues. This includes: speedcards (Yes, they still suck), the reset system (janky as hell, and it never feels right) and the main gripe, the offroad physics. They are atrocious, and i never got used to them throughout the whole career. Your car understeers and oversteers depending on it’s mood, and some of the offroad races will literally turn you into the joker.

That being said. despite it’s shortcomings, it’s a good game. Definetly better than 2015. Play it if you got it, if you don’t buy it on sale, it’s fun :)



12 hours playtime

Lucius is a decently fun early 2010s puzzle game, the animations have not aged very well, but the overall presentation and graphics still look fine. The puzzles however… for the first part of the game they are fine, maybe even too easy, then the last few decide to go for the goofiest ever solutions, resulting in turning to a guide, or running around the house trying to figure out what to do. Still though, for the price, and for the length, Lucius is very much worth buying :)

Assemble with Care

Assemble with Care

1 hour playtime

Assemble with Care is one of those puzzle games where you get to zone out and chill as you solve some easy yet fun puzzles, and i have to say it executes that perfectly. It takes around an hour to complete, but you’re never bored during that hour, always tinkering with things and trying to fix them, and i love that (and genuinely want more of it). The only low point of it was the story which i just skipped for most of the game as it was quite uninteresting, but it doesn’t get in the way of the gameplay so it’s easily ignored.

Overall, well worth playing and buying, give it a go :)



21 minutes playtime

Antenna follows in the footsteps of games like Limbo and Inside, where the gameplay is pretty mediocre, but is entirely compensated by the vibes and beautiful art, and i’m happy to say, Antenna executes on that vision perfectly. For the entire 20 minutes the vibes are immaculate, the art great and the gameplay servicable. Definetly worth trying!

Genital Jousting

Genital Jousting

2 hours playtime

NOTE: I have only played the story mode.

For it’s price, Genital Jousting is a pretty solid offering, the story is an enjoyable playthrough with some chuckle worthy moments and enjoyable controls. It doesn’t overstay it’s welcome, nor does it push it’s jokes too hard which is great. Plus, there’s a whole multiplayer aspect which i did not bother with it, certainly worth buying :)

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Patches' Infurno

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Patches' Infurno

1 hour playtime

The 3rd and final part of Purrfect Apawcalypse is definetly the best part of the whole series. Even though it’s probably more linear than the other games, it feels a lot more open and the switch up from VN to point and click is really great and adds some fresh air to the gameplay. The art as always is superb and there were even some funny jokes in the mix. I think out of the 3, this one is the one most worth playing, but again i wouldn’t say the game is particularly amazing, it’s just plain nice, and you’d have to go through 2 mediocre games to fully get the story in this one. So you’re not missing out on much, but if you already have it in your library and don’t mind some short mediocre games, i’d suggest giving the series a try.

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Purrgatory Furever

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Purrgatory Furever

1 hour playtime

Part 2 of Purrfect Apawcalypse is definetly an improvement over the first game, though it does feel more linear compared to it. In the end though, i think it still falls into the same pitfalls as the same game. The runtime is similar, and while the story is more interesting, it’s still not really great. The art is once again superb, but the game’s just extremely forgettable. Again, i’d have to say, not bad, not good, just plain mediocre. It’s fine to play, but you won’t miss out on anything by not trying it.

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Love at Furst Bite

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Love at Furst Bite

1 hour playtime

Sooo…. Purrfect Apawcalypse. It’s a game, it has really lovely art, and that’s the best i can say. It’s not bad per se, just very mediocre and short, nothing really funny or interesting happens, and you get an hour or two worth of gameplay for the price. It’s plain ok, maybe worth buying on sale, but you aren’t missing out on anything by not playing it. If i could, i would not give this either a thumbs up or a thumbs down.

Hotshot Racing

Hotshot Racing

1 hour playtime

Hotshot Racing is the definition of aggressively mediocre. It’s not good, it’s not bad, it’s just plain boring. It feels like it wants to so badly capture Mario Kart’s audience, but doesn’t want to be called a clone so all the best parts of Mario Kart are stripped. The AI rubberbands like crazy, which means you can be dead last for the whole race and jump into first on the last lap, or lead the whole race, get shunted from behind and finish 4th. This effectively means all racing until the final lap is pointless, and the plain ok physics don’t make it fun to drive it either, rather it makes it feel like a chore you have to get through. All the characters have Marvel-esque one-liners which make you want to stop playing once you’ve heard the same line 20 times in the last 10 minutes. And the tracks aren’t anything special either, not a single one is memorable in any way, and each has quite a simple layout. In general, the whole game feels like a corporate idea of “cool”, it all feels so safe and bland that genuinely there is no point in playing it. You can have fun with a good game, you can have fun with a bad game, with a mediocre game all you get is disappointment, and that perfectly sums up Hotshot Racing.

Alpaca Stacka

Alpaca Stacka

5 minutes playtime

Alpaca Stacka is not really a game, it plays more like somebody’s first game project that the creator felt the need to share with the world. It’s one small lifeless island, with 5 chickens you have to find which will take you less than 5 minutes. Even with it being free i can’t justify anyone wasting their time on this.

TLDR: Don’t even bother with this.

Starting the Game

Starting the Game

19 minutes playtime

It’s just bad, like really bad.

Stats (July 03, 2024)

3023 games
89% never played (2685)
3% unfinished (95)
3% beaten (84)
1% completed (26)
4% won’t play (133)


Bought “Assemble with Care” during summer sale thanks to your review and just finished it! It’s such a cute and charming game. <3 The story got me a bit emotional as well and the voice actors nailed it. Thank you for the review leading me to a great game. :3


I’m happy to hear my reviews are more than just empty shouting into the void, and i’m super glad you enjoyed it as well :D