
25 January 2024 | S24E01

Half-Life 2
HB Monthly/Choice

The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante

22.5 hours
62 of 89 achievements

Although after the first playthrough I thought more highly of this game, I have to say that after multiple playthroughs of all life paths I got slightly disappointed. It is great how some earlier choices carry over to the future or how certain actions are blocked due to skills being too low, however essentially that means min-maxing the stats instead of choosing what feels right for that specific version of Sir Brante. In terms of the story, it is well made - the worldbuilding is great, the issues make sense, some things will happen in the world despite of your actions and you can't affect it. However, in some life paths the culmination of the story - the Revolt - doesn't make sense, and it doesn't help that this final chapter is the worst story-wise (IMO). I also hated that most of the time you can't tell your family to fuck off with their stupid issues I couldn't care less about. So, solid "Acceptable" rating, enjoyable first playthrough, before you understand the game well and see it for what it is.