
Hello everyone, i joined recently and am currently doing the challenge me event. Just doing a quick feedback of my progression

Hollow Knight

20.7 hours, 19 of 63 achievements

Click to expand

This was really a fantastic (and HARD) game, very poetic and nostalgic. The music was awesome, the story was too. I'm not too much into this kind of games usually but this one had a soul.

The Falconeer

9.1 hours, 15 of 29 achievements

Click to expand

This one was a real surprise to me. I still can't understand why i never heard of it before. As i already said to someone this game is 'X-wing with falcons against krakens'.
Really loved it.

I’m also playing Primodia, that i expect to finish soon. So i’d say my first mission is half accomplished :)


Happy to hear that you are enjoying the games! :D


This message is late, but thanks for joining and I’m glad youre making good progress! Hollow Knight is on my list of games to play, but I get so confused while playing it lol. I’ve never heard of the falconeer but it looks really neat!


Hollow Knight is really hard, so it’s complicated to play it without being frustrated, i admit i played on easy mode because i’m really bad at platforming/metroidvania games. But it’s also a poetic and beautiful game, so it’s worth the effort!

I did not know about Falconeer either before winning it on SG, but it was a really good surprise.

I’m a little bit behind schedule for my remaining games but i’m gonna put some extra effort , and i’ll manage.

Thank you for your kind words, and see you soon on Blaeo or SG :)