
Here is my February-2024 month progress on my “Action Rogue-Like” games:

I added another good amount of games to the list. And haven’t play much because I got drawn into Steam Trading Cards and having fun collecting badges.
+29 new games in total.

1.1% (1/93)
63.4% (59/93)
8.6% (8/93)
14.0% (13/93)
12.9% (12/93)

I beat two games:

Half-Life 2
Stats Before Starting This Month:
0 Hours
0 of 45 Achievements

Children of Morta

21.8 hours
42 of 45 achievements

It's a very good game on terms of gameplay, but the story was ruined by the end in my opinion.

Half-Life 2
Stats Before Starting This Month:
Game added this month.


12.5 hours
29 of 42 achievements

Won it on SG. It's extremely difficult, and I was forced to use the accessibility options to beat it.

I grinded very little but still some of this game to complete at some point:

Half-Life 2
Stats Before Starting This Month:
36.9 Hours
26 of 114 Achievements

Heroes of Hammerwatch

37.7 hours
26 of 114 achievements

Edit: I forgot I also played on February a bit of:

Half-Life 2
Stats Before Starting This Month:
0 Hours
0 of 68 Achievements

Bing in Wonderland

1.6 hours
5 of 68 achievements
Half-Life 2
Stats Before Starting This Month:
0 Hours
0 of 31 Achievements

Iron Fisticle

1.4 hours
10 of 31 achievements

Like I said most of this month was spent trading Steam Trading Cards, and with no regrets to be honest, I’m having fun doing it. But I don’t want to forget about my “Action Rogue-Like” self impose challenges, and I’ll continue to beat and complete more for next month.

You can check my Full Action Rogue-Likes BLAEO list here


Congratulations on your assassinations!!!! ᓚᘏᗢ
Did you end up liking ScourgeBringer? I know it’s tough, that’s why I made the giveaway instead of playing it myself but the art style looks super fun.
Looking forward to playing anything in March? I have a couple of games I’m looking at but my plans are a mess….


I liked it. But I wasn’t in the right mood for the challenge. I would have liked it to be an easier game. And the basic attack moves your character randomly way too much around, making it harder to dodge the bullet hell that bosses put you thought. But for when I’m in the mood of taking the challenge again I’ll go for 100%. This month I don’t think I’ll play it.
What I’m looking forward this month it’s to complete “Children of Morta” Witch I’m very close to. And I would like to start a pair of unknown and cute retro looking games by the same dev in order of release “Micro Machines” and “Brave Bubble Heart”. I also want to try the “bit Dungeon” franchise, and finally “SIFU” witch I recently found out that it’s form the same devs of “Absolver” my favorite multiplayer game, but “SIFU” again looks like a really challenging one and like with “ScourgeBringer” I don’t think I’m in the mood yet to challenge myself with it just yet.


Yeah! It’s good to pace yourself, the games are not going anywhere anyhow. I look forward to your next post!


Heh, Heroes of Hammerwatch needs a little more of grind depending on how far you want to go. Not sure how you would define beaten there. Conquering the tower? Or the Pyramid and the Moon Temple too? Or upgrading the city completely? Obviously, if you go for full achievements you need to grind …. a lot.


I would like to have get all of the achievements. But I think I’m gonna abandonee it. Maybe if when I get the DLC I find myself having enought fun I’ll do it. But without them I’m gonna abandonee the grind for now.
Edit: I just realized the DLC are 60% off rn. I may get them sooner than I expected.


Then brace yourself for the grind incoming. Although, I think it is possible to power level more these days. Not sure on that. I also spend more time getting higher NG+ even after hitting achievements (probably the fear of new DLC introducing higher NG+ achievements :P).

Also, beware Mercenary mode ^^’