Action Rogue-like Enthusiast Leon30670’s profile
He/Him 1997
My English is horrible, and I’m trying my best, but still gonna make a lot of grammatical mistakes. I’m some times making bad jokes (Witch sometimes the translation makes the even worse). Bad jokes not in the offensive way, but witch some would qualify as unfunny.
I usually lurk in the shadows, waiting for the worst of times to strike with a bad joke. Though I keep to myself many, because I’m probably the only one that finds them funny.
I’m always worried of misinterpreting a rule and not follow them correctly, but I try to follow them and usually that means asking for confirmation about my interpretations of such. I also prefer to follow the boundaries of other people, so if you feel like I’m stepping over your line whit a joke or something else, please let me know, and I’ll stop.
I like action rogue-likes, and a little bit of reading high-fantasy.
My favorite game in recent times is “Redeemer”, though most people would stop playing it after 8 hours getting 100%, but I’m my autistic nonsense (For real autistic, I have a certificate) I ended up playing it 30 hours, witch maybe isn’t that much, but it’s the only game that recently I’ve played beyond the unlockables and achievements.
I also like a lot “BlazBlue Entropy Effect” but still in early access and needs more time to flourish.
And my favorite book, “The Lies of Locke Lamora”.
Here is my February-2024 month progress on my “Action Rogue-Like” games:
I added another good amount of games to the list. And haven’t play much because I got drawn into Steam Trading Cards and having fun collecting badges.
+29 new games in total.
I beat two games:
0 Hours
0 of 45 Achievements
Children of Morta 
It's a very good game on terms of gameplay, but the story was ruined by the end in my opinion.
Game added this month.
Won it on SG. It's extremely difficult, and I was forced to use the accessibility options to beat it.
I grinded very little but still some of this game to complete at some point:
36.9 Hours
26 of 114 Achievements
Heroes of Hammerwatch 
Edit: I forgot I also played on February a bit of:
0 Hours
0 of 68 Achievements
Bing in Wonderland
0 Hours
0 of 31 Achievements
Iron Fisticle
Like I said most of this month was spent trading Steam Trading Cards, and with no regrets to be honest, I’m having fun doing it. But I don’t want to forget about my “Action Rogue-Like” self impose challenges, and I’ll continue to beat and complete more for next month.
You can check my Full Action Rogue-Likes BLAEO list here
Here is my January-2024 month progress on my “Action Rogue-Like” games:
I added a good amount of games to the list, since I started trading in
+12 new games in total.
I completed two games:
5.0 Hours
6 of 28 Achievements
It's challenging and addictive. And you can scum-save, so if you want to get all the achievements you can abuse it, like I did.
I'm a little sad that it's over, because it's a really good game, so I'll probably end up playing it more at some point.
The art style annoyed me at first, as it makes it harder to identify the silhouette of your enemies. But I eventually got so used to it that I didn't had a problem anymore.
7.9 Hours
7 of 23 Achievements
Going Under 
I like playing my games with a more defensive stance, reacting to the enemies ataks, but in this game it's just not a viable option, if you want to win you must play really aggressive. Any one that says this game is easy to beat, played it with all accessibility options on, I'm certain of it, it's only easy the first 3 levels the 4 after the difficulty spikes, they where challenging, and the 7 doppelganger challenges required me to activate the accessibly options, else I would have probably given up.
The history it's really bad. It's like it was done for kids, but it touches themes that a kid wouldn't grasp.
If they made it for kids, they should have done a better job laying the foundations of the issued addressed in the story. If it was for adults, they should have drop the serious issues and embrace the absurdity with a more compelling set of characters.
I beat two:
Game added this month.
The developers don't seem to have abandoned the development of the game, so it still can improve. But the game it's really bad right now. The collisions are all wrong, and the visuals in top of that make it confusing. I'm gonna postpone to complete it when their fix the game, if they don't, I will leave it as beaten.
17.2 Hours
11 of 114 Achievements
Heroes of Hammerwatch 
This game requires a lot of grinding to complete, apart from the DLC that I'll get when they are on deal. I get the impression that I'll likely abandonee this game and leave it as beaten. But I'm not certain yet.
I’m struggling to beat one game:
14.1 Hours
15 of 25 Achievements
Another game that requires a lot of grinding, thought it can be argued that can be beaten with skill alone, I lack that skill.
What I find odd about the game it's that are the mobs that feel thought, the bosses in the other hand are really easy in comparison. I beat first try two of the three bosses that I've fought so far.
And lastly I’ve been replaying:
14.8 Hours
14 of 14 Achievements
Even if I have all the achievements there still some side levels that I didn't do before and I wanted to play them.
You can check my Full Action Rogue-Likes BLAEO list here
Short overview report of my progress on “Action Rogue-Like” games of the year 2023:
Action Rogue-Likes in my library:
Action Rogue-Likes played this year:
Background color:
Blue = Completed
Green = Completed but Early Access and may release more achievements
Yellow = In progress to Complete
Red = Given up to Complete
Black Future '88
Black Paradox
BlazBlue Entropy Effect
Blazing Beaks
Curse of the Dead Gods
Danger Scavenger
Enter the Gungeon
Force Reboot
Going Under
Heroes of Hammerwatch
Kill to Collect
Lost Castle
REMEDIUM: Sentinels
Sword of the Necromancer
Tower of Guns
West of Dead
You can check my Full Action Rogue-Likes BLAEO list here
610 | games (+298 not categorized yet) |
58% | never played |
7% | unfinished |
11% | beaten |
3% | completed |
21% | won't play |