
Hi, new here. Can anyone give me some tips on which custom game lists to make? Beside the defauly “won on SG”, I made “playing now” and “want to play soon” which are very good RPG games that I really want to try soon (e.g. Fallout: NV). What other categories do people usually make? Thanks for your tips.


Welcome ExcelElmira. If you don’t mind a copy/paste from a post I made a couple of weeks ago, here are most of my categories:

Some of my lists, not that there’s anything particularly interesting about them:

  • Attack Plan (0 games): I think this actually used to be a requirement (?) to join BLAEO. I use it for games that fit the monthly theme, plus any games I’m in the process of playing. Right now it’s empty because I haven’t been playing Steam games, except for one on my alt I started a couple of weeks ago.
  • Idled only so far (207 games): I used to idle games after I acquired them. I eventually realized the value of the cards was probably less than the cost of electricity. Plus I didn’t like the inflated play times.
  • Farmable (77 games): Games that still have card drops remaining.
  • Steam Sales (not completed) (39 games): It seems like every July there’s a Steam Sales monthly theme, where you’re supposed to play games you bought during a Steam Sale. I created this list so I didn’t need to look through past sales every year.
  • Completionist Downers (9 games): Games that I have less than 75% completion.
  • Steam Limited (24 23 games): As the name implies, “Profile Features Limited” games. Doesn’t affect completion, for better or worse. Must be checked manually as far as I know. One game on the list is no longer limited.
  • Achievements added after I played (11 games): Self-explanatory. I don’t tend to replay games, but there are a couple here I would consider.
  • Gifts (16 games): Either outright gifts, or SG-based gift exchanges.
  • Would play elsewhere / other version (33 games): These are games that either have another version (say, a non-VR version) that I would play instead of this one, or I would play them from an alt via Family Sharing because of terrible/impossible/grindy achievements.
  • Have played elsewhere / other version (15 games): More games that have multiple versions in the Steam store (e.g., Ori) where I played one version but not the other. Or I played them on another platform or from an alt via family sharing. Games in the previous list end up here when I’ve played them.

That’s most of them…more than you cared to see, no doubt. :D


Thanks, it’s useful to see how other people categorize the games, although most of these don’t apply to me (or I would have ~1 game in some of the categories).


Hey, i liked the categories of Dosh and i took his categories:


Also what Trent said. And in the end, you have to sort them for your own needs :D

I think some sorting is cool and makes sense to see what you are playing/focussing and what’s planned afterwards.
But i wouldn’t overdo the sorting. Can also take some time ;)

Welcome btw.!


Not a list per se, but I sort my Steam games in the order I got them, prioritizing the ones I’ve had the longest. It’s great if you can’t decide or otherwise have at least some interest in playing all your games.


I don’t update mine nearly as much as I should (or at all) but my lists include:
Broken Achievements - Any game that is impossible to complete due to bug, glitch, or intent.
Multiplayer-Only Achievements - Games that have multiplayer based achievements. (think I deleted this, but made a list on it for steam)
Reviewed - Any game I have reviewed on Steam. I was hoping this would urge me to review more games to sort of give back to the community and praise or warn against certain games. (ended up deleting as I had given up this fight)


Welcome to BLAEO! ^^ My library is mostly split between three genres, so I grouped my games as such. That way I can see which games are either hybrids or none of those, whether before or after I play them. I’ve also got a category for free games, because I noticed I was playing a lot of them and I hope that in turn, my posts inspire other people to play more of them. (Checked your list and noticed you played a good few of them already, I’m pleased! :D)