Charles Nonsens

Report #43: June 2024

Beaten This Month

Also Played

Added to backlog


Congratulations on your assassinations! ᓚᘏᗢ
Also - only one added to backlog in the steam summer sale? Impossible!!!
Congrats on the 100 hours into Baldurs Gate!

Charles Nonsens

Thank you kindly 🙏 I’m quite happy about finally being able to put BG out to pasture.
I have in fact added zero games to my backlog during the summer sale - I bought Invisible Inc the week before the sale. They don’t call me Mr. Self-Control for nothing! (actually, they don’t call me that at all)


What did you think of Twin Mirror? I traded for it, then of course it came out in a Humble Monthly three months later. XD

Charles Nonsens

I was disappointed, to be honest. The devs may have tried to make Life is Strange for males, but Twin Mirror lacks all the charm of LiS (which I loved). The characters are mostly self-absorbed and annoying, especially the PC, who is unprecedented levels of morose. The basic detective story is fine, but there’s a bunch of “inner turmoil” segments that don’t add much to the game, and a forced puzzle about halfway through that requires the PC to act like an idiot in order to advance. It is reportedly replayable with different choices, but given my gripes I don’t see myself installing it again.


Yikes. Well, thanks for the reply (and the warning).

Charles Nonsens

Err, that came out a bit harsh… It’s not a rage fest, more like there was continuously some aspect that annoyed me. Some people might like it, it just wasn’t for me.


How is Kingdom Come Deliverance? I also have it in my backlog but haven’t gotten around to trying it yet.

Charles Nonsens

Yes, I had read some things about “realism” and “steep learning curve” that made me feel some resistance toward starting it. The story immerses you into the game pretty quickly, but your character starts out as a complete noob in all things and needs to gain a lot of experience to be serviceable in combat. I may be ~20% through the main quests and I’m still running away from fights, haha. I like the historical setting and that the story is refreshingly low key.