Important sidenotes: 4 for Insane difficulty and issues with it.
Status: Completed.
About: Famous 1st person stealth horror. You play as journalist, who investigates suspicous report about private asylum ran by shady corporation. Investigation turns into survival.
In DLC you play as whistleblower, who informed main character of a base game and tries to get out of asylum.
In both cases, you have camera to record and to see in the dark, you need to find solutions for different objectives and survive encounters with hostile enemies without ability to fight back and you may want to collect notes to know story better.
- I found story interesting and it even plays a bit with reality.
- Actually feels like a horror. Scary and intense. Very gory and violent.
- Enough interesting enemies and characters.
- Notes and recodings, which give info about both characters thoughts and info about world.
- Mechanic with batteries for night vision option for camera makes it more intense.
- Some obvious and not obvious ways to hide from enemies. Cat and mouse gameplay is very good here, in my opinion.
- Mostly good quality of stuff in general.
- Different activities and encounters.
- Some additional movement options. Infinite sprint.
- Locations are different enough, even though everything happens in 1 place. Like design of asylum. Like arena type places.
- Difficulty settings.
- Dynamic, require some thinking, but easy to learn due to simple mechanics.
- Autosave checkpoint system.
- Levels get unlocked after being finished.
- Good duration for Normal difficulty. Not too long, not too short. Took around 9+ hours for base and around 2 hours for DLC.
- Nice graphics with dark visual atmosphere.
- Good sound and liked music.
- Mostly good performance. Low/medium requirements.
- Mostly stable and only few bugs encountered.
- Has good DLC.
- Low/medium weight.
- Cheap, especially during discounts or/and with bundle.
- Achievements. Most of them related to natural progression.
- Cards/Badges.
- Autoregeneration. No medkits.
- Cheap, but often effective jumpscares.
- Doors close instantly with loud sound, while opening them can be different, though didn't see both affecting gameplay in any way.
- Collectibles related to achievements in general. After Postal 4 I got tired from these.
- No cheats (apart from editing .ini file) or other bonuses.
- Tropes are kinda too familar for such story.
- Characters stories aren't highlighted enough for my taste.
- Thoughts of main characters feel a bit raw and as result main characters feel a bit underdeveloped. Main characters don't talk.
- Mechanics a bit lackcluster/too simple.
- Violence and gore levels may be off putting for some.
- Reused faces of security and patients.
- Notes and recodings are not always obvious enough, so you may easily miss some and they are needed for few achievements, so either it's better to search and try to record everything, either use guide. Also recodings in some cases don't work from first try.
- 2 nitpicks: journal doesn't have indication, which section has new note. Notes need to be scrolled down to last one, if you didn't read them in time or pressed wrong section.
- Didn't find some batteries in base game start/middle part on Normal - they are very small and also sometimes hidden.
- A bit repetitive after few hours. Search for documents/recordings, Make/Find X objects to move further. Run away from enemies via corridors or hide, while trying to do some task. Encounters are quite similar too - basically all enemies can run, search and special enemies kill faster, while regular enemies a bit slower.
- Jumping is bad apart from predetermined places. In some cases you are also slowed down by injury.
- During speedruns it's clear that enemy teleport to a player.
- A lot of corridor-like design. Due to darkness or level design you may sometimes get cornered. Not always intuitive design for 1st run (but later it's more understandable). Stuck in object twice.
- Biggest minus. Hard difficulty related achievements. Hard (Insane) difficulty has no savepoints (even doesn't save progress, when you exit, so you need to finish in 1 session) and kills with 1-2 hits, while also having less batteries to carry and placed in the world (not an issue, though).
DLC Insane run.
On my 1st try with DLC I was killed in one of the end game encounters - upsetting, but fair (didn't dodge enemy properly). Meanwhile, during my 2nd try, I died due to endgame QTE! Game didn't registered mouse shaking. 3rd run ended in the middle of a game due to game FPS dropping down to unplayable state after loading new level. Only from 4th try I was able to beat it and spent 4 hours for this.
Base game Insane run.
1st try and I got stuck in object in the middle of a game. 2nd try I died in 3rd chapter, since enemy noticed me in coplete darkness and slowing water, before I was able to notice him. 3rd try and I died in 2nd chapter, since was cornered and was unable to hide/run. 4th and 5th try I died near the end in same place, because jumping didn't register and I fell down. 6 try was successful. 7 hours for this.
With all that said, having no savepoints at all is generally a bad idea for a game with potential issues and relatively big length with unskippable dialogues and no big difference between playthroughs. After 2nd try in base/DLC (1st try on Insane) I basically remembered everything (apart from base game ending sections) and speedrunning game mostly navigating without night mode for camera.
- Game is a bit too dark for my taste. Few minor visual issues in last section of base game were noticed.
- As said, FPS dropped once to unplayable state. Not registered QTE ruined 1 game and not registered jumps ruined 2. Stuck once on Insane and once on Normal. Game freeze sometimes after credits, when exiting game or when returning to main menu. Few minor visual issues.
Summary: While, I didn't like it, when tried it 1st time, I liked it a lot on my 1st full run on Normal and on Insane 1st runs. Meanwhile, further Insane difficulty tries ruined whole experience due to length, repetitiveness and issues including technical one. While I can't recommend it to everyone due to its genre and can't recommend to completionists/achievement hunters due Insane difficulty achievements, if you like horror with helpless pratogonists and cat and mouse gameplay it's great game on difficulties, which have saving system.
Congratulations on your assassinations!!!! ᓚᘏᗢ
you 100% outlast?!? that’s crazy!! This game is terrifying, I can’t even watch a whole gameplay video.
Congrats on beating two Postal games as well! the time difference between 3 and 4 makes my head spin. I look forward to your next update! I see you’re playing the town of light and I’ve never decided if I want to play it or not.
Thank you, Zelrune!
Normal difficulty for Outlast was fun, but Insane was pain due to some issues. The game is spooky indeed for first 1-2 runs. Maybe, one day would play 2nd game, but not in near future, since Insane experience still annoys me.
Yeah, I completed one and almost completed (1 achievement left) another. I test Postal 4, so I have a lot of time there. Plus it’s more replayable and fun, than Postal 3 for me.
I look for your updates too!
I didn’t start Town of Light still, but plan to play it for current “play in March” event alongside with Xcom 2. Hopefully, beat both, but currently want to concentrate on modding Doom 2016.