
2024 September update

Most Enjoyable

Currently Addicted To

  • Aaero

    2 hours playtime

    27 of 92 achievements

    Rating: ★★★☆☆

  • PowerWash Simulator
    PowerWash Simulator

    38.9 hours playtime

    38 of 80 achievements

    Rating: ★★★★☆

  • Jump Challenge
    Jump Challenge

    1.1 hours playtime

    8 of 18 achievements

    Rating: ★☆☆☆☆

  • Calcu-Late

    46 minutes playtime

    no achievements

    Rating: ★☆☆☆☆

  • Sheep Love
    Sheep Love

    12.6 hours playtime

    no achievements

    Rating: ★★☆☆☆


2 hours of playtime, 27 of 92 achievements
Personal rating: 6/10, Date of finish: September/01
Click for review

Wishlisted this ages ago because of Monstercat music being in the game, and bought it because of the rhythm game fest. It's a bit hard to wrap my head around the mechanics at first but after getting used to it more I had a lot of fun, tho it is kinda hurting my hand a little bit for some reason. ^^; Will probably play a bit more, but won't push myself on it, if I stop having fun I'll drop it.

PowerWash Simulator

38.9 hours of playtime, 38 of 80 achievements
Personal rating: 9/10, Date of finish: September/04
Click for review

Thanks to Amitte for convincing me on giving this another try and saving it from Won't Play pile. I initially find the game to be rather boring, being that the core gameplay loop is only using the pressure washer to remove filth. I think the gameplay just didn't click for me or I wasn't in the right mood to play it, especially comparing to games like Viscera Cleanup Detail or Crime Scene Cleaner which has a lot more mechanics. Also a big factor is getting motion sickness after playing for a while. But trying to mainly use the lock camera option to clean while going back in with a more dynamic map that is the santa map made me get it? I find sitting in a place and just pan my camera around to clean where I can see to be really fun, and the "shadows" of dirt left by the fixed position also makes me giggle for some reason. x3 So yeah, I'll definitely be finishing all the bonus maps, and potentially buying the DLCs later.

Time played 143 hours 49 minutes
Achievements gotten 40
Games 100% completed 2

So I bought Dave the Diver because of it being on sale and the Godzilla DLC being removed on November, and it’s so much fun. x3 It’s one of those “just one more day” games that is hard to put down, and the management/fishing loop with other various mini-games just complement each other so well. Highly recommend grabbing the game if you’re interested!
Also, the last game of the To The Moon series came out and I cried so much just at the start of the game. xDD No doubt I will cry some more when I finish it, but I look forward to it.


Congratulations on your assassinations!!!! ᓚᘏᗢ
What does it take to 100% Power Wash simulator… I’m a bit afraid to check, I didn’t realize there were 80 achievements…
I loved Dave the Diver! Make sure to pick up the DLC ASAP if you haven’t already, especially if you don’t think you’ll finish it this month!


This comment was deleted 5 months ago.


I think you’ll need to buy all the map DLCs since some of them are tied to that. Saw some negative reviews of people complaining about that. xD Which is wild to me cuz this feels really normal for these types of games to have multiple map DLCs. The devs made a strong core gameplay loop/game mechanic and it’d be foolish of them to not utilize it fully.

The DLC is precisely why I bought the game! huehue I think a lot of people will be buying it just cuz of that, tho tbh the content that it adds is not that much, at least compared to the Dredge DLC that is.