Blue Ϟ Lightning

Minor stat check from a dead assassin.

Today's check. (14 March 2022)

21% (164/775)
44% (343/775)
7% (58/775)
7% (51/775)
21% (159/775)

Last check. (13 Augest 2019)

So as a TLDR my goal of killing my unfinished and unplayed has been woefully broken. My unfinished number has gotten much worse as I bought a bunch of bundles recently...but if you look at the overall percentages in relation to the total it looks like I'm doing fine :3 it even looks like I'm doing better on "unfinished" despite having roughly the same number.

I was gonna say even though you didn’t make the biggest of progress in 3 years apparently, it’s still great that you kept it like that all this time.


You are doing great!!!
Show no mercy! Mark games for death! Assassinate the games standing in your way! Backlogs will naturally grow but completed games can’t come back from the dead!!
Are there any games you are excited to check out soon?

Blue Ϟ Lightning
completed games can’t come back from the dead!!

game releases new cheevo making your completion a beaten :3


Ah yeah, but they rarely come back from the dead so just stab it again.