
December Assassination #2

11.8 hours

A game that had a lot of potential to be different, innovative, and simply a lot of fun, but is plagued by scripting issues, rendering many missions frustrating if not unplayable. I love the concept and idea of commanding troops from your base, issuing orders from a radio and having to manually update the field situation on a physical map - it's just a good idea, and while the interface is sometimes clunky, it works pretty well.

Where the game hits a barrier is where you have to follow exact (and sometimes vague) instructions to the letter, otherwise the game fails to recognize your progress and allow you to continue on your missions. It's a game where succeeding in a mission requires you to provide the right inputs, not only achieve the right outcomes. Like, if the mission asks you to conquer a hill, it matters HOW you do it. You have a creative way of doing so? If that's not what the game was programmed to expect, the game will simply not recognize your outcome and the mission will get stuck. I experienced scripting issues in 4 out of 9 missions, so it's quite hard to recommend the game in the state it is. And assuming it'll never be patched, it's hard to recommend it at all in the end.

Steam Review