
July 2024 Update

Next update (works only on profile page)

Overall backlog progress :

26% completed
64% beaten
1% never played
9% won't play

Side note

Not much playing this month was away on holiday at home. Get my last wisdom tooth finally removed 1st week, and used 2nd week of annual leave to recover. Took 1.5h on the dentist’s chair, roots were underneath the 7th teeth and next to the nerve 😅 Still, nothing hurt me, even when local anesthesia wore off.

What are your experiences with dentists? Are you pain-sensitive, or are not bothered with drills and holes in your gums like I am?


I may have to have my wisdom teeth removed in the near future, but I haven’t given it much thought so far.
I’ve been going to the same dentist for years now, and if not for how consistently professional her approach feels, I would almost feel as if I’m hanging out with one of my mom’s friends… which is to say, I like her a lot and I’ve always liked going to the dentist, but I’m also aware that’s not a popular opinion!


What the dentist told me is it may be better to remove it sooner than later. With age, the tooth binds more to the bone and the bone gets more dense. If I had known about it, I would get rid of it 5 years ago. But my dentist was always like “ye, in theory you can remove it, but it’s not spoiled or anything, so also no need for it” 😅

This is because the roots aren’t fully formed, the bone in the jaws is less dense and recovery from surgery generally is faster.