June 2024

Look at those neat 10’s and 4’s

Played: 10

Added: 10

Beaten: 4

Started: 4

Completion avg: 80.730% (-0.069)

Points avg: 4688 (+31)

Progress bar:

11% (145/1273)
25% (322/1273)
2% (21/1273)
55% (705/1273)
6% (80/1273)




Much better month than last one. Feels good, but also bad because it's time i could've spent sorting out things that needed sorting out... ah well

Started the month off polishing a few: a combat challenge in Arkham City; some dropshot games in Rocket League; beat a new boss in Lost Castle; a playthrough with a new character in Mega Coin Squad; and then 3-star completion of the next zone in Catastronauts (needed partners for that one)

After that it was the first-time beatens, which hopefully you've already read about. All four were quite enjoyable, in their own way

And the month wouldn't be complete without an overly long JRPG that overflows into the next month, which this time is Tales of Berseria (first Tales game by the way)

And finally, we come to the newly added. Some of them are from Humble, earlier in the month, but Steam sales caused the rest - i'm sure the current sale is ruining everyone's backlog progress though


Congratulations on all of your assassinations!!! ᓚᘏᗢ
The Summer Sale is indeed skewing my statistics but so long as I manage to complete them, everything should be fine! Just fine.