
Backlog Assassination : November 2019

Why is December coming so early this year ? I wonder !?
Truth to be told, here is what happened : My landlord had to make some change on the apartment next to mine, which means that he was working right next to my window. It would have been OK if he wasn’t such a cheap person and would have hired a professional to do the job, instead he chose to do everything on his own, which means that to place a door, break a wall and build one (not even a big one), it took over a month and a half.
What does it have to do with me ? Half of the work was make on the wall of my apartment and I suffer from migraines which are easily triggered by noises. Due to that, I spent 2 to 4 days a week having a migraine, the apotheosis being the day he came with a jack hammer and took 8 long hours to break that damn wall, which saw me going for 27 hours of huge migraine, big enough for me to be unable to eat anything without throwing up. My poor bin has been renamed “emergency draining pot”.


This explains why not only I’m late but why I’ve been so silent. The only moment I could escape the noise was either by going away or using my headset which also decided to break this month (WHY NOT EH), so I used my “free time” to play games I wanted to play instead to focus on any sort of challenge.

9% completed
1% beaten
4% unfinished
85% never played
1% Won't play

Planned Assassination

Bonus Assassination

ABC Challenge Progression

12% completed
0% beaten
15% unfinished
73% never played

Yep, you can boo me for having finished only 5/10 games on the planned assassination and 0 for the quarterly. I HAVE AN EXCUSE RIGHT ! COUGH

Beside, as I keep repeating, at the end of the day, it doesn’t exactly matter. What counts is to have some fun and I managed to have some, so at the end of the day, it’s ok to not have been done with some of those games, there is always another month to challenge yourself once more ,) !


Sucky landlord, why cant people like that stop being so cheap and hire professionals at least then you know its gonna last longer then they can fix it


I don’t know. Worse is a week before he began to work on that, we had a leak right at the entrance of our apartment. This time he hired professionals as he couldn’t do anything. Yet, he spent the 8 hours the plumbers where there tailing them and telling them what they had to do. Once done he tried to teach my partner how to use a vacuum like he was 10 years old.


Ugh, sounds terrible. A good landlord would at least offer a modest rent relief (discount) during the work.


That would have been 2 months full counting the leak we had just before. To be honest, I’m exhausted, I’ll probably need more than a month to recover from all that x_x !


Omg, that must be tough. D: Is he done now? Hopefully he is so you won’t be bothered by the noises anymore. Bad landlord is such a nightmare that I couldn’t even imagine. 0-0 It’s good that you’re playing games you like tho! Having fun is what matters. :3/


Believe me or not, the other landlord is currently working on my wall as well. Back to hammer and drill all day o/ !


Oh my that must be tough. x_x Will you get a new headset soon? It’ll maybe help with the noise? I imagine it still being really sucky with all the noise and stuff. They usually penetrate through unless you turn the volume really loud(I think headsets are better than ear buds which is what I’m using right now, but still), and hearing high volume all the time can hurt your ears and make it uncomfortable. Perhaps consider going to a coffee shop or a library for the quiteness? It’s not ideal but supposedly better for your migraines? I’m not all that familiar with migraines but I wish you well in what you’ll be going through. :o