Hello, all. This is my January 2017 “monthly report.” Please see my profile for more info.
All of the games I’ve played this month are listed here. I’d like to highlight most of them below:
Completed/Beaten games
Face Noir
15 hours playtime
no achievements
Papo & Yo
13 hours playtime
10 of 10 achievements
Cross of the Dutchman
11 hours playtime
31 of 31 achievements
Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek
11 hours playtime
11 of 11 achievements
Snail Bob 2
8 hours playtime
19 of 19 achievements
Over The Hills And Far Away
7 hours playtime
8 of 8 achievements
88 minutes playtime
4 of 4 achievements
Other notable progress
A few notes on this month's games
- I was able to accomplish a bit more in the battle against the backlog considering that large chunks of my weekends were spent watching US NFL Football.
- Only one of the games I played this month was a Steamgifts wins. Two others were gifts, though.
- I played 5 out of the 9 games with (e.g., with an audience of) my 5-year-old twins. Papo & Yo and Enigmatis had a couple scary/spooky sections, but not that bad. Sometimes I’ll say, “maybe this game is too scary for you,” and they break into, “Nooooo! It’s not, daddy!” =)
Face Noir (SG win)
Face Noir was selected by LadyNarayan for the “Play or Pay” challenge from The QUIPS/Beardtopia. It was one of my first SG wins (8th overall). It’s a good, solid game…kind of a throwback even. It feels more like a game released in 2007 instead of 2013, which is both good and bad. Good story, lots of content IMO, but slow walking, low-resolution, and awkward 3D elements. It had a great noir ambiance. It was definitely worth playing.
Papo & Yo
Thanks again, LadyNarayan for a great suggestion! I bought it a long time ago in my pre-SG days, and had it on my Itching to Play list. As I’ve said elsewhere, it was a little strange playing a game about an alcoholic, abusive father with my kids. Fortunately, though, they had no idea…they just thought it was about a boy, his rocket toy, and a monster. There were some fun moments when there were some close calls as the monster chased me around, but I’m not anticipating any nightmares. Also, this game is notable as I’m getting more and more of the kids wanting to take the controller and play (particularly my daughter). They’re not satisfied with just pressing the button to open treasure chests and whatnot. It was just a matter of time, but the fact is they’re really still too young to play most of these games.
Cross of the Dutchman
Fun little action/adventure with some RPG elements, nice little story, fun cartoonish art style. Good for kids viewing. Apparently it’s based on a true story. There were a couple “stealth elements” that were okay, but a departure from the rest of the game. The worst was a timed stealth section…worst for me that is. I’m pretty slow in a normal game, but in a stealth game? Molasses. My only critiques of the game were the save/checkpoint system and it was hard to tell where you could or couldn’t walk based on the landscape– during a timed stealth sequence I’d seem to get blocked by blade of grass or a twig in the road. :P
Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek
This is the first in the trilogy…an older one, but it’s nice that it doesn’t have 350 collectibles to find if you want to achieve 100% completion. Love playing these games with my kids.
Snail Bob 2
Cute little puzzle-platformer. Really quite easy, and not even too hard to control. I’m planning on letting my kids replay it by themselves and I’ll only jump in when they’re stuck or have trouble with a timed element. There’s supposed to be a fifth chapter, but it hasn’t come out yet. I always worry about these things…
Over The Hills And Far Away (gift)
I’m not big into visual novels, but this one looked pretty good, so I had it on my wishlist and my QUIPS Secret Santa chose it for me. Thanks, Muthaf*ckinRick! Nice story, albeit with a predictable ending.
Picked it up in the Humble Bundle, and decided to play it right away since it was so short. I actually really liked it. It has minor parkour elements and was a fun little platformer.
Picked it up in the Indiegala bundle, and started giving it a shot since it had no achievements. I’ve sort of been on a quest for marble-type games, but the fact is I suck at them. :P This one looks polished graphically, but it lacks polish in controller support and other ways. I got through the first “world” and overall found it pretty fun, albeit challenging for me. It would be fun to watch a real ace play this game. Lots of collectibles and other goals to make it more challenging for the pros. At this point, I’ve essentially abandoned it. I got what I wanted out of it.
ABZU (gift)
Another “Play or Pay” selection, and another Secret Santa gift. :P Not too far into it yet– will discuss in next month’s update. But it’s taking me a while to get used to the controls– no doubt a problem with the player, not the game.
Plan for January
See my Attack Plan. I plan to finish ABZU. I keep putting off Black Sails for one reason or another– but once again, I intend to play it this month. I recently won Stories: The Path of Destinies, so I’ll probably play this one soon with my kids…Feb or March.

I really wanna play Cross of the Dutchman one day :P Abzu is a great game in my opinion, I hope you and your kids will enjoy it ^^

You might find the stealth elements…lacking. They seem a little out of place in what is otherwise an action/adventure.
Looking forward to more ABZU. Going to play tonight! :)

Papo & Yo is one of the first steam games I bought and I still haven’t finished it. I definitely need to get to it!
Stories: The Path of Destinies looks awesome. Let me know if its good!

I didn’t know about alcoholic father in Papa & Yo, I thought it was just fantasy platformer ( .___.)
Well, now I really should play it.

Watch the launch trailer (the second video on Steam) before playing, then.

Congrats on all your completions. I have yet to return to Papo & Yo for 2 remaining achievements, so kudos on that as well :)
And I agree Face Noir feels much more dated than it should. I think I might just remember it fondly because I haven’t played much adventure games at that time. Now that my library is flooded with them, I guess I would have higher expectations. ;)
As for ABZÛ - nope, it’s not just you having bad time with controls, so not a player issue ;) This was basically the only thing I’ve complained about after completing it.
Regarding your kids being too young to play - I quite don’t understand that. My parents bought Atari 130XE when I was 6 (so just a year older than your kids now) and I’ve been gaming by myself ever since :3

I should have gotten the “use no hints” achievement in my first playthough, but I thought the only hint boxes were the ones with the question marks– not the ones with the pictures (of the frog, rotten fruit, etc.). So in my second playthrough, I got that achievement and all of the hats I could find (19/25). Then I just used a guide for the last ones and used chapter select. :)
Yeah, Face Noir was a good game– very polished. Too bad there probably won’t be a Part II. But as I said in my review, I was getting a little worried about where the plot was going anyway, so maybe it’s just as well.
I finally switched the swimming controls to inverted, and I’m having a better time of it. I virtually never invert controls, but for some reason, it seems to work for me here.
As for kids playing, well, it depends on the game– and maybe there’s a big difference between 5 and 6yo. They can do some things (e.g., Snail Bob), but you probably didn’t have to handle 3D camera controls to go along with your platforming on your Atari 130XE. ;) Besides– I’m in no hurry to relinquish the controls: I’m sure I’ll be fighting them for computer time before long! They both actually have Steam accounts, unbeknownst to them…but we only have one nice gaming-class computer, and one other which can play some games. My plan is to play Lego Harry Potter 5-7 in co-op with them, since they loved watching me play HP 1-4. And I look forward to someday watching them replay some of these games that they watched me play when they were three years old. =)
I was JUST talking to someone about how terrible I am at HOGs. :P
Everyone tells me that they’re easy to 100%, but it took me 16 hours to complete Enigmatis. I am not cut out for that kind of stuff. I need movement and explosions!
LOL, well the good news is that they all reuse similar mechanics, puzzles, and tricks. So the more you play, the better you get at any given HOG. :)
I wasted like half an hour on “car freshener”. I was so confused. Who knew that they were tree shaped? Nope, not me!
LOL! Yeah, there are some regional things. Sometimes they use British terms as well– it might have even been this game where they had “sticking plaster” as a hidden object. Turns out it’s a band-aid…
I think I just started clicking randomly after “sticking plaster”.
Playing a HOG is one thing, wasting all your time for a terrible reason is another. :)
Hahaha this is me playing point and click games, after some failures, I start to try click everything with hope that something happens :p