

Started Playing: 25/04/16

12 Labours of Hercules II: The Cretan Bull Gameplay Update

  • 12 Labours of Hercules II: The Cretan Bull
    12 Labours of Hercules II: The Cretan Bull 12 Labours of Hercules II
    The Cretan Bull

Been playing it for 4-5 hours now, and I gotta say It’s fantastic. It would gather dust If i never proposed myself to play all the games I have. It’s on top of the list. All you have to do is use your workers to gather resources, and clear your path. Simple as that. Is fun when they add a Thief that can steal your resources, or a Flying Woman that scares your workers. So far, I’m really enjoying it, hopefully I’ll finish it soon. I’ll keep making edits on this until I finish it.

I’ll post screenshots on this album so it doesn’t fill the page with them:

Steam Album
Imgur Album

Update 28/05/16:
Been replaying it all the 20 first levels because I didn’t noticed the Puzzles and that playing Casual didn’t give me achievements. I gotta say I really love the background music they play, and the feel of accomplishment when you finish a level in Gold Hour!

Finished Playing: 29/05/16

Final review: I really enjoyed this game. It’s fun and with the Gold Hour goal, you have to plan the best way to finish the level quickly, that means using your first few resources the correct way. Hope you all enjoy playing this one like I did.


Reminds me to finish the first one. Picked it up a while ago, when I was on the road with my crappy laptop. After returning home to my power machine I totall forgot about that game.


Yeah, it happens, you can play this while watching a movie or downloading something :p


btw: you don’t have to make another image album on imgur. Steam already has a similar function:
Just replace the number at the end with the game you want


Well he doesn’t have to but it’s nice. Imgur loads a lot faster for me. (Hence why I use it) :)


cool. For me steam is mostly faster.


Thank you, didn’t know that, I’ll put both links there :p


The Hercules games are strangely addictive, I didn’t think too much of them til I tried them either.


I always tell myself ‘one more level’. Haha


+1 million !!!! Hence why I bought the whole series in the space of one day…