January’s Stats

aka. Let’s start the year with a small victory!
I hope January’s been good for you guys (I’ve seen some people made tremendous progress in the backlog fight already). I need to confess something, as it won’t really show up in this report, but I’ve fallen back into playing a lot of Binding of Isaac - Rebirth thanks to my friend who gifted me Afterbirth + which I can’t really make appear in the backlog additions as it’s a DLC, yet it’s there and I’ve been playing it 37 hours this month. I’m ashamed. Is there such a thing as the Isaac Addicts Anonymous? Tyranny took another big chunk of my gaming time, but I still managed to complete 5 games for the monthly theme towards the end of the month. The thing I’m most satisfied about is that 10 out of the 13 games I managed to finish this month were either SG wins or gifts from friends. So far so good with the 2017 goals.
Played | Finished | Completed | Backlog+ | Achievements |
17 | 13 | 6 | 12 | 204 |
A small victory for the sheep!
33 hours playtime
20 of 50 achievements
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
421 hours playtime
213 of 339 achievements
Kathy Rain
5 hours playtime
20 of 20 achievements
Strawberry Vinegar
2 hours playtime
28 of 28 achievements
Nearwood - Collector's Edition
5 hours playtime
no achievements
Zombie Solitaire
12 hours playtime
no achievements
Gnomes Garden
9 hours playtime
23 of 23 achievements
Mini Metro
9 hours playtime
17 of 32 achievements
Dungeon of the Endless
13 hours playtime
7 of 33 achievements
Endless Space
5 hours playtime
1 of 93 achievements
Endless Legend
10 hours playtime
3 of 114 achievements
Broken Age
11 hours playtime
43 of 45 achievements
9 hours playtime
9 of 24 achievements
Race The Sun
7 hours playtime
11 of 25 achievements
Indie Game: The Movie
7 hours playtime
6 of 7 achievements
6 hours playtime
8 of 39 achievements
Grow Home
11 hours playtime
26 of 26 achievements
I initially picked this game for tso's event as I had been wanting to play it since I won it. I was not disappointed, far from it. Not only it's one of the most gorgeous "retro pixel" style game I've played in a long while (the light effects are just stunning) but the story is also really interesting (and of course the game being set in the 90s is helping my nostalgia factor). Only one little thing has bothered me about the game but I won't talk about it here as it's plot related and extremely spoilery. However it doesn't change how much I loved this game. I highly recommend you pick it up if you have the opportunity to (or that you play it if it's sitting in your backlog already), and I hope they plan to make a sequel to it. This would have been my most satisfying finish of the month had I not played Tyranny in January too.
Well that was... weird. This Visual Novel is about a girl who gets visited by a girl demon who threatens to kill her if she doesn't feed her. Yes you read correctly. Yes, I was expecting weird but not in the sense it turned out to be. So the plot is just an excuse for a bunch of delicious food visuals. Where it gets kinda disturbing is that all the food visuals are accompanied by a very sexually metaphorical description (and shall I remind you for a second the protagonists are 2 little kids?). One of the possible endings involves romance but at least they had the decency to make some kind of timelapse in between the main story, so they're not kids anymore. I wouldn't say it's a bad game overall or ever one of those falling in the perv category, as the game is 100% safe for viewing and the only "sexual" element comes from the food descriptions. Maybe I'm missing some kind of fetichism here?
Nearwood was a really gorgeous HoG game NOT by Artifex Mundi, for a change. However the quality was as good if not better in my opinion. The Hidden Objects scenes are not the type with a list of items to find but more with pieces of an object that then let you progress in the story. Nonetheless, if you like HoGs I highly recommend this one, don't let the lack of achievements fool you.
On my quest to finish more of my SG wins, I finally installed this solitaire game. I'm ashamed to admit it but I would have installed it earlier if it had had achievements, but I'm glad I finally did. It actually has a story (not really anything super original mind you) that you progress through as you keep clearing zombies through your games of solitaire. Nice and entertaining side game, I might revisit it to get 3 stars on all levels and move it to completed. It was actually way less grindy than for example Chef Solitaire that I played last year.
It's the first game this year I really did not enjoy, and I guess it's part of my fault. I was under the wrong impression when I entered the GA for this game that it was a tower defense, but it turned out to be a ressource management/task assignement game. It wouldn't have been has "boring" if there wasn't that time factor involved to get 3 stars for each level (and yes I HAD to do it, don't ask.) and if it hadn't been a win, I probably would have moved the game to won't play if I'm honest. But I completed it 100% and I was so relieved to click on uninstall once I was done.
Here's obviously where I put most of my playing hours in this month (well that and going back to playing The binding of Isaac Rebirth - Afterbirth +) and I can say I don't regret anything. It was my most wanted game and I got it as a Xmas present, so I was obviously extremely excited to finally play it. I'm not gonna say the game is flawless, because it is not, but it was pretty much everything I expected from Obsidian and I loved every second of it. I went the rebel path for this first playthrough, but the replayability is pretty high (and you can't get all the achievements in one playthrough or at least I don't think so even if you reload?) so I'll probably have at least another playthrough later this year. Time well spent.
I had played that game before but I realized I had never took time to properly complete a run, and since it was the Endless Day earlier this month, I decided it was the appropriate time to do so and grab the related achievement instead of delaying it again to next year. Despite the dev team practices turning shitty while they were formerly great people, the game remains good nonetheless and I had a great time. I'll obviously play a lot more of it in the future as it's a roguelike, but I'm glad I finally manage to sit down long enough to complete a whole run.
I really enjoyed the game even though I totally see where the polemic and bad rep from when it was first released came from. Act 1 is seemingly so much shorter than Act 2 and if I had been one of the backers I'd have felt scammed. But played at a whole the game is pretty good, the graphic style is cute and the writing is pretty funny. The ending left me a little bit unsatisfied as I wish they had written a real conclusion. I don't think a sequel is planned so I guess it'll have to do. Worth playing if you have it in your library and like point and clicks.
I had played Bastion a long time ago on Xbox 360, but I had it sitting in my PC backlog and felt the monthly theme was the perfect excuse to have a second go at it. Well, I remembered how good the game was but I had forgotten how amazing the soundtrack was. I enjoyed this second playthrough as much as the first, and I maybe plan on giving it another try on New Game + to try to get a few more cheevos some time in the future. If you've never played it, please give it a try.
That game was sitting in my library for so long, I didn't think I would ever play it, let alone enjoy it (I'm very bad at those kind of games usually so it gets frustrating fast). So on the last Sunday of January, here I was, staring at my backlog and in particular the monthly theme list, when I decided "Eh, let's give it a try for an hour, and then move it to done.". Next thing I know, it's 4 hours later and I'm wondering why I'm so hungry. This game was surprisingly addictive and I kept finding myself saying "Just one more run and I'm done" for most of that day. I still suck at it, which is why I'll never get all those difficult achievements, but at least I can consciously move it to the beaten category. (Also, not important but the icons for the achievements are so pretty *__*)
I had been curious about this movie for a long time but had always stayed away because it is featuring (among others) Phil Fish. Since a friend me an extra key for it earlier this month, I decided to have a go at it and it's actually a good movie if you're interested in indie games AND you can tolerate the unsufferable Phil Fish for a while (the movie conforted the opinion I had of him though). I even ended up watching the 2 commentaries (The one from Team Meatboy is the best though) and the extras (Not just for the cheevos, you can unlock them easily if you're not interested in watching the content by skipping one minute before the end). It also includes a little game that consists of matching drawings of indie games characters with the name of the game, illustrated by Edmund McMillen, which is not much but was really fun to play. If any of you own the special edition DLC, I'd be interested to know if you think the content is worth the 5€ they ask for it, thanks!
The premise of the game got me very interested but sadly the execution was really clunky. It took me already 20min to manage to start the game without it crashing when starting a new game, and even after that, the game was filled with bugs, several of them leaving me stuck with no other option than to reload a previous save. I still think the plot is not bad but between the unintuitive game mecanics and the bugs, I couldn't really enjoy it overall. I'm torn because I'm still curious about the other storylines but I'm not sure I want to inflict more of the gameplay on myself.
I'm a bit torn about this one. I really wanted to love it as it reminded me of Chibi-Robo! on Nintendo DS, but at first the game got me quite frustrated. The controls are a bit goofy at time (on purpose I assume?) and there was nothing more frustrating for me to fall from the plant by mistake and having to reclimb it over and over. However, the game grew (no pun intended) on me (the presence of sheep in the game might be a factor) and in the end, I think I'll play a bit more of it to hunt a few more cheevos as now that the main objective is beaten I find the game more enjoyable.
Edit: I edited to reflect the new stats as I put 4 more hours in the game today (Feb 1st) and got the 15 cheevos I was missing. I don't want it to appear in February report for just those 4 hours so that's it ;)
0 minutes playtime
0 of 20 achievements
The Escapists
0 minutes playtime
0 of 37 achievements
0 minutes playtime
0 of 27 achievements
VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
0 minutes playtime
0 of 34 achievements
Hard West
0 minutes playtime
0 of 35 achievements
Indie Game: The Movie
7 hours playtime
6 of 7 achievements
0 minutes playtime
0 of 22 achievements
0 minutes playtime
0 of 16 achievements
0 minutes playtime
0 of 42 achievements
Castle of Illusion
0 minutes playtime
0 of 12 achievements
0 minutes playtime
0 of 36 achievements
Why Am I Dead At Sea
0 minutes playtime
0 of 27 achievements

Cheevos and DLC for actual movie? I hope it won’t became a mainstream in movie theaters :D

I know right? And from what I understand, the DLC is basically the extra you’d have if you bought a DVD. It seems a bit shady to me to sell it as a DLC. As for the cheevos, it seems most people are just skipping to the last minute and unlock them, which I can understand and would have done if I hadn’t been interested in the commentary part.

I liked your selection of games and congratulations on your impressive progress :) I enjoyed Gnomes Garden though.
Welcome to Broken Age 43/45 club :P Speedrun sucks!

Thanks! I think my disappointment for Gnomes Garden comes from the fact I was expecting a tower defense when I installed it. It’s not a bad game per se.
Ah! You too? I don’t like speedrunsn even if Escollo seems to say there are guides around to tackle it. I find it frustrating when cheevos are related to that because I like to take my sweet time when I’m playing games.

I’m aware that there are guides, I checked them out myself. This doesn’t change that it’ll still near very close to the 1 hour mark and the last puzzle is random. I really don’t understand the point of developers asking players to speedrun the game they worked on for years to create.
Daedalic added a “finish the game under 17 minutes” achievement for Journey of a Roach…..

Yeah and Act 2 has a bunch of scenes that can’t be skipped so it’s kind of tight.
I don’t get it either. I understand that speedrun is a thing for some people and they really enjoy it but I don’t, so i don’t like to be pressured into it by the cheevos.

Tbh, I don’t like speedruns too, I just wanna new rarest cheevo for myself ^^,

That I totally understand :D

You can save just after ships get crashed into each others, figure out 2 combinations of wires (for arfa and for drum) and than just reload your save and quickly solve the puzzle, ‘cause combinations won’t be randomized at this point.

Thanks a lot for the tip. I’m thinking of going for that achievement once my backlog nears completion.

Dang I was going to play Consortium real soon so it’s a bummer it has so many issues. Anyway congrats on all your completed games!

It might have come from my config though, so you should try it. Like I said the plot is quite interesting if you can get over the buggy aspect. If you give it a try, I’d love to hear what you think of it ;)

I played Consortium 18 months ago and had no problem with bugs or crashes. Maybe some updates since then messed it up? For me it was a great experience because the interaction with the NPCs feels more real than in other games.
Tuturuuu! Steins Gate looks so good
I love your post format, good luck in Feb ^^
It does!! I haven’t have time to play it yet but I’m extremely excited about it :3
Thank you, and good luck to you too!