Hey guys,
it’s a long time since my last post. I’ve been in hospital and rehab cause I had a stroke. You don’t need to say your sorry or something, I just wanted to say this because since that even my mother language is sometimes difficult to me. Writing in english is even worse, so please excuse me for making mistakes and I hope you understand me well. :)
So, anyway I finished some games and I want to tell you my progress.
So that’s all for now. Sorry, but there are so many games, I can’t write a review for all, that’s currently to much for me yet.
See you soon!
PS: I would love to hear from you what I should play next. Maybe you find a game in my “never played” or “unfinished games” what makes you think “What the hell, she got that game and didn’t play it (till the end)”, so please let me know! ;)

Tut mir trotzdem sehr leid! Hoffe es geht dir besser und das mit der Sprache haut bald wieder hin :)
So schnell durchgescrollt angefangen zu gucken, ist mir Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller ins Auge gesprungen. Ich fand das Spiel großartig!
Ich wünsch dir ganz viel Kraft und super viel Spaß beim Spielen!

Danke, das ist ganz lieb von dir. Wenn man bedenkt, dass ich am Anfang weder sprechen noch lesen oder schreiben konnte, hat sich das alles ganz prima entwickelt. Sind nur noch kleinere Wortfindungsstörungen vorhanden, und vor allem bei den Fremdsprachen ist mir vieles entfallen. Aber das kommt wieder. Und danke für den Tipp, ich schau bald mal rein.

Dafür machst du das aber echt klasse und auch dein englisch war sehr gut verständlich. Also keine Sorge knuddel
Ich hoffe ein englisches Spiel zu spielen ist dann nicht zu herausfordernd? Bin mir grad nicht sicher, ob Cognition auch auf deutsch war grübel
(Und ich schließ mich Stef mit Stardew Valley und Tales from the Borderlands an! <3)
Hab ganz viel Spaß :)

Would love to hear your thoughts on Willy-Nilly Knight. :)

I liked Willy-Nilly Knight (even if it has a very strange name). While playing, you feel that it’s no triple A title, but it’s full of love. There are some easter eggs, which makes me smile. ;) The best is the combat system and thats good, because you fight a lot. It’s similar to the combat system of Divinity Original Sin. Maybe sometimes it’s a bit to easy, but I liked it.

All sounds good to me. Going to play it with my kids after we wrap up a game or two.

Writing in english is even worse, so please excuse me for making mistakes
Your english is wonderful :) hope you feel better soon!
You played a lot of interesting games. I’ve never heard of willy Nilly Knight but I just added it to my wishlist :D
PS: I would love to hear from you what I should play next. Maybe you find a game in my “never played” or “unfinished games” what makes you think “What the hell, she got that game and didn’t play it (till the end)”, so please let me know! ;)
Tales from the Borderlands and Stardew Valley! Can’t recommend those enough! Tales of the Borderlands is a blast even if you’ve never played or don’t like Borderlands. I had never even played a Borderlands game before playing it, but I have since enjoyed the entire series. It’s fun and it has great writing with really good characters.
Stardew Valley is a harder sell if you don’t like farming sims (like me.) If you do enjoy them, then it’s a no brainer. If you don’t enjoy games like Stardew Valley, it’s still incredibly fun and addicting. I never thought I’d enjoy it since I dislike Harvest Moon, but I still can’t get off of it. The game doesn’t give you much direction at first but reading guides or doing trial and error will help :)
I also recommend Crawl (if you have local friends, it’s no fun single-player). Also Ara Fell and Rakuen. Ara Fell is pretty fun and I enjoyed the whole thing. It’s on the long side though. Rakuen is a sweet and emotional story that made me so glad I tried it!
Good luck choosing!

I keep hearing glowing recommendations about Tales from the Borderlands, but I’ve never played a Borderlands game, don’t know any of the characters, and the trailer just hasn’t looked appealing to me…and I’ve watched it several times thinking maybe I’ll feel differently. (Insert ASCII shrug guy that I cba to figure out how to make.)

Well when I first played Tales From the Borderlands I also didnt play any of the games or know a single thing about them or the characters. Its very newbie friendly like The Walking Dead. I dont know if youde like it though since everyone is different :). If you are ever curious just wait until its in a cheap bundle like I did :P

Thank you stef! :) I’m feeling better every day. My boyfriend and I are waiting for the realese of the multiplayer for stardew valley. And I hope it’s coming soon, can’t wait to play it any longer ;)
Tales from the Borderlands is a very good idea, because I love Telltale Games. Just playing Minecraft Story Mode 1, but when I finished that, I definitly take a loke at Borderlands.
Ara Fell and Rakuen was also fun while playing, I didn’t even know, why I’m not finishing them. Need to catch up! Thanks for your tips!

The dev said its coming in a month if all goes well. In also very excited :)

Yeah, the Beta of Stardew Valley Multiplayer is out. We played it all night long since 3 am in the morning. Can’t stop, it’s really so much fun! You have to go to steam, stardew valley, settings. There is a tab called “Beta”. You need to write this code in the text box “jumpingjunimos”. Now you can activate the beta in the dropdown menu. ;)

Thanks! I did it, now I just have to wait for my lazy friend to do it also :P
I’m glad it’s a lot of fun. Have you experienced any bugs?

I’m playing coop with my boyfriend. At the end of the day it seems that the game becomes desync and crashes in the summary, at least for the person how joined the session, if the host has already clicked the continued button but the other player is still checking the summary. If all players click the OK button at the same time, there are no crashes. We’ve experienced that the game runs more stable with LAN connection. Hope that the dev fixed that till they released the full multiplayer.
Have fun while playing! :)
Check out AER: Memories of Old next! I already finished it, and it’s fantastic!
I tried it, and it looks so beautiful but I sadly suffers from Motion Sickness so I can play the game no longer than about 15 minutes, otherwise I’m feeling sick. :( But I definitly will play it again soon. Thanks for the tip. :)
I was able to play AER despite the fact I often suffer from motion sickness, but the weird camera movement and position definitely felt bad :(