Solenars Edge and Last Evil
A few days ago I got a request to review Solenars Edge 2, but since it’s a sequel I opted to play the prequel first. After all, it’s free to play.
Boy, this game was so bad I understood almost right away why it was free. The maps of the buildings were so huge they felt empty and the maps of the outside and the dungeons were made in a way that looked like a road or like an actual labyrinth, not like a forest or an actual dungeon would look like.
Another thing that drove me nuts was the inability to go back once you entered a building, a dungeon, or just got out of a city. Unless the dev overlooked that detail I can’t fathom how they looked at it and thought “yup, this is how it should be”.
The story is kinda generic, but the prologue was executed a bit poorly. I mean, I get the intention is to make it as short as possible but it was as cohesive as Gibiate’s plot. The rest of the story was executed better but it still wasn’t good enough to make up for the aforementioned issues.
There were some things I liked tho. For example, some cosmetic elements like the menus and health bars looked quite good.
All in all, I think this was one of the few games which I decided to just drop and play the sequel instead of powering through it.
This one was a pretty big improvement over its prequel. This time the maps were done competently and most of the issues I had with the first game were solved.
The art was also improved. It moved from using the RTP for almost everything to custom-made ones, and they look very good. I miss the health bars from Solenars Edge Rebirth though.
It’s not problem-free though. There are a few typos in the game and I’m not fond of the way the story is split into chapters. Also I find those side-quests in which you have to use a different team a bit random, as in they appear in the game as if I should know who they are already (unless they also appeared in Rebirth, in which case I said nothing :X)
TL;DR: It’s an ok game. Play it only if you like the Solenars Edge saga
I also got Last Evil because a review I read sparked my curiosity, and I don’t regret buying it at all.
To be fair I was unsure whether to buy this game or not at first, but playing a pirat... err... a “test copy” of the game for 10 minutes was all I needed to get rid of any doubts I had about it. I’m not exaggerating when I say this is probably the best NSFW game I’ve played so far.
Last Evil is a game about a succubus who swore revenge against humans for raping and murdering her fellow demons because you know, humans are bastards and all that stuff. To do so she infiltrates herself in a heavily-guarded dungeon where the great demon was sealed and aims to unseal him. As you can see the story is kinda simple, but to be honest we are not here to read an epic tale that’d inspire us and move us to tears, we are here to play a PLOT-driven game that’d “move our friend to tears” (if you know what I mean ;) ).
The game mechanics are similar to any other card battle game. Here you have offensive, defensive, and status inducing attacks that use either mana or lust (which increases painstakingly slowly btw). Once you win a battle you can choose whether to fuck your opponents to obtain a good chunk of “essence” (yes, it’s what you think it is and it’s used a the ingame currency) at the expense of dropping your lust to 0 or just do a quick extract, which will barely give you some essence but your lust will remain intact. You obtain exp once the round is over (regardless of whether you beat the game or got defeated) based on how many enemies you beat as well as other bonifications (and you obtain skill points to spend in the case you levelled up) but well, you can imagine what happens to the poor succubus if she loses =P
The art and animation is well done, though I’d appreciate some variety on the basic enemies’ designs. They all look so similar to each other you feel like you’re always banging the same dude (or their twin brothers =P). Also the slimes’ animation glitches a bit when you try to bang them a second time in the same scene.
All in all this is an excellent game you should buy, be it for the lewds or the actual gameplay.
PS: Shopkeeper best girl

“Last Evil is a game about a succubus who swore revenge against humans for raping and murdering her fellow demons because you know, humans are bastards”
And then she goes and fucks them after defeating them, huh. I guess succubus gonna be succubus.
Someone recommended and praised this in a discord server I frequent so I wishlisted it, but not sure whether I want it or not. How’s the gameplay? Is it balanced and is there enough variety in builds compared to similar (but non-H) games? Is there any progression between the runs and do the runs feel different or samey?

I’d say it’s pretty balanced except for the bosses in the second floor (I found them easier to beat than the regular mob) and I estimate there’s about 6 clear builds (power build, defense-build, multi-hit build, bleed-build, cycle-build, and lust-build). Of course you can always have a mix of everything but it’s not recommended because it increases the likeliness of getting a bad hand.
Each run feels different because the maps are picked randomly, and you can find some stuff in some that’s not in the others. Regarding the progression, there is between runs. Once one is over you obtain an X amount of experience and, if you level up, skill points you can use to learn new skills and make your life easier.
This comment was deleted over 4 years ago.
I was curious why solenars had all achievements unlocked but then dropped, got the stupid start up the game. I see it did used to have different ones but whatever from the 1 other review I read and yours its just sucky. Cant go back an area and forced to die to a never ending poison sucks
Yeah, for some odd reason the dev heavily dislikes achievements and he either doesn’t add them or adds only that single “start the game” achievement (which I personally only find it useful for statistics purposes).