
February: Groundhog Day

This month’s theme is inspired by Groundhog Day (the real life February tradition and the movie). You can play any of the following:

  • games featuring time loops,
  • games featuring time travel,
  • roguelikes,
  • roguelites.

You can use the following (or similar) format to make it easier for me to keep track of everyone’s progress, but feel free to add any extra thoughts about the game(s) to your post!

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status
:-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: 
name of game 1 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished
name of game 2 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished
name of game 3 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished
TOTAL: | achievements obtained | playtime this month | Number of games finished

Have fun!

Theme song

Challenge me

The newest edition of the monthly Challenge Me is available here: click.


Do I have to participate in this month’s theme?
No, as with every theme, these are merely suggestions for anyone who is unsure about what to play next. If you already have a battle plan for your backlog and/or don’t like this month’s theme, you’re free to ignore it.

What happens if I don’t participate in the monthly theme?

What happens if I play all of my unfinished games this month?
Your backlog will be a much smaller place.

I don’t have any unfinished games!
Really? well that makes one of us… I salute you.

I already finished my entry can I play another?
Go ahead - the goal is to reduce your unfinished games list. The more you can play the better.

Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status
Zero Escape: The Nonary Games 38/38 54h finished
name of game 2 achievements obtained playtime this month unfinished/finished
name of game 3 achievements obtained playtime this month unfinished/finished
TOTAL: 38 54h 1

oh have fun




Nice theme :)

Name Subcategory Achievements obtained Playtime Status
The Sexy Brutale games featuring time loops 18/18 8.7h finished
Omensight: Definitive Edition games featuring time loops 24/34 10.2h finished
The Silent Age games featuring time travel 24/24 4.8h finished
TOTAL:   66 23.7h 3
Tempête Joachim

What count as time travel, is it the protagonist who have to travel through times ? Half Past Fate mentions time jumps, but it sounds like it’s only the player jumping through time, not the characters

Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status
Half Past Fate 42/42 3.8h Completed
Post Void 0/7 0.1h Unfinished
Roboquest - 1.5h Unfinished
Roundguard 36/58 8.3h Beaten
TOTAL: 78/107 12.2h 2/4


Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status
Neoverse 3 before the month 0 (5.3h before) unfinished
name of game 2 achievements obtained playtime this month unfinished/finished
name of game 3 achievements obtained playtime this month unfinished/finished
TOTAL: achievements obtained playtime this month Number of games finished

Also question what counts as time travel? Only games with the tags? Or ss a game which is played both in the past and present also fine, where the gameplay switches between past and present ?


Or ss a game which is played both in the past and present also fine, where the gameplay switches between past and present ?

If you mean it as playing some flashbacks and/or flashforwards, then that doesn’t seem time travely to me. Is there anything specific you have in mind?


I was thinking of The Descendant which as far as I can tell from the first chapter switches constantly between past and present. You play two different characters about 300 years apart, whose only conncetion is the place/job they have. Basically the people in the future try to figure out what happened in the past.


I have a question. Are there games besides Outer WIlds, Minit and Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask where developers implemented a “groundhog day” into a gameplay? I’m not talking about regular time travels or roguelikes/lites


Apart from the ones you mentionned, one I can think about from the top of my head is Future Proof


I believe The Sexy Brutale fits the bill, but don’t quote me on that as I haven’t actually played it myself.


I haven’t played any of those, so some of them might be wrong (could contain some different type of time looping), but these are other titles I heard about in the context of “Groundhog day like” time loops (besides all of the ones already mentioned):

  • The Last Express
  • Elsinore
  • one hidden behind spoiler-text, as I’m pretty sure that just mentioning that this game is Groundhog Day-like is already kind of a spoiler: Oxenfree
  • The Stanley Parable (should get an expanded “Ultra Deluxe” version in 2019, but it’s still getting postponed)

Also a game I’ve been following for almost 5 years now: Twelve Minutes (100% coming this year)


I selected The Sexy Brutale (“Relive the same mysterious day where the guests at the casino mansion are being murdered by the staff over and over again.”) and Omensight (“In order to prevent the apocalypse, you are fated to repeat the last day of the world until it can be saved.”)


I think Steins;Gate might also fit the bill.


I suppose it’s illegal for me to not participate in a roguelite theme, so let’s see…
This month was really lackluster for me in terms of gaming, huh?

Name Achievements obtained Playtime this month Status
Last Evil 31/31 13h Completed
BPM: BULLETS PER MINUTE 1/28 1h Unfinished
TOTAL: 32 14h Beaten games: 1

6 more abandoned games soon :rowow:


I don’t abandon roguelites :gunboye:


That’s a good octopus pats


Like the octopus said, I guess this theme is a bit mandatory for me…. :sweat:

Edit: And yet it was a fail. Didn’t finish any.


This has the “time travel” tag on Steam, we’ll see!

Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status
Day of the Tentacle Remastered / / unfinished
TOTAL: / / /
Name Category Achievements obtained Playtime Status
Lost Castle Roguelike 52/91 13.5 Beaten
Iron Danger Time loops 20/23 14.4 Beaten
TOTAL: - 72/114 27.9 2
Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status Notes
50 years 16/55 2.1 finished This one is not tagged as a roguelite, but it’s pretty close to being one
Children of Morta 28/45 15,7 finished  
TOTAL: 44 17,8 2  
Name Category Achievements obtained Playtime Status
The Silent Age time manipulation, time travel 24/24 6h02m completed
Hunters Of The Dead roguelike no achievements 20h40m (this month) unfinished
TOTAL:   24/24 26h42m 1 completed, 1 unfinished
Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status Category
The Gardens Between 6 of 17 2 hours beaten Time manipulation
TOTAL: 1 2 hours 1 beaten -

Trent warned me that this game counted for the monthly theme, so I guess I actually participated in it this time :D

