February: Baby, it's cold outside
This month you can participate in the monthly theme by either playing winter themed games (or at least where part of the action occurs during winter), co-op games or games where romance is involved (Thanks to Kaleith for suggesting that second part of the theme). Have fun and stay warm!
Huge thanks to Kaleith for the banner!
To participate, reply to this post and tell us which game(s) that fit the monthly theme(s) you’re going to play.
Please use the following (or similar) format, but feel free to add any extra thoughts about the game(s) to your post!
Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status
:-: | :-: | :-: | :-:
name of game 1 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished
name of game 2 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished
name of game 3 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished
TOTAL: | achievements obtained | playtime this month | Number of games finished
Obvious Theme song
Do I have to participate in this month’s theme?
No, as with every theme, these are merely suggestions for anyone who is unsure about what to play next. If you already have a battle plan for your backlog and/or don’t like this month’s theme, you’re free to ignore it.
What happens if I don’t participate in the monthly theme?
What happens if I play all of my unfinished games this month?
Your backlog will be a much smaller place.
I don’t have any unfinished games - I’ve beaten everything I’ve started.
Really? well that makes one of us… I salute you.
I already finished my entry can I play another?
Go ahead - the goal is to reduce your unfinished games list. The more you can play the better.
I’ve nearly beaten a game can I still use it as my entry?
Of course!

Maybe I’ll pick more later, we’ll see.
Name | Achievements obtained (-previous) | Playtime this month (-previous) | Status |
If My Heart Had Wings | 20/20 | 28h | Completed |
If My Heart Had Wings -Flight Diary- | 20/20 | 13h | Completed |
Wolfenstein: Youngblood | 27/60 | 9h | Beaten |
Wonderful Everyday Down the Rabbit-Hole | N/A | 2h | Unfinished |
TOTAL: | 67 | 52h | Beaten games: 3 |

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Bury Me, My Love | 19/19 | 12,4h | Completed |
Fabulous - Angela’s Wedding Disaster | 8/18 | 8h (starting over) | unfinished |
TOTAL: | 27 | 16 | 1 |
BMML is a recent win (tag love)
Angela I just really want to start over with and complete (also tag love)

This is a nice theme. <3
Name | Category | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Abyss Odyssey | Co-op | 7/17 | 13.4h | Beaten |
LEGO® Batman™: The Videogame | Co-op | none | 8.6h (Initial 5h) | Beaten |
Last Day of June | Romance | 21/21 | 3.6h | Completed |
TOTAL: | 28 | 20.6h | 3 |

Looks like I only have two games that qualify– Kholat and Richard & Alice. Then again, I’ve only played three games since the beginning of September, so it probably doesn’t really matter.

I kinda already have my list of games I want to play next, so figured I’d see if any of those could fit in here. I’m pretty sure it can snow in APICO, and I believe there are elements of romance, or at least flirtation, or at LEAST friendship in Neon White, so I’ll go with those ;-)
EDIT: Also I LOVE the banner!!!
EDIT2: I may be putting APICO on hold for a while since I found out the dev is planning 2 more fairly substantial content updates. I’m also adding Eastward, there turned out to be some romance, of a sort XD
Name | Achievements Obtained | Playtime | Status |
APICO (winter) | 24/55 | 34.5h | on hold |
Neon White (romance) | 13/63 | 15.6h | unfinished |
Eastward (romance) | 12/30 | 42.8h | unfinished |
TOTAL: | 49/148 | 92.9h | Number of games “finished” = 1/3 |

Name | Category | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands | Co-op | 7/47 (7 previously) | 0.0h (6.3h previously) | unfinished |
Darkarta: A Broken Heart’s Quest | Tag: Romance | 0/40 | 0.0h | unfinished |
TOTAL: | 0/80 | 0.0h | 0/2 |

Well I’ll definitely take part. I got 2 romance novels coming up

Name | Category | Achievements obtained | Playtime (-previous) | Status |
WitchSpring3 Re:Fine - The Story of Eirudy - | Romance | 0/12 | 5.7h (-5.7h) | unfinished |
LoveKami -Healing Harem- | Romance | 0/19 | 4.5h (-4.5h) | unfinished |
Sakura Forest Girls | Romance | 15/15 | 7.2h (-5.7h) | finished |
To the Moon | Romance | 1/1 | 8.1h (-4.0h) | finished |
TOTAL: | 16/47 | 5.6h | 2/4 |

WitchSpring 3 is on my wishlist, it looks so cute! I’ll look forward to hearing your thoughts on it :)

Yeah, it does look cute. That’s the reason what’s draw me in the first place. :3
Steam’s new recommendation tool does a good job sometimes.
I’m looking forward to play it this month, hope I can get into it soon.

Took me long but finally finished it. :)
I’ll write a short review in this month’s report. Also, it was cuter than I expected. One of the cutest games even.

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
If My Heart Had Wings | 20/20 | 8.1 h (-3.8 h) | completed |
Milky Way Prince – The Vampire Star | 13/13 | 4.9 h | completed |
When The Past Was Around | 20/20 | 2 h | completed |
If On A Winter’s Night, Four Travelers | 15/15 | 2 h | completed |
TOTAL: | 68/68 | 13.2 h | 4/4 |

Let’s go!
Name | Achievements obtained | Category | Playtime | Status |
Hokko Life | 21/31 | Winter | 16.9h | finished |
TOTAL: | 21/31 | 16.9h | 1/1 |

Name | Subcategory | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Train Station Renovation | Winter | 46/73 | 15.6h | finished |
TOTAL: | 46 | 15.6h | 1 |
Ooh, Pixel Puzzle Makeout League is a good one :-)