There is no trying. You do, or not! Mitsukuni’s profile
I’m a sucker for building-management-isometric triangle, I prefer medieval over modern, almost hate post-apocalyptic setting and generally hate horror as a genre (with indirect exceptions). I really loved FFXIV but had to request the deletion of my account because it was no good for my backlog. I play exclusively on Linux since 2020 and working on 3 games but haven’t released one yet.
Also, 100% Orange Juice is my relapsing addiction.
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Oldest Unfinished 30 (✔ 14/30, ✘ 3/30)
February 2025
I guess it’s going better than I hoped, for the backlog. I’ve run out of short games (maybe a couple left), so I’ve reached a steep slope.
Despite this is the second coming of Hitler as a zombie (or a demon, I’m not so sure anymore) this could be the best zombie shooter I’ve ever played. It was smooth as well, Rebellion know how to optimize their games. Interestingly it was easier than the trilogy. I remember being struggled a lot in the trilogy while this one was almost a cakewalk. Almost. You still need to be always on the run.
I have finished the story and deleted the game but some time later if I fancy a zombie shooter I might come back for the horde mode. However I hate that some guns were paywalled under season pass.
While the game is still good for today’s standards, I do not recommend playing campaign if you don’t want to lose your sanity. Thankfully I have found a way to return it to its former self with a mod and it made the campaign easier. It was still hard even on easy though. You can still enjoy skirmish (or multiplayer if you know what you do), it’s kinda like StarCraft.
By the way, there is a good news about Command & Conquer. EA opened the source code of the games a couple days ago (you can check from here).
Someone found this comment in the code. It seems they didn’t like Windows even back then. :)
This one is actually an expansion but they released it as a separate title. Campaign is still insane though. At least there are some form of variety with some alt-factions, so there are 9 playable factions instead of 3. For skirmish this one is better because that.
Sigh! What will become of my backlog? I still play 20 year old games. -_-
It’s peaceful though.
January 2025
I had 60 games goal for 2024 and more or less I managed it. For 2025 though, I have no backlog goal because of reasons. I should focus on them more. :)
I think this was the most casual game from IFI, with little to none grinding. I was under-leveled for the final boss by 6 levels though, which was painful enough to wished the past me had ground more but I managed somehow (had to solo the boss at one point).
Anyway, playing a game inside a game was fun and it has a somewhat interesting plot as well. though quite typical for IFI games. Guilty as charged I like the silliness of Neptunia universe. And Tsunako is one of my favourite artists, really nice character design and all.
Had to start over because I remembered pretty much nothing from my first play. It has a really simple but a nice gameplay loop. Sometimes RNG sucks so bad but it was also rare to become really overpowered as well. To beat the final boss, you’ll need that rarity or you’ll need to be cautious with what you play. Either way, there was no way for me to get that “beat the final boss 6 times” achievement.
Once I beat him once, I’ve seen every runs.
December 2024
I like these reboots. Though I feel like Doom Eternal is even more fast pace than the originals. I liked that the game is forcing you to use every last bullet and you have to act pretty strategically, good for quick thinking. They could’ve made the campaign a little longer for introducing new enemy types but it was still fine. At least the games still carry the “survival for demons” soul.
Viva la ⛧ Doom Slayer ⛧.
I loved the Gwent in Witcher 3 but I couldn’t liked the standalone Gwent, almost hate it. And Thronebreaker is basically a story with standalone Gwent. Because of this it took a long time to finally finish it.
When I decided to finish it, I noticed that the game was on the hardest setting. I don’t remember choosing it and I went down for the easiest setting. After doing that I also noticed that the game allows skipping the card battles, probably because of the difficulty setting. I used that option a lot. Thanks to it, I was able to finish the game finally. As a person who loves the Witcher universe, this game was a blessing, as a story. Well, if you skip every card battle, the game is a visual novel with voice acting. It’s great. Just not the card battles.
I forgot how addictive these games were. Dragon Age Origins and Mass Effect Trilogy are the epitome of BioWare.
I didn’t need to buy the legendary edition since I have all the games but 90% discount and carrying the save over to the next game without a hassle was a good reason to get it. Worth it.
Also, “default Shepard gang”. :)
By the way, crappy EA launcher lost its connection for whatever reason and I didn't get my last 3 achievements. Thankfully I'm not an achievement hunter.
November 2024
I’ve played this for the third time but this time it was for achievements mostly. This is one of the unique games out there. Highly recommended.
Second game in the series and a prequel to first game. Agarest Zero adds quality of life improvements over the first game while not changing many aspects. There were only two generations and it was hardly plural. Though somehow these generations were quite longer comparing to first game.
Despite all the improvements, this game was okay, not great. They really should fix that mindless grinding. When I reached the end-game fights, I realized I had to grind for 10 more levels to get manageable boss fights, which was really boring.
And the fact I learned they sell cheats as DLCs and it’s the only way to get true ending. Didn’t notice or really cared for the first game but this is low.
Finished the story and it was quite enjoyable. Also played some towers too. However I couldn’t find anyone to play online but it was expected I guess. Happens all the time with fighting games.
October 2024
No showcase this month.
I think this could be the best Neptunia game, though I still like the simplicity of the first game more. However Uzume is the best character in the whole series, as a Blanc fan I even like her more than Blanc.
Anyway, I noticed that my tolerance for grindy JRPGs grow little as I age. Even though I still like the stories, I have no patience for grinding anymore.
Now this is a cozy little kingdom game. I liked it back in days and I still like it. I forgot that some missions are harsher than Siberian cold, but it’s fine.
I felt that kinda missed playing the good old Borderlands but apparently I didn’t miss it that much. Finished the story and uninstalled.
This is a worthy remaster, I guess. No idea what parts of it got remastered but the game is still fire and worth playing. One of the most satisfactory stealth games I’ve ever played.
This was much more fun than pure Assembly Human Resource Machine. It was both easier and harder. Some of the OCD missions were almost evil and had to look for a guide for most of the speed optimizations. But it was fun to check others’ solutions and some of them were quite brilliant. Programming is fun when humans used. :P
This is the most mediocre title from Compile Heart. First, I tried to play the original but it was too painful to start. So I went with the “remastered” one. They quite improved the original but it’s still a mediocre game. The story is not interesting. The gameplay is usual Idea Factory title, meaning long visual novel session, grind grind grind, long visual novel session and so on. They even put some platforming and this is not a platforming game. It was terrible and I almost dropped it. I didn’t because it was close to ending, at least one of them. Eh, enough for me. I don’t think I have ever played a this boring JRPG.
Third game with the red haired Adol Christin. Whole game was easier than Ys Origin, kinda shorter too. Even boss fights were easier. This one had more platforming though and they were fun yet can be painful time to time. Generally it was pretty fun and apparently Falcom fans love this title too much since Falcom will release a remastered version and sell it for $30.
September 2024
I've waited so much to play this and chugged this in three weeks once I finally can. It's an old game yet it didn't run good on Linux until recently. This game is one of my all time favourites. Kind of a unique blend of RPG and RTS. It's a fantasy setting where you control humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, trolls and dark elves. 3 light and 3 dark races. There are campaign missions where you control 3 races at once which was quite fun.
Surely it needs quality of life improvements as today, some aspects didn't age well. It is expected from a 21 year old game though. For example, the whole world is connected and if you forgot to activate the teleportation stone on a map, you have to walk there again from the last one you have activated (or the closest one). The maps are gigantic and every map has 3-5 of these but none of these activates automatically. While this manual-ity is sometimes painful, you'll find this useful time to time, since enemies can de-activate these monuments by attacking them. You can scout the map before setting your camp there, all thanks to it being manual. Because once you set your camp, enemies will start sending scouts and will sending soldiers to you eventually. Without a camp, you're basically a ghost. Another thing is, since this is an RPG, you'll return to the maps you have conquered for doing side quests. Well, almost every RPG game has this, right? The problem here is the walking speed. Even with the stones you bind, it is still painfully slow to walk anywhere. Imagine walking without teleportation. :)
While not so useful, this game has a third-person camera angle and it's like playing World of Warcraft, and it's older than WoW. Pretty nifty and good for taking screenshots.
There are 3 campaigns (though the second one kinda felt like a filler). In the last campaign, you can import your character from the first or the second campaign. It is the direct continuation of the main campaign and and importing was a good option.
Also, I might have cursed to the level designer of the second campaign a handful times. In the last mission where you fight the dragon, you can only attack by range. My character was melee, the race you control on that map is dwarves which they only have one ranged unit and that unit cannot reach the dragon's range. So I had to use a side character that my character can summon. It took minutes with only his shots, my army can do it under one minute probably if that fight was melee.
Well, there surely were some painful moments but overall the game was pretty fun with a good RPG story. Oh, almost forgot to mention. Every interaction is voice-acted.
This was a direct gift on SG (from a Christmas thread) and I finally honored it. I like ships (and trains) so this game was pretty fun for me to engage. I had no idea that it was a sandbox game though, and eventually an MMO-RPG with ships (if you can find server that still playing it). It gets repetitive once you see everything but it was a great 49 hours for me.
It was shorter than I expected and the story was great and awful at the same time. I like alternate history titles like Wolfenstein but this was not so alternate history anymore. Gotta add that it was too graphic, and I’m saying this as a Dead Island fan.
Finally I’m done with this one and can move to Tropico 6 some time later. I love Tropico games but this was the worst Tropico game. There are nice ideas like eras. One thing I didn’t like about it, you cannot keep the old buildings the way they are. Once upgraded, they are no more. However they would look great in a modern city.
I definitely hated that you continue campaign on the same map from before with everything on it and start of a new mission is always bad for your economy. Tropico cities didn’t mean to last forever, they degrade in time and become uncontrollable once you hit a certain size. I liked the idea behind it but the implementation was not good enough.
Music was top-notch again. Also this was the first Tropico game with a native Linux version. It is impressive that they managed to fit everything in 3 GB and optimization was great on everything. One of the smoothest gameplays I’ve seen.
I hope Tropico 6 is closer to 4 than 5.
I count myself as “played enough” for this title since it’s meant to be multiplayer and the so called campaign missions are just multiplayer matches but with bots. They were fine until some point but on that match I decided to put this game away, there was no way to win it because the bots on my team were too dumb. Great boomer-shooter if you can find someone to play with, just not with bots.
Not a fan of dungeon crawlers but this was actually fine, with a Sakura story. Kinda surprised that they managed make it with RenPy. I’m glad there was an auto-battle system since I got bored pretty quick.
As a Battlefield fan, I’ve waited to play this long enough. I was not interested in its multiplayer so I didn’t get it on its prime days but was keep hearing that story was fun. I would expect more but yes, it was fun. Though as a story it was not so better than B-rated cop films, but playing it was pretty fun.
As a person who likes Shaun the Sheep, this game was expectedly cute as well. Puzzles were kind of easy though but I liked them.
August 2024
I think I can easily say, this is one of the best games of all time.
It starts kinda slow as the nature of the game, but once you see all of the memories the actual game starts. The environment, 1-bit game design, the soundtracks, voice acting, everything is top-notch and well thought. It's a puzzle / detective game and one of the best in the genre. For the first time in my life, I didn't make a pen & paper chart for a game like this. The game covers you with its book.
Not gonna lie, when I see it for the first time, it was kinda scary with all 60 fates to solve thing. However you get the taste when you solve them 3 by 3. And it's an awesome taste. It doesn't get easier though. Quite the challenge.
If you check the reviews, you will often see that they mention this game only playable one time. It's true, the replayablity of this game is zero. Obviously though, once you solved them the mysteries are forever gone. The experience and the feels are amazing regarding to that. Little details everywhere, you just need to notice them. The best part is, everything can be those little details. The accents, items, belongings… It gets kinda easier if you know people from different cultures, how they look, how they talk, what "they might have do"…
I like ships and know things about ships, however even if you don't know anything about them, the game covers you there with its glossary too. You won't need guides or walkthroughs. For the sake of the game, don't do that. Never. Solve it by yourself. It will take time but you can do it. And it will feel amazing. Lucas Pope is a genius.
It’s sad to see that while Ubisoft improve the gameplay in time, the games get boring. This is the worst Far Cry I have played, yet (gotta play 6 some time). It doesn’t give you the feel of accomplishment and that’s a very important thing in games. Flying vehicles are overpowered for a game like this and it was the downfall for Far Cry 4. It’s okay once in a while but where is the difficulty if you can fly every time? At least the flying simulation was kind of good and enjoyable. The enemy don’t try to get back the outposts, they are not competent. The whole buddy thing made the game more easier. I liked the buddy system in Far Cry 2, it was a one-time rescue if things go wrong. In Far Cry 5, the feeling is like I’m playing a some co-op game. That’s not why I’m here.
The story started somewhat okay and logical but that’s all. I would expect more from it. Not that drugged by a cult thing. I already don’t like the psychedelic “seances” of Far Cry since 3, and it was no good here too. Oh, the game is very buggy and apparently the last update they released was at 2019. You might not be able complete some missions. I know I didn’t.
Ubisoft finally started counting playtime apparently but Uplay is so bad at this. You would thought it's a simple task, it seems not for Ubi. I played around 25 hours yet Uplay says I played like 11 hours. Such a facepalm.
Jumping sideways is a cool feature and I like how Shantae attacks with her hair. And the attack upgrade is a hair conditioner. :)
This is one of those games that you want to finish as soon as possible when it gets longer, and you want to play more of it after it ended. It’s a weird feeling but cannot do anything about it. I really liked when I played Shadowrun Returns for the first time and I really liked Dragonfall as well. It has its moments that you will want to take a break, because things will get a lot tougher time to time.
I also like when sci-fi and fantasy cross paths and CRPG setting is awesome. Though sometimes I hated RNG and had to replay some missions because of it. At least you can save the game anytime when its your turn.
The lore is amazing and deep, you’ll notice how things get connected when you dive in it. Great story and it’s pretty gray, almost no black & white here. Pretty niche game for what its worth.
Bonus chapter of Higurashi and happens after the main story ends. It has 3 stories and honestly the fanservice one was pretty weird. Teenager brain though. -_-
Anyway, Saikoroshi-hen worth alone to get this, which is the main story of this chapter. There is Hou+ left for me though I don’t know when will I get it.
This is definitely the best trilogy of Tomb Raider, the best Lara as well. It’s kinda sad that new Tomb Raider games don’t have this simplicity. This is one of those less is more games to be fair. Even though puzzles still can be complex.
Comparing to other two, this one works much better on Linux. It was a very smooth experience.
July 2024
This month was also dull for gaming. It’s still too hot to do anything productive though. :(
A little short for to be Portal 3 but it’s pretty good if you think it as Portal 2.5. Really liked the new mechanics they came up with. Some puzzles were real brain-teasers. If you like Portal 1&2, you should definitely try this one as well.
Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.8 Matsuribayashi
32 hours playtime, 14 of 14 achievements (100%)# 35
Finally, a conclusion! And a great one too. I spent 182 hours with this series and worth it (I used 07th-Mod for the console experience and never skip or fast-forward anything, everything was on auto. That’s why it took this much).
This is a must for VN enjoyers, it’s that good.
June 2024
Gaming-wise this month was pretty dull for me. I was able to finish only one backlog while getting 4 more on the Summer sale.
I also played the first game again since it’s included as Egypt campaign here, because why not. Second Encounter has bigger maps, so it’s more suitable for co-op, but I still like the hordes from the first game more. From technical points, Second Encounter has more features, more enemy types, more guns, and maybe more secrets. This is a must-play for people who love horde shooters.
May 2024
Really well done tribute to the original King's Bounty, the predecessor of Heroes of Might & Magic games. While this game is quite similar to HomMM V, it's very different as well.
There is no turn-base on the main map so you can freely roam around like a usual RPG game. There are no quest indicators on the map so you should read your conversations carefully, though because of that sometimes it can be uncertain what to do next, especially if you give a break. Turn-based battles are pretty much the same with HoMM games. Kind of a down part for me; since the game isn't on weekly basis, the unit training also isn't on weekly basis, that means you cannot recruite units more than your leadership points. You can get more units indirectly but as long as your leadership points are not enough, they'll go rogue in battles. Nice detail actually, I don't like it though because you cannot doomstack units. At least that keeps the pace of the game in line, so expect a more casual gameplay.
The story is nothing special and I'm not really fond of unserious writing. The special device's name that you use on battles was Gizmo, there are a lot of examples like this. I mean, they're funny at first but gets boring rather quickly. Though there were some really nice plot twists here and there so it will keep your interest fresh. Getting lost on the map is boring at first look and it certainly feels that way, but the game has a lot of backtracking so overall it's not actually a bad thing.
There are different castle teams like in HoMM games, like Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Demons, Swamp Creatures etc. You are not a hero to a specific team (like in HoMM) so you can use any units on your team as you want. There is a morale point of units, they don't get along with each other if they are very different (There is a skill to prevent that.). However, there are some obviously better units. You'll want to use them more when you progress enough. Though if you form your units from the same team and also have items that give bonuses to them, you may want that as well. Pretty useful.
Overall, it's a great game and I'm sure you'll have fun if you like HoMM or even general RPGs. The last part of the game ended too quickly though, so before you reach to the last island you may want to take your time.
Refreshing game.
I fancied some boomer-shooter and picked Unreal this month. I played Unreal Tournament back in the days with my friends but never played the original Unreal game, finally I have. The game has big levels, kinda few enemies and somewhat interactive maps. Though the enemies were bullet sponges and some of them were way too mobile to shoot at, it was not so pleasant. However I now know why this game is beloved by the community. It was surely a nice experience, even though the game shows its age.
Sequel of Unreal but has no relation to it besides it’s the same universe, no continuation and different characters. This was also not a boomer-shooter, more like Halo than Unreal. It was pretty short, levels were pretty small. But loading screens were long. They were long like the game installed on an HDD in 2003. Unreal Gold always loaded instantly but this game… I played ~8 hours and probably spent 2-3 hours looking at loading screens. Maybe not worse than Starfield. :)
The ending sucked and the last mission had terrible physics and awful platforming. It was short like other missions but I died due to platforming a lot, that means a lot of loading screens. Yuck!
I feel kinda sorry for the fans of the first game who hyped for the sequel in 2003.
Even though this is a “definitive edition” it has some serious problems despite having quality of life improvements. While graphics and user interface is just lovely, the gameplay kinda sucks and frustrating most of the time. The units keep getting stuck on each other every time, some campaign maps are really small and you cannot train more than 50 units at the same time (outside of campaign the unit limit is 250) and the game is slow even on very fast mode. Now I kinda understand why Microsoft released the Rise of Rome DLC for AoE II:DE and not for this game because even they know it sucks. Play only if you’re interested in the campaign and want to see it with newer graphics. Other than this, there is no reason to play it.
LAU trilogy is the best Lara Croft trilogy ever made in my opinion. Although PC ports are kinda janky, they still give you the satisfaction of seeing Lara in action (mostly puzzles though). And yes, Lara Croft games should be about puzzles and tombs however they’re mostly optional in the reboot trilogy. I mean, they are good games too but they somehow lack the Lara essence. TR Anniversary is the remake of the very first Tomb Raider game and it’s a pretty loyal remake as well. This one also didn’t have the weird controller issue that TR Legend had. I definitely had good time, so highly recommended.
778 | games |
23% | never played |
7% | unfinished |
50% | beaten |
17% | completed |
3% | won't play |