July 2024

Restructuring as time runs out

Played: 10

Added: 4

Beaten: 3

Started: 1

Completion avg: 80.944% (+0.214)

Points avg: 4732 (+44)

Progress bar:

11% (145/1277)
25% (319/1277)
2% (25/1277)
59% (759/1277)
2% (29/1277)




Big re-organise this month.
The sharp-eyed might've noticed a bigger change in my progress bar than is normal, and that's because i spent some time (re)sorting my progress lists. Mostly just pulling things back out of "won't play" into "never played". While there's a lot of games i've jumped over, i don't exactly want to rule out the possibility of playing them in the future (however tiny of a chance it is). So "won't play" should primarily be games with multiple versions, where i either don't need to play the original, or don't feel like playing through the re-release

Anyway, to business as usual. Finished Tales of Berseria, Crawl, and Castlevania Advance Collection this month - wrote posts about them, not much more to say.
For polishing, let's bash through the list:

  • Finished one more challenge map in Mini-Metro
  • Started GTA Online to maybe get those achievements, but honestly that game is just chaos to my eyes, so i switched to director mode instead, which was far easier
  • Went back to Gloom, but i wasn't having fun with it, so i'll drop it for now
  • Has-Been Heroes i was starting to have fun with, but it seems there's a bug on the Steam Deck where it doesn't save your progress - not having that so also benched
  • Roped a sister in for Portal 2 co-op achievements (did a bit more there than i planned, but that's a good thing)
  • Stardew Valley 1.6 seems to have calmed down by now, so decided to jump back in for a bit - maybe one day i'll get to mark that one done
  • And then Skyrim.. For background, we're currently emptying out the house to move countries (this month(!)), and i've been meaning to upgrade the PC for a while, so i thought i'd just get a new one on that side, saving space on the trip. Once i started cleaning up the hard drive though, i realised my Skyrim mod set-up is so meticulously crafted on this machine, over many hours days, that i very much doubt i'd be able to re-create it again - especially since i'm seriously considering finally giving up Windows. So i dived back in, playing through the Dawnguard vampire questline. Squeezed in the last bit last night, but i might mess around with a Raven Rock refugee playthrough for a bit more

Part 2 of the restructuring was to simplify my monthly playing list, focusing it down to something achievable. I decided on pulling through five games each from "unfinished" and "untouched", since i rarely beat more than five in a month, or play more than ten. If i do empty the list, there's always those piles to pull from. We'll see how it goes, but i'm feeling good about it

Big long wall of text this time, but everything happens at once, as they say..


Congratulations on your assassinations!!! ᓚᘏᗢ
Mmm don’t tempt me into another playthrough of Skyrim please, that such a good game. Also what are your plans for next month? Slime Rancher is good but kinda back-tracky.


Slime Rancher isn’t on the radar just yet (but it’s not far off). I’ve got some cleanup to do first, but it’s Resident Evil 7 or Shadow Tactics that i’m eyeing the most from my list


Ohhhh that sounds exciting(or anxiety inducing, idk which one for you it is), hope the move treats you well. <3