
May 2024


Completed: 9
Achievements: 34,836
Perfect: 840
Average %: 85


I pretty much spent this whole month just cleaning up achievements in games, it probably will continue on to the next month as well so it probably won’t be to much again. However with the sale happening at the end I will probably do another big month in july to make up for all the new games and then I will focus on those damn pop games! Maybe I’ll put a challenge down and be like I’ll still pay anyway if I can’t do at least 5 of them

My favourite of the month will go to bear with me. I always say I don’t want to really pick games I’ve done before and that leaves me with aarklash and that’s a no. I do need to go back and complete the original game, I don’t think I did when I played it before and that’s how there’s so many missing achievements. So yeah its a nice little game and the black and white look to it doesn’t destroy it for me


Congratulations on all of your assassinations!! ᓚᘏᗢ
I should also find some time to clean up achievements, I believe I can get my 5 year achievement for the Stanley game now or soonish, and I know a couple had updates adding new achievements. (Dang you Terraria!)


Well last month one of my old games gained achievements so that’s gonna be fun to replay. Told moony all about it, but of course the only thing I remember about it is that I enjoyed it and that its yuri. Nothing else but I am seeing more news for it that they added bonus epilogue stuff so yay. Do that one next month for sure

Also aarklash is a win and it took 3 attempts. Each time I played it I got through 1 more act before quitting.


HunieCam Studio is interestingly fun isn’t it? I seriously wasn’t expecting to have fun with dirty management. -_-‘


Yeah who doesn’t love playing the game minimum 6 times while seeing the original girls stats being completely wrong. It came out slightly 1 year later then the original game, how hard was it for them to remember what stats they gave people. We all grinded out that talking section for hours they could’ve had the decency to pay attention also


I didn’t mind playing a couple times since there are different tactics but yeah, that was disappointing. Comparing the artstyles, HunieCam’s was also disappointing.