Progress report: December ‘24 (1/2)
Quick! I need y’all to pretend we’re only halfway through December for a bit!
Forget what I said about any of the other games, this one lets you ZOOM. (And you're gonna need it, too.)
I played both the original map from last year and the one that just released today (as of writing this). The new map got crazy intricate in comparison!
You've just gotten word from your boss that school will be in all week long from now on. Understandably frustrated, you rush to get to your job on time… and end up hitting a stray cat on your way there. The vet checkup reveals that the cat has the power to heal itself, and that's only the beginning…
This was clearly a solo dev's fun idea for a game that would also serve as a memory of their own cat (the in-game sprite is even designed after her). It was an hour-long romp through increasingly wacky turn-based encounters, simple yet effective. If I had to point out something I didn't like, it would be the random profanity. I feel every story should use swearing rather sparingly, even if some people have a bigger tendency to swear than others. On the positive side, while the music and SFX are royalty-free, the art assets were provided by people on Fiverr; thought that's important to mention in the advent of AI-generated art.
Fatal Paws is Playable on Steam Deck due to some text being hard to read. (I'm not visually impaired in any way, but this is the first case where the text really was tiny.) Use touchscreen, A, L1, R2 or R3 to advance text, L2 to hide textbox and R1 to bring up backlog. Right touchpad is active.
A tiny side-scrolling game about a family of possums celebrating the day they go into Winter hibernation. It's a short adventure that is mostly child-friendly (save for one distasteful attempt at a joke), with a cute art style, though it does suffer a bit from the devs being ESL. If you've got twenty minutes to spare, check it out.
"Hunter Hearts is from the book the creator is writing at the moment. The game on the other hand is completely different compared to the book. (…) This is part 1 of 3 (could be changed in the future) of the story of Hunt, where Hunt gets to witness his side of the story."
Please, don't change anything. Just let this stay a self-published book. Hell, this should be rotting in the depths of some fanfiction site that no self-respecting fan visits due to its abysmal design.
Hunter Hearts is one big mess of harem anime tropes set in a world that makes no sense (English speaking characters with English names living in modern day Japan, studying Dutch in college… and the year is 2119, for some reason), written by an ESL author who can hardly command the language in a way that is pleasant to read. Also, no developments matter at any point, because no matter what you choose, the story stays largely the same (to the point that I thought I had accidentally toggled "skip all text"; after you're done with your initial playthrough, the game does not give a damn that you're checking out different choices - it will skip past the few brand new lines). There's no consistency when it comes to censoring profanities ("cock"/"dick" is censored, but "hoe" isn't), all of which come out of left field. There's a sex scene in one of the "routes" and it's written as if the author has never read a single piece of erotic fiction of any quality and is also a child. But perhaps most insulting is the lack of subtlety when it comes to introducing difficult subjects. One of the characters suddenly announces she is terminally ill and no matter what you do from that point on, she will die at the end of the game. In most endings, another character will also commit suicide. Neither of these ever feel like the shocking events that they would be in any real person's life, giving pause to the characters as well as the reader; instead, it's as if they're seen simply as "story beats" that need to be hit. The suicide is perfectly egregious in that manner, where the game will end with something to the effect of "It's my time… bye, everybody…" and then fade right back to the main menu.
And on the note of a lack of a credit roll… the UI is a basic Ren'Py template, the character sprites were made using Mannequin (half of them suffer from "same face syndrome", not sure if that's more on the dev or the software), the BGM is one and the same piano track, all the way through (I love /s when bad games try to drive me crazy by doing that) and the backgrounds are the most compelling part of the whole thing… but then my friend quickly pointed out that one of them is straight up taken from - you guessed it - a successful harem anime. Also, the actual "credit" the dev gives for the backgrounds is something like "these backgrounds aren't mine, so all the credit to those guys"… pay them in exposure, why don't cha? Ugh.
Hunter Hearts is Verified on Steam Deck, matching my experience as of 08/12/24. Use the touchscreen, A or R2 to advance text, Y to hide textbox, L1, L2 or View to rollback, R1 to undo rollback, Menu to bring up save menu.
In an alternate, dystopian universe, a birth crisis is upon us. It's been looming over humanity for long enough that people have started getting comfortable with the thought of dying as soon as food supplies start running out. But there is also a kind of a fad: monotypes, virtual pets that are supposed to… entertain your human children or outright substitute them if you don't have any, I'm not quite sure anymore. The newest invention in the product line, however, is Momo - the real "virtual" monotype, one you can for sure love like you would a human child.
The unnamed protagonist of this story, in spite of not caring for monotypes, cannot escape their fate - their boss has gotten on great terms with representatives of the company that makes monotypes, so now everyone at their company is going to get their own brand new pet. Weirdly enough, in spite of Momo looking like a cat head, they're never established to have fur or behave like a cat would in any way, but I digress.
Momos are set to live for seven days only and during that time, you can choose to feed them something, play with them, watch TV with them… to my understanding, the show you choose to watch first will influence their dream and how their body evolves. After that, Momo will read their label and get an existential crisis from learning they're only meant to live for a week… and that's when the horror part comes in. Only the third (or the fourth in my case, as I've gotten the "secret" ending on my first playthrough) Momo will avoid this fate, instead going to "the bunker" and convincing the protagonist to follow. This is where it gets needlessly complicated instead of delivering a satisfying conclusion: "the bunker" keeps coming up in every loop, yet not only is it not an actual bunker, it's just a horde of Momos congregating in a certain spot and coming together to build up the one big Momo near the ocean. When the protagonist catches up, they're allowed to ask a bunch of questions about the lore of the story… and then the game just ends. The visual aesthetic of the game is great and the idea of a virtual pet rebelling against its owner as a horror premise doesn't seem too tired, at least not for me. This game, however, was largely incomprehensible. It was supposed to be something about how complex and layered love is as a feeling? Okay? I'm just busy thinking about how cool it would be to have my own Momo, even though I feel like a story like this would normally aim to make me not want that.
Momotype is Verified on Steam Deck, matching my experience as of 13/12/2024. Use R2 or Menu for options, R1 to rollback, A, R2, R3 or the touchscreen to advance text, View to skip, left stick left for accessibility options, left stick down to take screenshot. Right touchpad is active.
In On Call, you're an unnamed doctor working a three day rotation at the Merritt General Hospital. During this time, you have five patients to take care of, each with a different condition. Your job is to talk to the patients and their relatives to help them get the best treatment possible, all while keeping your stress level in check. If I recall correctly, there are two scripted opportunities to bring your stress level down outside of conversations, but you can also take a rest three times per day, so even if it doesn't do much, it's not hard not to overwork yourself. From what I've discovered, three of your patients can die, although one of them does not get an obituary, for some reason. You can end up with three different outcomes: quitting right after finishing your rounds (I got this ending after choosing what I perceived to be the least intrusive or negative options all around), just going home, ready to have some time off, or strongly implied to commit suicide by jumping out of a window, if your stress level gets maxed out at any point. One aspect of the gameplay are patient charts, all of which get updated twice (or should get updated, at least). The dates were off sometimes, especially when it came to the obituaries, which are dated near the end of February, while the rotation takes part at the start of August. This either wasn't checked for logic or made sense in the devs' heads, but was never properly communicated to the player. Since there aren't any achievements, guides or hints in or outside of the game, I figured that after almost 90 minutes, I've probably seen just about everything. To me, the game felt accurate enough to reality, but at the same time, I think I'd like to see an actual doctor react to and fact-check it.
On Call is Playable on Steam Deck. Use the touchscreen, A, R2 or R3 to advance text, R1 to rollback, L2 or Menu to bring up the save menu, View to skip, left stick left to open accessibility options, left stick down to take screenshots. Right touchpad is active.
It's just like all the other games, except you're coloring by letters instead of numbers and the images are meant to look as if they were cross-stitched. This one also hasn't beaten Coloring Pixels on how smoothly it runs for me.
Three college friends - Strelitzia, Lycoris and Oleander - team up to create a child android for a school project. At first, their bickering might seem ordinary, but when their creation (named Nano by default) is to wake up for the first time, the cracks start to show. As it turns out, their friendship has been strained by the loss of Lilium. Now that Nano is a part of their life, it's up to the guys to move past it or keep blaming each other for what happened back then.
Robot Daycare was originally released as a NaNoRenO submission back in 2019, but got a significant visual update in 2021. The character art has a chibi-like feel to it, which I really like. Naming all the human characters after flowers sure was a choice, though. I can't tell if it was supposed to carry any meaning; I tried looking up the flower language for each of them and there wasn't anything worth mentioning for any of them. There are two very distinct endings and while the good one is adorable, I really liked the fact that the bad one was nauseating to read… but it's also good that there is an option to tone it down, if that's not something you're up for.
Robot Daycare is Verified on Steam Deck, which matches my experience as of 07/12/24. Use touchscreen or A to advance text, X to bring up settings menu, Y to bring up backlog, B to toggle auto mode, View to rollback, Menu to bring up save menu, R1 to skip (hold), R2 to skip (toggle).
This was just like all those other sexy anime girl puzzle games I've played before, except not exactly. The way the menu is programmed (bit worse than all those other ones) and the abundance of colors within the possible matches quickly betrays that this was made by someone entirely different. I still don't know how on earth they get all this art to look near-identical, though.
This is Exactly What It Says On The Tin™️. You get to stare at Sakuya as she's laying down and from there, you have a few options to choose from at all times. "Talk" prompts her to say one of maybe fifty things available, "Kiss" lets you kiss her, "Sleep" has you two pretend to fall asleep for a second, "Change background" lets you switch between three available backgrounds and "Change music" lets you switch between two available BGMs.
Half of the things Sakuya can talk about are references to characters and major events of Touhou, which went completely over my head as I don't know the Touhou lore, but that's on me. If I had to define the other half, it's generic cute girl/confidence boosting things or attempts at humor that don't quite land.
I don't know that this game is "bad", it's just not very entertaining or novel. Sleeping with fictional characters isn't a new concept, so this game could easily have a few more options to add to its longevity, such as voice acting (preferably from someone who sounds like she does in the anime), more background and music options (heck, even white noise and other sounds to fall asleep to) and perhaps most importantly, a nap timer, so that players would actually put time into this game if they want to.
That being said, though, I feel like the devs are more into the idea of interacting with Sakuya in different scenarios than focusing on the sleep aspect (this is far from their first game about her); as short as the script is, there were too many spelling errors.
I mentioned more music options as a way of improving the game, because for some reason, only two tracks are available and neither of them sound like "sleeping with your dream girlfriend" to me. It should be easy enough to look for more suitable royalty-free music to include, it might just take more time. It would definitely be worth it, though.
Sleeping with Sakuya Izayoi is Playable on Steam Deck. Use touchscreen, A or R2 to advance text, View, L1 or L2 to rollback, R1 to undo rollback and Y to hide textbox.
This… was not bad. I'm not exactly sure what to say, maybe it didn't grip me like the dev expects it would, because it's not a particularly novel concept. If anything, it just makes me curious about The Purgatoryverse, as mentioned last time I played a supplement title, which is by all means the desired outcome. Maybe I will check it out one of these days.
The Painting is Playable on Steam Deck. Use the touchscreen, A or R2 to advance text, R1 to rollback, left stick down to take screenshot. Right touchpad is active.
Let's say I get the gist when it comes to GreenDam - it's infamous for being government-mandated censorship software, which internet users were having none of, and that's how the Green Dam Girl was born. In this story, the main character is a poor uni student on the lookout for a job. After scanning the QR code on a suspicious job advert, he gets an interview with the people behind it and is informed that the job was meant for him (only he still had a phone old enough to scan this particular QR code). Next day, he blindly signs a contract for becoming GreenDam's tester and receives a box with the GreenDam android inside. As expected of GreenDam, she evaporates all of MC's porn and breaks his computer the very first day she's there. From then on, a few… days? weeks? months? go by as they warm up to each other. At some point, GreenDam falls for the main character despite her makers taking care to remove love from her programming… and then she dies… because of course?
I'm not going to pretend like I knew what to find funny, especially because the translation isn't all that great. Every wrong choice leads to a bad end, each as abrupt and nonsensical as the next, but one in particular caught my attention: during the initial job interview, if you tell GreenDam's developers that you like cute boys (as opposed to cute girls), instead of the GreenDam delivery, some guy just comes to MC's apartment and references Yaranaika, then MC mentions being restrained and/or unable to move, so… that's a funny gay sexual assault joke (not). GreenDam herself looks to be around 13-15, while MC having freshly enrolled in uni would be 18 or 19, which seems to have given English readers the ick, but there really isn't anything here that crosses the line of your typical eroge. Rather, it's a case of the girl being GreenDam and therefore assuming all men are lecherous (she's a tsundere, because of course she is).
As for the technical qualities: GreenDam is fully voiced (well, minus whatever she says in the bad ends) and her sprite is animated with Live2D. There's also a solid selection of royalty-free BGM that sounded familiar, though I wouldn't be able to place where I heard them before. I do have to mention, however, that one of the achievements is bugged in the new version; a fix suggested in the discussions is unlocking it in the old version. If you decide to play on the Deck, keep in mind that the old version is not translated. I tried checking out the settings in the old version, as I usually would, and I must have toggled the fullscreen option, 'cause the game stopped showing up on screen entirely. All in all, I think you'll get the most out of this one if you know Chinese and account for how old the game is (the original version released all the way back in 2013).
There is No GreenDam is Playable on Steam Deck. Before a proper launch, it shows a setup window. Use the touchscreen, L1, R2 or R3 to advance text, L2 to hide textbox, R1 to open backlog. Right touchpad is active.
I decided to add this to my library when I saw it's a cute and free Christmas-themed point-and-click. As it turns out, the only truth is that it's free. The art style may be cute, but this game is not meant for children. Instead, it's some kind of "edgy" story about "saving Christmas" that entails driving a reindeer to suicide and killing multiple tree ornaments. I would almost praise the translation for retaining and/or adapting the jokes in the script, but it's lame puns all the way down. The conclusion doesn't even make any sense. Only play this if you're of age and aware that it takes 10 minutes and leads nowhere (knowledge of French may help). That being said, I do not recommend this to anyone.
More to come…!

Damn, December this year is taking forever to pass. Can’t wait for Christmas to arrive to be with the family and eat up every kind of dish possible guilt-free!
Oh wow you wrote so much for hunter hearts. I just did a route and quit cuz I wasnt figuring that stuff out
Oh, if a game is this bad, it’s absolutely getting slammed LOL
If you’ve played through until the end once, you might as well say you’ve seen it all. Hunt is only ever meant to end up with Riley anyway, for some reason. The one time I remember getting him not to do it, she just went and killed herself halfway through the game. How’s that for a shocking twist, eh?
Yeah with the lack of guide and any sort of hint, I had no clue if I was making progress or how many endings there were. You mentioned about their art work, its just your basic cheap models with nothing special about them. Oh my the video goes through the characters and its just a colour change XD Its very sad seeing the grisaia school background in the game, it shouldnt be reminding me of a much much better vn when I’m slogging through it