
Fourth week of January progress

I DID IT!!!!!! I 100e%ed ETS2 :D At midnight and half (thats why I am only writing this post now) but I don’t care, I am still counting it for the previous week :P I played so many hours of it in the past month that I will now probably not touch it anymore till the next expansion DLC comes out or there is an event going on.

Completed game

  • Euro Truck Simulator 2

    332 hours playtime

    60 of 60 achievements

Euro Truck Simulator 2 - I love this game to death, I really do <3 It might seem weird that I do and the game might seem boring but it is just perfect for someone like me who just needs to constantly do something while watching a video/movie/series/podcast/… I do not have a single bad thing to say about it. The game is great, it runs great and the DLC (especially the newer ones) are fantastic and worth the price. Ok it might have some minor bugs here and there and the AI can go full retard sometimes, but nothing gamebreaking and they are more amusing than anything else. The only thing that this game needs to implement is cloud saves so I can stop being paranoid about losing my save file.

Look into the past

  • Saints Row: The Third

    79 hours playtime

    83 of 83 achievements

Saints Row: The Third - Completed in August 2013. Awesome, crazy, all over the place and over the top third person shooter. Best one in the series IMO (ok, I haven’t played the first one because it is not on PC, but still) If I were to rank all the games I have played in my life this would be somewhere at the top. If you own it (or SR4) but haven’t played it a care about completing games have a look here and honestly you should give it a try even if you don’t care about it because it is just that good.


haha yeah, ETS2 is great and addictive. I can’t explain, why I am loving the game, but I just do :P
Need to buy the Italy DLC and continue playing it.
Lost my 100% save file before the last expansion. Had to play France without my the scandinavia 100% map discovery.


100% recommend getting Italy. There are some amazing routes to drive through and you legitimately get the feeling that you are in Italy. And it has those little things that make it feel even more authentic cough

Ouch that sucks :/ I have mine backed up in 3 different places just in case, I would be devastated if something would happen to it.


Thanks about the achievement notice for Saints Row. I didn’t see that topic on SG.
And I completely agree, everyone should play Saints Row! It’s just too good. I also loved the fourth one, despite being a bit inferior, it’s still a great one as well!
And congrats on 100% it, that’s some crazy dedication!


I am glad it was of use to someone :)
The 4th one was the only game I have ever preordered in my life, no regrets but to this day I have still not completed it :/ (I did beat it back in August 2013 tho)
Thank you! ^^


Congratulations, great perfected games!

I agree, SR3 is the best of the series. I played the whole story in one weekend if I remember correctly. It was just too good to stop…


Thank you! ^^
Yep, I just wish there was more of it.


Congrats on completing ETS2, it’s a lot of work!
I started playing SR3 yesterday and I’m having a blast!


Thank you! It was indeed :/
Hope you keep on enjoying it! It really is an amazing game :)


I think I’ll never understand what’s so appealing about Euro Truck to so many people, but congrats on your dedication! :D


Thank you :)


Big congrats on completing ETS2! That’s not an easy one, nor quick.

It’s a weird kind of addiction this game manages to create :) I remember playing it for a few hours once, back then I actually didn’t see the appeal in it and dropped it. I checked it out again about a year later and suddenly I started doing deliveries pretty much every time I had some spare gaming time. :D Eventually I reached most of the main game achievements and got enough of it, but I still keep the game in mind in case I need a little stress release. I can’t think of another game that I could compare to the feeling I got from playing ETS.


Thank you! ^^ There is really something special about it :)


how on earth did you manage to finish Euro Truck Simulator 2? I stopped after a bit because I was so embarrassed I couldn’t finish the parking tutorial.


There is a parking tutorial? :o not sure that was even a thing back when I started playing it. Parking is a really unimportant part of the game as you can skip it if you don’t feel like doing it (tho some achievements require it). I am pretty bad at parking backward myself, always takes me 5 minutes to align myself correctly with the spot >.<


The first thing you do when you drive a block and park the truck, sorry.
Anyways, I struggled. parking trucks is hard and I have a newfound respect for those who do so.


This comment was deleted about 7 years ago.


Oh my, 100%?! Congratulations, this game is my guilty pleasure, so I try to steer clear of it as much as I can, else I won’t be able to take my hands of the wheel. Perhaps when my life eventually picks up some sort of steady rhythm, I will be able to pick the game back up, until then I salute your dedication and determination.


So many people seem to like ETS2 here, I am actually surprised :O Thank you! :) Best of luck finding the best steady rhythm for yourself ^^