
#3 March 2024

  • Cyberpunk 2077

    106.0 hours playtime

    57 of 57 achievements

  • Visage

    13.4 hours playtime

    27 of 27 achievements

  • Borderlands 3

    2.0 hours playtime

    3 of 81 achievements

Cyberpunk 2077
Finally completed. After exploring through all the possible endings, I must say that the one introduced with the DLC, even if inevitably bittersweet, is the best one in my opinion. Seems like the whole “Blaze of glory or quiet life” conundrum has an obvious answer for me (getting older is giving me perspective it seems, lol).
Oh, something I forgot: the driving… my god… really really awful, probably the worst I have experienced in any game in my life. It baffles me how the state it still is in 2024, after years from release, with CD project saying they’re basically done with the game, is what they intended.

The game has some really good scares, some morbid and unsettling scenes that are visually impacting, and at times manages to deliver the frantic feeling that’s proper for a survival horror game. On the other hand, the story─as well as some of the puzzles─makes little to no sense. In this regard, there are often no hints as how to proceed and all you can do is aimlessly wander through the house hoping to stumble upon some objects that sometimes weren’t even there before and that have no particular reason to be deemed interactable. I quite hated Dolores’ chapter for that reason because in order to proceed with the game I ended up being forced to search for a guide online, since I was stuck (the alternative was to quit the game altogether). Another bad point is that ghosts spawn randomly; it may be that after they catch you and kill you, once you reload they won’t spawn anymore for a while. That ruined the whole survival aspect of the game for me, not only because I felt there were no real challenge, but also because I basically wasn’t scared of getting caught anymore. Another thing I didn’t like was the inventory management and how you use objects; it really could use some quality of life improvement. Lastly, there are still bugs; I managed to fall off the map without even trying during a videotape sequence. In conclusion, let’s say I really liked the first 1-2 hours of the game (on a 9hour playthrough total), but once I could see past the first impression, all the fun was spoiled for me. Overall I can’t recommend it.

Borderlands 3
I barely started playing. All I can say is that there’s a clear graphic improvement compared to the previous ones, while the gun-play seems a little less convincing. Oh, and the NPCs talk a lot, maybe too much.

Arbiter Libera

One day I’ll actually get around to CP77 properly. First it was buying a better PC, then waiting for some X patch and ultimately waiting for the expansion.


Same. As for the horrendous driving when I did play it for a few hours early in the release cycle I stuck to motorcycles, as CDPR failed to recognise that when Rockstar did their GTA games, they were very generous with road width so it was easy/fun to pass through/by traffic.


Congratulations on your assassinations!! ᓚᘏᗢ
100%’ing Cyberpunk… Can I learn this power? Jokes aside since I’ve been told all the endings are bad endings I’ve dropped the game, are the ones from Liberty positive?


Well I don’t know about positive, there’s no totally positive ending in that world, but it’s the only one where you actually get a cure. The only drawbacks are that you have to take a doubtful moral choice during the DLC (but it would be so whatever side you pick imho) and that your character’s life is probably going to be very different from that point forward.