
February Update

This is my first progress report of sorts. I’ll probably tweak how I do this over the next few updates until I’m happy with it. I’m also not much for written reviews and such but I’m going to try really hard to talk about my experience playing each game and what I thought of the game.

And here we go…

Game Progress Updates

These are games I'm working on beating or completing

  • Portal 2
    Portal 2

    45 hours playtime

    50 of 51 achievements

Portal 2 and its predecessor, Portal, are among my favorite games of all time. I recently finished playing through the co-op with a friend at work. It’s just a shame it took me so many years to finally play co-op but I'm happy I finally did.

Now I’ve just been trying to get all the achievements. Thanks to escollo I have the Professor Portal achievement. Now I’m just one away. I am in need of a hug. If anyone would be so kind as to give me a hug in Portal 2, I would really appreciate it.

Other than that Portal 2 has been a great game worthy of the first Portal game. The inclusion of co-op has been a wonderful new adventure to go on. The way they incorporated the story of the single player part with the co-op part was really nice. Now that I’ve completed the co-op part it really feels like a complete story.

GLaDOS truly is the villain most in need of a hug. (As I said, I could still use one too.)

  • Dead Man's Draw
    Dead Man's Draw

    16 hours playtime

    15 of 20 achievements

This is a very nice casual game to play. It’s a rather simple game of pushing your luck with some strategy to it. There are a lot of levels to work through and you gain XP as you play to unlock more abilities to use in the game.

I’m currently working my way through all the levels with the hopes of being able to complete this game with all achievements. It’s taking a while and trying to convince the computer to just let me win is not going well.

One thing that would make this game even more fun to play would be multiplayer. A real person would be better than always playing the computer.

There was even a Kickstarter that brought out a physical game for 1-4 players. Dead Man’s Draw KS. Sadly, that’s on my backlog as well.

  • Melody's Escape
    Melody's Escape

    5 hours playtime

    5 of 8 achievements

I really enjoy music games. Audiosurf is one of my favorite games. When I saw Melody’s Escape on early access I decided to give it a shot.

I wasn’t disappointed with it in any way. It plays a lot like Guitar Hero where you have to hit the right button at the right time as Melody runs by that color icon. This isn’t too difficult on the more casual game modes but can get really challenging on the higher difficulties. There is a game mode to suit all play styles.

I’m currently trying to get some of the remaining achievements I have. Unfortunately these are for the most difficult game modes.

  • Ultimate General: Gettysburg
    Ultimate General: Gettysburg

    5 hours playtime

    2 of 3 achievements

In my effort to get more 100% complete games I thought I would try to get the one last achievement I needed for Ultimate General: Gettysburg. I really like this game when I first played it so I thought it was a great idea to go back to it.

There are only three achievement for the game. The only one I am missing is for winning as the Confederate Army. How hard could that be? Well, I’ve come to the realization that the Confederate Army just isn’t meant to win the battle of Gettysburg. Not under my command at least.

I am going to keep trying for the last achievement, but likely won't mention the game again until I have it completed. I am going to leave the game marked as beaten. After all, I played as the Union Army and won the battle. Then I played as the Confederate Army and lost the battle. That turns into a fairly accurate account of history, therefore, game beaten.

Speaking of the game itself, it is a really good strategy game that I enjoyed. The battlefield is not too big that you’ll be guaranteed to lose track of you soldiers. The progression of the battles plays out very well. The graphics are really nice and the colors work well to help identify your units and the terrain.

  • The Talos Principle
    The Talos Principle

    7 hours playtime

    11 of 40 achievements

I haven’t really played this much since last month and I need to get back to it before I start forgetting the story. Fingers crossed I get back in and beat the game soon.

I got The Talos Principle because it was a lot like Portal. There looked to be a great story and puzzles as you progress through the game. I won’t comment much on the story as I’m still working my way through the game but I will say it is revealed in interesting ways so far.

The puzzles, so far, have been great. You start out with simple ones but then they start getting more challenging. New devices get added to the puzzles every so often keeping it all from feeling repetitive.

  • 8-Bit Armies
    8-Bit Armies

    6 hours playtime

    0 of 29 achievements

What can I say about 8-Bit Armies? It’s like the great classic RTS games of old, but it’s new. This plays a lot like one of my favorites, Command & Conquer. It is in no way a replacement for C&C though. 8-Bit Armies stand very well on its own so far.

Obviously it has its own graphics style that is presented very well. I’m not a big fan of the repeated 8-bit graphics in a lot of games lately, but it fits in very well in this game.

The missions have not been too difficult or too easy either. They have been a good mix but I’ve only played though 22 of the Renegades missions. I’m hoping the rest of the game keeps going as well. I’ve got the other 8-Bit games to play after this.

The interesting thing is that I’ve managed to get no achievements so far. I have not really looked at the achievements closely yet. I feel that ruins some games so I usually only look after I’m done the story.

Game I have beaten since my last update

  • Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
    Dear Esther: Landmark Edition

    2 hours playtime

    7 of 10 achievements

I played the original release of Dear Esther and really liked it. Beautiful scenery and music. It was one of the first “walking simulator” games, if not the first. There is very limited interaction with the world but the way the story unfolds makes it worth the play through.

Now that Dear Esther: Landmark Edition is released the developer was kind enough to give owners of the original a copy of this edition. Admittedly, it has been a long time since I played the original but I do like some of the upgrades that came with porting the game to the Unity Game Engine. Some of the reflectiveness seems a bit too much at times, but the colors in some scenes can be so vibrant. It looks beautiful and the soundtrack is still amazing.

I don’t want to talk about the story as I feel it would spoil playing the game and I recommend playing this one. It will make you think as you try to piece the story together and that is this games strongest point.

Game I have completed since my last update

  • Party Hard
    Party Hard

    24 hours playtime

    27 of 27 achievements

Party Hard was one of those gotta have it games. I think it was just released and I read the description of what could be an amazing game. What sold me, I think, was the fact that the only goal is to kill everyone. I know that doesn’t sound too healthy, but after a long day at work this can be an amazing stress reliever.

At its heart Party Hard is a strategy game with heavy emphasis on stealth. You do have to think on occasion about how you can kill everyone without getting caught. It takes patience and some determination.

As you progress you unlock other characters that you can then use on prior levels to try something different. If you’re a completionist you will be going back and doing this. And if you just think it’s awesome finding new and different ways of killing everyone at the party, then you will very likely be going back with each character.

If you’ve read this far and think, wow that sounds like fun, then you should definitely get Party Hard and get to partying.

  • The Lords of the Earth Flame
    The Lords of the Earth Flame

    79 minutes playtime

    13 of 13 achievements

SteamGifts Win

This game looked like it had some good nostalgia for me. I used to love the Choose Your Own Adventure books when I was growing up. The Lords of the Earth Flame is a game that is done in a very similar fashion to those books.

For me this game was a bit of a disappointment. I do think it is a good game for what it is. It’s just too short and for a choose your own adventure it was too linear. You either had a really fast good or bad ending or you made it to one of the longer stories multiple endings. Now the path to the longer stories had multiple choices. That was good, but they all took you through the same middle part of the story. This took away from the feeling of choosing my own path for me. That’s where my disappointment came in.

I like it, but I think I’m going to have to look to a different game to find that nostalgic feeling of the classic Choose Your Own Adventure stories. Any recommendations???

  • Bridge Constructor Medieval
    Bridge Constructor Medieval

    10 hours playtime

    14 of 14 achievements

I liked Bridge Constructor Medieval up until I tried to get 100% achievements. Ok, so I still do like it but solving some of these puzzles within the restrictions of getting all gold stars was maddening. For some of the levels it felt like there was only one solution and you had to find it to get gold.

Other than the aggravation (really challenging levels), I found the game enjoyable. Building the bridges to get the soldiers across was a nice change to cars and trucks. Building bridges with the intent to fail so bad guys fall to their doom was better.

One issue I had with the game is the inconsistent physics. You can build a bridge that isn’t quite right to survive getting the soldiers across that will fail. But if you don’t change anything and have the soldiers try a few times they may make it over by the third or fourth time. If it is running the same simulation every time then the physics, I think, should behave the same each time.

If you’re just looking to solve the level, it isn’t too hard. If you want all gold, be prepared for a challenge.


You can check my last post. There were too many users willing to help with hugs =D


I can help you. I have it installed as I am waiting for tso184 to play coop again. I am missing an achievement myself. The last one for me. Beating 3 levels with 60 seconds each.
Today I won’t be available though, but Wednesday and rest of the week I am usually available after 7pm GMT+1


I’ll add you on Steam. If I already get the hug and you wan’t help beating 3 levels in 60 seconds I’m there. I don’t need much of an excuse to play Portal.


Oh they released a new Dear Esther? I wasn’t aware of that. Thanks for pointing out, I might play that between my batches. I liked the original game and was very sad how quick I reached the end. Perhaps the achievements will lead me to more areas of the game ;)


If you need a portal hug, feel free to add me on steam and poke me on messenger if I’m around and you are, i’d be glad to help :)

Also I really like your update format, it’s nice and clean and easy to read :)


I’ll add you on Steam. Thanks. It took a lot to get the post formatted the way I wanted. I realized I could have been gaming a lot more, but at least now I have it to build on.

Arbiter Libera

Oh, that’s a nice and clean template.

I am still amazed Croteam made such a 180 turn like Talos Principle considering their claim to fame is Serious Sam which is an arena shooter.

I like it, but I think I’m going to have to look to a different game to find that nostalgic feeling of the classic Choose Your Own Adventure stories. Any recommendations???

From what I’ve heard Steve Jackson’s Sorcery! quartet comes highly recommended because it’s based on an actual CYOA series rooted in tabletop.


Thanks for the recommendation. I’ve added it to my wishlist so I can take a look at playing it later. I forgot about these CYOA books with RPG game elements. They were great to play through.


This looks really well organized and beautiful! Thank you for the good reading :)


Party Hard looks interesting. You convinced me… :D
Congratulations with your completions, and as I think you already have help with your hug achievement if not, I’m willing to help!, I’ll just say, congrats with Portal 2. It is definitely one of my favorite puzzle games ever. And, I love GLaDOS, she is for sure the best villain ever. I can’t get mad at her, never.
Still need to find time to play Talos. It is also a game I’m really looking to play. It looks amazing :D
Oh, maybe you wanna check Portal Mel Stories. It is a mod for Portal 2, well, it says mod, but is a whole game, an interesting one actually that takes place in Portal universe. I played some time ago and just loved it.


This comment was deleted about 8 years ago.


For Jack only

Oh, I think GLaDOS rejected Jack as her first subject because he didn’t solve her puzzles! Muahahah I’m kidding <3


This comment was deleted about 8 years ago.