Gratz! :O
Also hmm……gratz? :P More games to play~Yay. :3/

Wow, congrats!! Now you can moce to one of your new game? :facepalm:

That really a great feat. Huge congrats!

Congratulations! Didn’t even beat Mom in the Original…
Short question as I am new here. How do you embed the game with the according achievements?

It is explained at the bottom of this guide under making posts. If you need any help feel free to ask :)
And welcome to BLEAO :)

Thank you!

Wow Congratulations on beating Isaac! And Congratz to all the new games - i hope you find the time to play those. ;)

Congratulations! And enjoy your new games :)

BRUH that is ridiculous!!! Congratulations!!! That is absolutely overwhelming - the number of games you acquired AND how you 100% completed this monster.
I hope you enjoy those 100 new games, and can complete them, too!

Dang.. Grats for 100%ing Isaac!
I always find it impressive seeing someone who legitimately 100% a beefy game like PAYDAY 2, Isaac, or TF2.
You’re not alone, I shamefully added around a hundred games and spent close to $250 last Winter Sale.

Congrats on beating such a big game.
And I thought i was bad for adding 16 games during this sale…

Holly crap that’s a lot of games. I thought I was doing badly having spent $65 on a handful of games. Also, that’s some dedication to 100% such a large game. Way to go.

Congrats! That’s an impressive amount of hours :)

What an impressive achievement! Congrats. My backlog too suffered the summer sale purcheses.
Thats impressive!
also…impressive as well but >.> for your backlog never getting beaten