April’s Theme - All Things Devolver Digital
Assassins assemble! It’s time for a new monthly theme!
The digital age prevails, everything is available with one click and while we’re being flooded with generic Steam Greenlight cash grabs, we are also able to experience what great independent developers have in store for us. The amount of amazing games is overwhelming and finding the gems in the thicket of pixelated goodness can be time-consuming. Ain’t nobody got time for that! Lucky for us there are publishers specializing on harvesting only the finest indie-games out there.
Upcoming games like Eitr, Mother Russia Bleeds or Enter The Gungeon made me realize that most of my highly anticipated titles this year come from the same publisher and they haven’t disappointed me in the past either. If you haven’t figured it out yet - It’s Devolver Digital of course! Approved by of our beloved admins I proudly make this the first member-created monthly theme!
So play your Devolver Digital games, people!
With the help of Mandrill we collected some data on you guys - yes, we’re watching you!
As of 03/23/2016 the group owns a total of 1080 games published by my favorite videogame label. 999 of which are either not played, unfinished or uncategorized (shame on you!) so enough to cross off the backlog! If you only own games already beaten or don’t have any, don’t be upset, there’s an option for you to participate! More of that later.
Just a few games of their excellent line-up
To be eligible for the event you have to play your Devolver Digital games, replay them or, in case you don’t own any, play some of their free titles. To know which games are published by them, click here.
Furthermore I want to honor Mandrill’s efforts in making the website for the group, so please update your progress regularly on this website. For starters you can post a small review on the games you’ve beaten and post screenshots of parts you liked or found hard to get through.
A game is considered beaten when you get an achievement that indicates beating it, for replays you have to get a new achievement and submit the time played, preferably adding screenshots to the process.
This also applies to beating free-to-play games, which, if they’ don’t have achievements, require screenshots.
At the end of the month you have to post a list of beaten games to the theme’s thread in the forum. The member with the most finished titles will be the fanboy player of the month. We will also post a leaderboard after the event.
And of course there will be giveaways for all participants, at this point you might know what to expect. Nelly will contribute some flicks to the giveaway pot, because they also publish movies.
Get to work!
If you have any questions about using the website, the event or how babies are made, feel free to hit me up on Steam or just comment down below!

I like this theme! :D Tons of games I want to play from them. And I just started Hotline Miami yesterday too (:

Yay, first positive feedback! Thank you! Good timing, too! Hotline Miami is great. :)

Broforce, Talos Principle, Hotline Miami 100% ( probably won’t happen, no idea how scores work), Downwell, SS 1st-2nd encounter and SS3, Shadow Warrior + Redux, Dropsy (content patch in April?) and Always Sometimes Monsters. Oh, and the casual Titan Souls :D I think I’ll have trouble finishing these, or need a skill level-up :D

If you’re consistent you can beat them pretty easily tho. 100% on Hotline Miami is tough as fuck obviously, but Broforce has a short campaign for example. Played Dropsy in one sitting, because I loved it so much. Got 100% on it as well, I hope they don’t add new achievements. :D

yay, enough motivation for me to finally play all those serious sam games and some more. Time to edit the next batch ;)

I recently got Serious Sam 3 and since I knew that this theme would come up I haven’t started it yet. It was a painful wait, but now I can get into all of that Devolver awesomeness. :D
Glad you’re in on the fun, Daerphen! :)

I don’t have many games by them - only Talos (already finished main story), Hotline Miami (I love the music, but it’s not for me), Always Sometimes Monsters, Shadow Warrior Classic Redux. I have many of their games on wishlist though :D

If you add the F2P games you’re easily at 4-5 games. Hotline Miami is difficult, I understand that not everyone likes it or feels like putting the effort and dedication into it, but it sure stands out as a game. You could give it a second try for the event maybe. :3

I will try :D even if I won’t succeed, it still will be fun :)

I hope so, otherwise sorry in advance for giving you a hard time. :P

General reminder, since not everyone has posted their progress. If you finished any Devolver games this month, please comment in this thread to make sure it counts towards the leaderboard and the giveaways.
General rules still apply, so if you have been active and regularly posted about your beaten games it will be alright. If you have any questions, ask away.

I’m never aware of which publishers are which but thanks to your excellent link to Steam which lists all the games published by Devolver I was able to see I own a nice little selection of them :)
I’ve created my own personal list: Monthly Theme as an easy to access reminder of the games I own within the monthly theme.
It’s a great excuse to play The Talos Principal & try out Ronin, which I only bought last week :)
Gods Will Be Watching is actually the only one I’ve played (Sadly I didn’t like it but maybe this is an opportunity for giving it another chance) so plenty of scope for discovering some new games :)
GMG also have a Devolver Digital Sale on at the moment

Making a list is a very good idea. :)

Also made a list, I think I’ll just edit that one every month :)

The list is a really good idea, since you can’t delete lists yet and this way you just edit it every month to fit the theme. I gonna do this as well. Also shows that you already put some commitment to this theme, which really pleases me. (Just looked that phrase up! I think it sounds weird but apparently this is what I’d say in German)
I heard about Gods Will Be Watching being somewhat… frustrating. I got it for 80 cents on GMG and when I saw the trailers before I was really hooked on the art style. And when a game let’s me decided if someone lives or is going to die? Sold.
Saw the sale, for… reasons… unrelated… to the monthly theme… but the deals aren’t that good to be honest. Most of them have been much cheaper on Steam before. If course if someone would wanna get a game, this would be great, but for… other purposes… unrelated… to the theme… y’know…

The deal for Ronin was pretty good - always remember you get an additional 20% off with the current GMG discount code :)
Sadly the deal had finished by the time I got home :(

Yeah, I calculated the 20% into the deals, but for example I got Heavy Bullets and Gods Will Be Watching for about 80 cents each and they wanted what? 2 to 3€? Was too much for me ‘cause the good deals spoiled me I guess.
I played the Ronin Demo and I thought that it’s cool, but not what I’m craving at the moment, so I have no real idea about the prices for this one. Gonna trust you on that it was a steal. :)

Oh yes you can delete lists :P You already could for the last two weeks. But I’m sneaky about new features so you didn’t notice :P

Damn yooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu and your secret updates!!1
Thanks! :D

General reminder, since not everyone has posted their progress. If you finished any Devolver games this month, please comment in this thread to make sure it counts towards the leaderboard and the giveaways.
General rules still apply, so if you have been active and regularly posted about your beaten games it will be alright. If you have any questions, ask away.

Really nice theme ^_^ Devolver is imo one of the better publishers - they rarely stand behind not a quality game (if ever). And the range of genres they cover is quite wide, so anyone can find something for themselves. :)
I own a couple of their games myself. Some of them I played, but still have many in my backlog, so this theme is a really nice motivation to get to them sooner rather than later ^^
Also I’m impatiently awaiting EITR <3

I have about 5 - 6 left to play and I can’t wait to beat them all. I always like to compare Devolver with a good underground music label, that has one certain style. If you like one band, you probably gonna enjoy the rest and still get a lot of variety despite all of them having the same feel. They just nail it down perfectly.
Can’t wait for Eitr either! Never played a Diablo-esque game, but this in combination with Dark Souls? Sounds like a combo I wanna order with some fries and pixel art on the side!
Glad you like the theme. :)

General reminder, since not everyone has posted their progress. If you finished any Devolver games this month, please comment in this thread to make sure it counts towards the leaderboard and the giveaways.
General rules still apply, so if you have been active and regularly posted about your beaten games it will be alright. If you have any questions, ask away.

I’ve finished the main story in all my Devolver games but The Talos Principle, which I haven’t started yet. Might be a good game for April then! I’ll bump it up a bit on the backlog!

I was hoping that people would be motivated this way. Interested in what you gonna write about it. I played the demo, but I’m just not a puzzle guy, so I gave it away a bunch of times, but haven’t bought it myself. Maybe you can convince me after playing it. :)

I’ll let you know!
I found out I had an extra Devolver game… when I activated Shadow Warrior (Steamgifts win, finished) on my account I also got Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior. 2 hour game, so that one is already played and finished now :)

I’ve seen the achievements in the activity feed! Finished it a few weeks ago or months, I don’t have any feeling for time anymore. :D
Suprisingly good, relaxing and a nice change to hectic shooters. Plus easy 100% :P

For me 100% was a bit of a pain. Somehow I managed to get blood spatter way up in the ceiling in two places (at places where the ceiling is extra high), plus a sword that didn’t incinerate. Found out that you could change render mode by pressing F8, and that helped a bit, but it took me probably 30-40 minutes finding those last three things. Oh, well, 30-40 minutes extra work still isn’t much for 100%-ing a game ;)

I had no problems finding the cash or cleaning up, but I’ve read in a guide that some blood is bugged and you can’t see it. So I walked around with my stain detector thingy and it went nuts. Luckily there was a command you could bind to the mousewheel to clean up the bugged spots.

Did roughly the same thing, only that I couldn’t get why I didn’t see any blood at the spot where my detector went off… didn’t look far enough up. Cash was easy.

Okay. I own 0 of their games, so I’m 100% done with this month’s theme. \o/ Easy peas.
On the flipside, I have 4 of theirs wishlisted: Hatoful Boyfriend, Titan Souls, The Talos Principle, Blockhood. Fingers crossed I win none on SG. -.-

Nonsense! They have some free to play games. Expendabros, Sigils of Elohim, Fork Parker’s Holiday Profits & Shadow Warrior Classic. :)

Trust me, I didn’t try to exclude you in any way. Unfortunately you are one of the 17 people that have shown up owning no Devolver games in the statistics we collected beforehand.
Like Akantha mentioned you can play their F2P titles to participate. Included that option for a case like this one. :)

Oh no, I’m really happy I don’t have any! For once a challenge I can ace with little to no effort: I’m starting a new job next week and I know I’ll get to play stuff even less. All of Devolver games look like the sort you wanna spend loooooong hours completing…

That really depends on you tho. Sure, some games are made to be replayed over and over, but you can beat them really quickly. For the sake of my backlog I have beaten some games and left them untouched ever since to move on to other games. They were a challenge, yes. They felt like it took forever, yes. Were they incredible fun tho? Hell yeah! Hotline Miami, 5 hours. Titan Souls, 6 hours. Broforce, 5 hours. Not a Hero, 8 hours. If I go for more achievements I could invest way more. I replayed Broforce several times for example, now having 18 hours. :)

o.0 I would have guessed a lot more! I’m currently playing as many 100% under 6 hours games as possible and I think those are few and far between. For example, I was sure I’d be spending 12 hrs+ on Titan Souls if and when I get it!

Well, I will definitely spend more time on it in the future, but I was just focusing on beating games first at the time. So I only did the necessary things to get an achievement saying I played the story, done, next. If you know how to play Titan Souls you could be done in 20 minutes, I’d say I’m an average player needing 5 hours. If you wanna go 100% tho… 12 hours could be feasible if you’re good.

General reminder, since not everyone has posted their progress. If you finished any Devolver games this month, please comment in this thread to make sure it counts towards the leaderboard and the giveaways.
General rules still apply, so if you have been active and regularly posted about your beaten games it will be alright. If you have any questions, ask away.

Oh noes!
The only game of theirs that I have is The Talos Principle. And I am delaying it for certain reasons.

Now I’m really curious about the reason why. I’m thinking about a betrayal and revenge. What has Devolver done to you, Wolf? I HAVE TO KNOW!

Awesome, one more player on board for the theme. Thanks! :)

General reminder, since not everyone has posted their progress. If you finished any Devolver games this month, please comment in this thread to make sure it counts towards the leaderboard and the giveaways.
General rules still apply, so if you have been active and regularly posted about your beaten games it will be alright. If you have any questions, ask away.

I have a massive list of keys from bundle games that I can offer up for the winning pot too. Maybe top 3 get to pick their choice of games from it. Maybe 3 for 1st place, 2 for 2nd, and 1 for 3rd. Let me know what you think.

That’s awesome, Daze! I am still thinking about the way I wanna do this. Maybe some giveaways open for everyone and keeping the good stuff for the top players or another idea, that isn’t worked out at all yet, create a point system where people can earn points and choose which giveaways they want to enter, but considering that some people have more games than others it would seem a bit unfair.
Will definitely keep that in mind tho. If you have any bundle keys for Devolver games they’d be worth a giveaway of their own. :)
Also working on the pot myself, got a few games already, but trying to expand that a bit. Not gonna give any details tho, so people participate for the theme and not the gibs

Hey, with the new Humble Devolver Bundle out I have enough games for the monthly theme to give away. Thanks for your offer, but I don’t wanna spoil people too much. :P

No problem. Just remember I’m always good with using any of them for a prize pool if you’d like

General reminder, since not everyone has posted their progress. If you finished any Devolver games this month, please comment in this thread to make sure it counts towards the leaderboard and the giveaways.
General rules still apply, so if you have been active and regularly posted about your beaten games it will be alright. If you have any questions, ask away.

Looks like you’ve inspired a lot of people Downward! Not my style of games, but I will cheer heartily from the sidelines!

Wouldn’t say I inspired them but that people are willing to participate definitely makes me feel good about the whole thing.
Just checked your library and you don’t own any games, so I can’t talk you into playing any. Maybe try out some of the F2P games? :P

hmmm….I might find some success with this theme despite being fully invested in playing The Phantom Pain, Dark Souls 3 coming out, and a vacation towards the end of the month. How might this be? Well, I’m more than halfway through Talos Principle already, for one So, good motivation to pick it back up and try to wrap it up. Luftrausers I basically already completed as much as I care to (see robilar55000 on PSN to view my trophies for that one), so that game is out. However, I’m probably 2/3rds of the way through Always Sometime Monsters, so that one is also another likely candidate. I can also see myself going back and finishing Dropsy, so that makes 3 decent candidates. I’ve finished Hatoful Boyfriend once, but I wouldnt mind seeing some of the other endings. I own a lot of the others as well. Ronin in particular is one I’ve been wanting to fire up.
So, looks like a potential good month for clearing some games off the backlog.

Sounds like a busy month! Awesome that you still wanna beat a game or two for the theme. Where’s the vacation headed?

Heading back to Austin to catch a show and visit some friends. Should be a good time.

General reminder, since not everyone has posted their progress. If you finished any Devolver games this month, please comment in this thread to make sure it counts towards the leaderboard and the giveaways.
General rules still apply, so if you have been active and regularly posted about your beaten games it will be alright. If you have any questions, ask away.

I mostly have only Serious Sam games from them. Not sure yet if I will be able to play at least one of them but I will try my best.

I won’t force anyone to participate, so trying to complete one game fitting the theme is good enough for me. :)

Oh great theme! This isn’t my kind of games but I’ll try to beat Hatoful boyfriend this month :)

Heard good things about it, even tho I don’t like dating sims, but apparently this is really worth picking up. Maybe gonna add this to my library during the month and see for myself. :P
Thanks for participating! Keep us updated on the game, I wonder what it’s like. :)

I have: Broforce, The Talos Principle, Heavy Bullets and Ronin. I’m in, only missing one achievement in Ronin.

That’s a pretty decent list of games you’ve got there, Revil! Especially Broforce in my opinion. That’s the Devolver game I’ve spent the most time with and probably will play more in the future. The workshop has thousands of custom campaigns for endless replay value.
Heavy Bullets is really cool, but being a rouge-like, hard as fuck. I got to level 7, I think. Let’s see how far you get. :D

I’ve gotten to level 2 so far in Heavy Bullets. xD
And I just found out I’ll have to replay Ronin to get the last achievement, since I lost my save file. Games without Steam Cloud are such a pain in the ass.

Ha, perfect for a replay then. :P
But that sucks, I recently picked up an unfinished game, knowing I had some progress, but for some reason it was all gone and I had to start all over. It was hard enough to beat the levels once, but doing it again really demoralized me.
A tip for heavy Bullets, check for hidden items (marked with a little X on walls, sometimes without, but those are items that have heavy cons to their advantages). Snake boots are the fucking best! Never worry about the damn bushes again and just walk over them. :D

Huh, haven’t found any of those hidden items yet. Do they appear at later levels? I’m also running into a problem that after playing the game for a while, my computer simply dies.

That’s weird, never happened to me.
As for the rooms, they are tough to find sometimes. I don’t always find a room, but they are definitely not limited to later levels. Some of them are marked with a teeny tiny X which you can open pressing E, same goes for the other rooms, but they aren’t marked. So walking along the walls until you see a “Press E” pop up helps. Once you know what they look like you find them more often. There’s a also a passive item that works like a radar and beeps more frequently when you’re near one. Some of the items you can find there are really, really worth it and make your playthrough much easier.

I found one of the rooms. Why did you spoil this to me? xD

Didn’t know this counted as a spoiler. Sorry. :D

I just like to find out everything about a game by myself, no problem. xD
I think I found a way to cheat in Ronin by editing the save.ini file. Do you know if I could get VAC banned for this?

It’s not an online game, so you can get reported or a VAC protected server can’t detect you. Altering game files is however against the Terms of Service, but I onlyknow about it in the context of using uncut patches. I think you should be safe to go.
Also noted your gaming preference and won’t spoil anything in the future. :)

I altered all the missions until the finale, because I’m not sure about its format. It’s not really cheating, since I did complete all these missions. Just taking back what’s mine. :) I’ll have to replay the game anyway for the New Game Plus achievement.

All right! Challenge accepted.
I was gonna stick to my 5 game batches, but I will add monthly themed games in parallel if I have something interesting in my library.
The only Devolver Digital game I own is Hatoful Boyfriend. I’ve been meaning to play a visual novel for a long time so now I have an excuse :) I also redeemed Always Sometimes Monsters from TremorGames today, waiting for my key to arrive.

Glad to see a familiar face profile picture! Always Sometimes Monsters is one of the few games I don’t know what to think about, because RPG Maker like looking games don’t appeal to me, but Lisa was awesome, so I might be mistaken. Definitely tell how it is when you get a chance to play. :)

i havent any game of this company, any recomendation for the f2p? Its not a good idea for the backlog add more games, but an event is an event and i like to participate

Only F2P I’ve played was The Expandabros which is pretty short. Under 2 hours. It has no achievements, so I’d need to get some screenshots as stated in the rules for the event. Don’t know the rest tho. Should be quick to beat as well.
Thanks for participating. :)

I just now saw the Monthly Theme and will likely add A Fistful of Gun since I have been meaning to play that one anyway.

Awesome you decided to participate! This way you will be definitely able to partake in the giveaways just so you know.
I recently finished A Fistful Of Gun. it’s tough stuff, but also incredible fun!

General reminder, since not everyone has posted their progress. If you finished any Devolver games this month, please comment in this thread to make sure it counts towards the leaderboard and the giveaways.
General rules still apply, so if you have been active and regularly posted about your beaten games it will be alright. If you have any questions, ask away.

Thank you for the reminder, I’ve just posted an update.

Okay, so how if I have Dropsy but not on steam. I am talking about the drm free version from Humble.
Is there a quiz or so afterwards that I can take to show my completion of the game?

Sorry, but this group only deals with Steam in general, so I wouldn’t make an exception for this month’s theme.
And no, there won’t be a quiz, requirements and rules are stated. Just be active and post about your progress.
Just in case, one of our admins, NellyNeko, did state in a thread that only Steam games are eligible, if my word isn’t enough.
Sorry, Seven. :)

I wasn’t being serious about the quiz …
However for this event, am I right to assume that it is only for 100% completed games of Devolver?
Oh and… your word is enough. :)

No, beating the game is enough, considering you are active on the website during the process. If you want to replay a game or two a new achievement is required to prove the replay, but 100% isn’t necessary for any of the games. Only when you have every achievement but one for a game, then yeah. :D

Ok, so I’m not gonna replay NOT A HERO (nor Hotline Miami games) but there are still Shadow Warrior, Talos Principle and some Serious Sam games in my backlog :)

See? That’s why I told you you should’ve completed Not A Hero a bit later. :D
Glad you still have games to play. :)

General reminder, since not everyone has posted their progress. If you finished any Devolver games this month, please comment in this thread to make sure it counts towards the leaderboard and the giveaways.
General rules still apply, so if you have been active and regularly posted about your beaten games it will be alright. If you have any questions, ask away.

Do you know if family shared games count? I consider them part of my backlog, and steam would display hours + achieves, but they don’t have any progress on this site.

To be honest I feel like this would defeat the purpose of the monthly theme as it’s supposed to encourage you to play games on your account. Same goes for the website as it only tracks your games and saying family shared games count towards your backlog is kinda… weird?
As long as you have a few Devolver games on your own account it shouldn’t be a problem to participate and for now I would say that for the purpose of the event they won’t count towards the leaderboard, sorry.
But I’m curious… Why do you consider family shared games as part of your backlog?

Because they’re games I want to play. I’m not sure a backlog is much more than that?
If I had more disposable income I would buy these games for my account but I don’t. So I see no purpose to buy games I already have access to.
It’s fine of course, I was just checking :)

I don’t mean to exclude you just because you don’t have the money to own the games you want. Don’t get me wrong. It’s just a special case and I never encountered someone handling their backlog this way. That’s all. And if I’d allow it for the event other people might have had the same option to play Devolver games on friends’ accounts, you know?
If you want to, you can play some F2P titles to boost your amount of games played for the leaderboard.

Sorry that’s not really what I meant either. I don’t feel excluded. I just noticed I could play Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior if family share counted. I already beat one game though and that’s good enough for me since most of their games are too hard for me. I mostly appreciate the monthly event for helping me decide what to play next, not just for the leaderboard, so I’ll probably play it anyway. :)
I guess I am weird. :P I don’t really see it like I’m playing a game on a friend’s account since the playtime and achievements are mine alone. The game’s are in my steam library and I want to play them. They aren’t leaving unless steam gets rid of family share so I essentially consider them mine to play.
But yup I understand, so please don’t think I’m upset or anything. I just thought it couldn’t hurt to ask. Thanks for taking the time to explain to me your thoughts. <3

Okay, After finishing Her Story and Shadowrun: Dragonfall last week, i’m kind of directionless at the moment (playing Back To The Future, and jumping from one game to another… not really settling for any one), but with this theme i decided i’ll boot up Fistful of Gun, Titan Souls and give Dropsy another try (it is bizarre as F@ck!)

Both Fistful of Gun and Titan Souls are pretty tough, but I’ve beaten Fistful in 10 and Titan Souls in 5 hours. Dropsy is weird, but later on pretty adorable. Dropsy only means well! Dropsy took me 6-7 hours.
So overall good games you’ve got there and if you stick to them you could get a nice spot on the leaderboard. :)

General reminder, since not everyone has posted their progress. If you finished any Devolver games this month, please comment in this thread to make sure it counts towards the leaderboard and the giveaways.
General rules still apply, so if you have been active and regularly posted about your beaten games it will be alright. If you have any questions, ask away.

I tried… couldn’t fit enough time to even finish one. I tried quite a few of them though. Found RONIN really interesting.
Akantha made some incredible GIFs of Devolver Digital footage. If you’re not into Devolver yet, they should get you interested. They’re all kinds of weird and fun, let’s go!
Hug the world!

After Akantha’s gif, yours is just creepy instead of cute…
If you play the game you’ll change your mind tho. Dropsy only means well and wants to help everyone. Don’t judge. ;_;
Okay, I’ll play Dropsy first XD