Happy New Year! Did you all make your resolutions, however loosely you define them? January is the month when most people start fresh, try something new, sign up for gym memberships. In January, our motivation to improve is through the roof, it feels like the sky’s the limit. In BLAEO, we’ll make the sky quite literally the limit, with our new theme: Up in the Air!
Games for this month include everything to do with flying through the air (e.g. flight simulators) as well as those where the main part of the story is set in the air (like living among the clouds). Not included is everything space-related, that’s too far out. (no pun intended)
Do I have to participate in this month’s theme?
No, as with every theme, these are merely suggestions for anyone who is unsure about what to play next. If you already have a battle plan for your backlog and/or don’t like this month’s theme, you’re free to ignore it.
What happens if I don’t participate in the monthly theme?
Absolutely nothing.
What happens if I play all the games from the theme list this month?
Still nothing.
I don’t own any of the games from the game list, how can I still participate?
The game list is most likely incomplete. If you own or know of any other games that might fit this month’s theme, feel free to suggest them under the corresponding post.
I already played all the games I own from the theme list, should I play something again to participate?
If it was an awesome game and you’d like to replay it, sure, go ahead. Only replaying it for the theme won’t help you with your backlog though, so if that would be your only reason you should probably think about trying something else instead. (Although, if you have absolutely nothing else to play, you can still do that, I guess …)
I can’t fly :(
Me neither, at least not in real life. Another reason to play more games! :D

Happy New Year!
I’m not sure I have many games that’ll fit the theme but I love it though, another great choice :) Thanks for organizing once again :3

You have Hyperdimension Neptunia which is a perfect fit :D

Yay! At last new theme!

I notice that I have a few games that fit so I present myself ready for combat.

Happy new year!
I have a few games that are on the list but I probably won’t have much free time this month (end of the semester, lots of exams!) so I don’t know if I’ll be able to participate in the monthly theme. Either way, good luck everyone! :)

Good luck with your exams! :)

Yay, new theme!
And Nelly, thanks for the little formatting. I know that it was well-usable before that, but the non-inline game list link is so easier to be noticed ^^ I hope it didn’t take too much time to change it to the current format :)

no problem, just used the headline formatting and made it a link ^^ Thanks for the poke about it last month, I’ve been meaning to do it, but I’m really lazy and no one complained about it till then ;)

Oooh that’s a fun theme:)
Some of these games I’ve been meaning to try (bird story, story about my uncle, brothers)

Bird Story and Brothers are really good and relatively short, you should definitely play them :)

Finished Bird Story Wednesday and still doesn’t show I did?

I’ll poke revil about it, I finished it this month as well and it’s not listed ^^

Easy theme for me, barely have any of the games and i already played 5 from those that i have and 7 others are in “won’t play” category.

A whooole lot of nooothin’. I barely read the post, but those two stood out.

Just a question about ubinota, (and maybe others) where some achievements are broken. Does it count as completed if you don’t get the broken achievement or do they all need to be done? There is a way to fix the achievement if you edit a game file, but some achievement websites will then block your profile if you do, so not worth it.

Well, the distincition between beaten and completed on this site is up to you. Personally, I set games to completed even if broken achievements are missing, provided I’m sure I got them. In regards to points for this month, maybe let revil know about this if you’re playing the game, he usually fixes this stuff manually later (that’s part of the reason we don’t always do wrap-ups on the 1st of the next month)

I’d like an answer to “I can fly! :D” in the FAQ, and maybe “I CAN’T STOP FLYING!!!!! D:”

Seems like the live tracker, somehow, doesn’t like me again :)
I’ve marked Ducktales: Remastered as beaten 3-4 days ago; it didn’t pick me up.

Hi, just wanted to update you on this: I let revil know about this last week, and he noticed he’s getting an error message somewhere in the script, so he should be working on it as soon as he has time

How does Total Score calculated? I’ve got 8 games on the list beaten but 0 point.Do I have to replay them this month to make them count?

You only get points for games you played and finished (marked as “beaten” or “completed”) this month, that’s why it’s a monthly theme. As the FAQ above states, please don’t replay games just for the sake of points, that won’t help with your backlog

Dumb question, but do B and C games stand for Beaten and Completed respectively? And how does the score calculated?

yes, and I have no idea, revil does the points ;) (although right now something seems to be broken there, since the list hasn’t picked up all the eligible games beatin this month, but did mark games played previously, albeit with 0 points)

Ah, I see. So only games that are beaten this month should’ve been calculated in the score. Still curious about the formula used to calculate the score, but thanks for your answer.

The formula is B + ((C - B) * P / TP) for games with achievements, where
B is time to beat,
C is time to complete,
P is your achievement score in the game,
TP is the game’s total achievement score.
The times are retrieved from AStats and HowLongToBeat, and the achievement scores are calculated based on the achievements’ global percentages, using AStats to correct the values.
For games without achievements, the formula is simply (B + C) / 2.

Interesting. I like how you adjust completed game scores with the number of achievements earned. That way, scores earned by completing a game would be totally fair.
I think this should really be put on the FAQ though.

So disappointed :(
No ranking. *sniff sniff with a slow rolling tear down the side.

Revil works on it.

Has it been fixed?

Kinda. I finished Arkham City and mark it as completed more than 12h ago but it isn’t counted yet. Other 3 games are counted correctly. Unfortunately I can say only about myself.

It should auto-update in 3 hours, but if not, I’ll check it out. It’s getting harder to leave it automated since there is a large number of members and Google has a limit of 5 minutes for running scripts, so I have to go and manually run from 1 to 50 members, then from 50 to 100 members, and so on… so it stays within the 5 minute-mark.

Still not reliably fixed, in my opinion. Beaten Bastion nearly two days ago, but I still haven’t seen my scores updated in the live ranking.
Happy New Year,
nice theme, though I decided to not participate like December as I want to push my Fallout 4 progress a lot. And that takes almost all of my gaming time ;)