December: Winter / 2018
Theme #1: Winter
For the game to qualify for this theme it needs to have a winter feel to it - Christmas, snow, ice, winter landscapes, winter sports,… You can find a list of eligible games here. Feel free to post more game suggestions as a reply to that post!
If you want to make choosing the games easier, check out Enhanced BLAEO - it will tell you which eligible games you already own.
Theme #2: 2018
This one is pretty self-explanatory. :) Games with a 2018 release date qualify for this theme - even if they’re remasters, ports, etc.
[The criteria is stricter when nominating games for the BLAEO game awards so keep that in mind if you find a game that fits the theme that you want to nominate for an award - certain games can be used for the monthly theme but NOT for the BLAEO game awards.]
To participate, reply to this post and tell us which game(s) that fit the monthly theme(s) you’re going to play.
Please use the following (or similar) format to make it easier for me to keep track of everyone’s progress, but feel free to add any extra thoughts about the game(s) to your post!
Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status
:-: | :-: | :-: | :-:
name of game 1 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished
name of game 2 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished
name of game 3 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished
TOTAL: | achievements obtained | playtime this month | Number of games finished
Have fun!
Challenge me
The newest edition of the monthly Challenge Me is available here: click.
Do I have to participate in this month’s theme?
No, as with every theme, these are merely suggestions for anyone who is unsure about what to play next. If you already have a battle plan for your backlog and/or don’t like this month’s theme, you’re free to ignore it.
What happens if I don’t participate in the monthly theme?
What happens if I play all of my unfinished games this month?
Your backlog will be a much smaller place.
I don’t have any unfinished games - I’ve beaten everything I’ve started.
Really? well that makes one of us… I salute you.
I already finished my entry can I play another?
Go ahead - the goal is to reduce your unfinished games list. The more you can play the better.

Winter is nice, season of snow, exams, cold, Christmas, exams, new year’s eve, exams…can’t wait to have a real december / Christmas without extra to be stressed about. Not sure how much gaming time I’ll get and how much of it will be spent organized, so I rather don’t pick anything. I’ll see what I’ll end up playing with.

Hopefully I’ll do better with this month’s theme than I managed with the last. Especially because it matches with my catch-up plans.
Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Orwell: Ignorance is Strength | 9/19 | 4h | beaten |
The Banner Saga 3 | 34/101 | 13h | beaten |
Call of Cthulhu | 36/49 | 10h | beaten |
Book of Demons | 70/202 | 16h | beaten |
Ticket to Earth (episode 3) | 35/49 (+5) | 8h | beaten |
Monster Prom | 8/32 (+3) | 3.5h | beaten |
Hidden Paws | 8/8 (+1) | 1.5h | completed |
Iconoclasts | 6/11 | 20h | beaten |
Solo | 18/20 | 6h | beaten |
tiny & Tall: Gleipnir | 9/9 | 4h | completed |
TOTAL: | 191 | 86h | 10 |

Game | Achievements | Playtime | Theme | Status |
Christmas Adventure: Candy Storm | 23/23 (+23) | 2.2 hrs | Winter | Completed |
The Navigator | - | 1.0 hrs | 2018 | Completed |
Cube Escape: Paradox | 28/28 (+28) | 3.5 hrs | 2018 | Completed |
Paradox: A Rusty Lake Film | - | 0.3 hrs | 2018 | Completed |
Visage | 7/7 (+3) | 1.1 hrs | 2018 | Completed |
The Forest | 25/45 (+8) | 2.5 hrs | 2018 | Beaten |
Reigns: Game of Thrones | 1/10 (+1) | 1.5 hrs | 2018 | Currently Playing |
Stifled | - | 2.0 hrs | 2018 | Beaten |
Overcooked 2 | 33/33 (+21) | 12.1 hrs | 2018 | Completed |
The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game | 6/6 (+6) | 1.2 hrs | 2018 | Completed |
Smoke and Sacrifice | - | ~12.0 hrs | 2018 | Currently Playing |
GNOG | 20/20 (+20) | 1.4 hrs | 2018 | Completed |
CHUCHEL | 7/7 (+7) | 1.5 hrs | 2018 | Completed |
Super Mario Party | - | 4.0 hrs | 2018 | “Beaten” |
Detroit: Become Human | - | 7.0 hrs | 2018 | Currently Playing |
Stick Fight: The Game | 16/28 (+16) | 0.6 hrs | Winter | Beaten |
Marie’s Room | 7/7 (+7) | 1.2 hrs | 2018 | Completed |
Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) - Foxtales | 19/19 (+5) | 1.4 hrs | Winter | Completed |
Tracks - The Train Set Game | - | 8.6 hrs | Winter | Beaten |
Pixel Puzzles Ultimate | 321/1301 (+44) | 15.6 hrs | Winter/2018 | Currently Playing |
Fhtagn! - Tales of the Creeping Madness | 21/45 (+20) | 2.6 hrs | 2018 | Beaten |
SEPTEMBER 1999 | - | 0.1 hrs | 2018 | Beaten |
Delicious - Emily’s Christmas Carol | 2/21 (+2) | 2.0 hrs | Winter | Currently Playing |
Year Walk | 7/10 (+5) | 1.0 hrs | Winter | Beaten |
Total: | +216 | 86.4 hrs | 19 Finished |

Second time participating! I like these monthly themes. Going to do the same as before, just pick one shortish on-theme game and 100% it.
Game | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa’s Rampage | 13/13 | 9.9 hrs | completed |
EDIT: Complete!

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Detroit: Become Human [2018 theme] | 23/49 (+14) | 14 hours (+8) | finished |
Hitman GO: Definitive Edition [Winter theme] | 12/26 (+10) | 4.3 hours (+3.8) | finished |
CHUCHEL [2018 theme] | 7/7 | 2.2 hours | finished |
TOTAL: | 31 | 14.0 h | 3 games finished |

Name | Achievements | Playtime | Status |
Adolescent Santa Claus | N/A | 0.2 hours | Finished - Christmas |
The Thing With Mistletoes | 5/5 | 2.4 hours | Finished - Christmas |
Frosty Kiss | 6/6 | 0.4 hours | Finished - Christmas |
TOTAL: | 11 | 3 hours | 3 |

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Muffin Knight | 13/55 | 5,5 hours | Beaten |
Crime Secrets: Crimson Lily | 24/24 | 3,2 hours | Completed |
TOTAL: | 37 | 8,7 hours | 2 |

Tip: you can use https://www.lorenzostanco.com to view which games in your library were released in 2018.

Last month. Only 1 done and done at the very last second and not really all “done” per say but I had to get something out on it. :P Hopefully this one will be better. I think it will since I expect my school work to become less heavy this month.
Game | Achievements | Playtime | Status |
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa’s Rampage | 13/13 | 4.5 hours | Completed |
Total: | 13 | 4.5 hours | 1 |

Theme twins ;) Not sure what timezone you’re in (I’m GMT-5) but maybe we can co-op sometime if you’re up for it.
That Tower of Babel cheeve is going to be the bane of my existence. I got to 9 last night, then toppled the whole thing. It was heartbreaking

The game has co-op? I did not know that. :o I’m GMT+8 so not sure if we can figure out a time, but I’ll be more than welcome to play with you if it works out. :3
Omg that achievement is gold. xD I can imagine how hard it’ll be.

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Never Alone | 0 | 0 | unfinished |
name of game 2 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished |
name of game 3 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished |
TOTAL: | achievements obtained | playtime this month | Number of games finished |

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Belladonna | 0/0 | 1.8 hours (+ card idling) | completed (winter) |
The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav | 36/36 | 11 hours | completed (winter) |
A Raven Monologue | 0/0 | .2 hours | completed (2018) |
Marie’s Room | 7/7 | 1.4 hours | completed (2018) |
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa’s Rampage | 13/13 | 6.1 hours | completed (Christmas/winter) |
Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower | 0/0 | 9.5 hours | completed (winter) |
TOTAL: | 56/56 | 30 hours | 6 |

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status | Notes |
This War of Mine: Stories - The Last Broadcast (ep. 2) | 7/7 | 35 hours | Completed | Played some custom missions as well, the DLC Story took much less to complete. |
Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) | 15/19 | 3 hours | Beaten | - |
TOTAL: | achievements obtained | playtime this month | Number of games finished |
Pfft! We all know December is the month of Summer!
Keeping my list low since I’m planning to play other lengthy games that I’ve held off for years.
Yep, one year we’ll just have to make a Summer version of a December theme!