Challenge me! Monthly Edition
(15.04.2019 - 15.05.2019)
Have you been fooled this month. Or is the weather acting weird in your region? Let's use this for our fourth challenge me round. Try to pick at least one game fitting the current theme (Tag with fun, parody or similar) or a game, which has different weather conditions.

For Pickers. Just copy paste and complete the data :)

* [GAME#1](http://store.steampowered.com/app/GAME#1-ID/) - HLTB Time: GAME#1-HLTBTIME
* [GAME#2](http://store.steampowered.com/app/GAME#2-ID/) - HLTB Time: GAME#2-HLTBTIME
* [GAME#3](http://store.steampowered.com/app/GAME#3-ID/) - HLTB Time: GAME#3-HLTBTIME
* [GAME#4](http://store.steampowered.com/app/GAME#4-ID/) - HLTB Time: GAME#4-HLTBTIME
* [GAME#5](http://store.steampowered.com/app/GAME#5-ID/) - HLTB Time: GAME#5-HLTBTIME

  • Please make sure your games are sorted by completion before applying.
  • If you so desire and you have at least 5 unplayed SG wins, the 5 games can be picked out of your SG wins (instead of only 2/5). Just note it in your application comment.
  • Note in your post if you're ok playing multiplayer only games.
  • Same for Early Access (I know some people want to wait for release).
  • When you finish one (or more) of the games picked for you, please post an update by replying to your picker's comment.
  • If the game has achievements, you can link to either the Steam or Astats page corresponding to your progress.
  • If the game doesn't have achievements, please post a screenshot showing your completion.
  • Finally, if you have completed all the games that were assigned to you but want another go at it, feel free to post another application.
  • You can pick for/challenge up to 2 fellow assassins, please refrain to pick more so everybody who wants get a chance at it.
  • You can pick for anybody who has applied and hasn't been given a list yet, unless they specified otherwise (see next point). It is recommended to signal with a "reserved" comment that you're currently picking for that person. This way it'll avoid the situation where you spend time picking games just to come back to somebody's comment 2 minutes prior.
  • Please use the following criteria when picking a list for somebody.
  • Pick exactly 5 games
  • Length-wise: at least 2 short games (under 10h to beat) and 2 medium (under 15-20h). You can use HLTB to check the time, or more conveniently the Enhanced Steam browser extension (it shows the HLTB time directly on the game's steam page). That rule can be overridden by the bottom (i.e. pick 5 short games) but not the other way around, as not everybody has the same time to dedicate to gaming.
  • Pick two SG wins unless the person specified SG wins only, in which case pick only in the applicant's SG wins list.
  • Quality-wise: at least 3 of the 5 games should have a positive (or above) rating. You can use this site to quickly sort games in a user's library by ratings (thanks to JaffaCaffa for the suggestion).
  • Please, respect the applicant's choice regarding multiplayer-only and Early access games, as well as other requests (exclusion of certain genre etc.).
  • Please use the code below to post your comment, it's already formatted, you just have to copy/paste & complete the data.

Do I have to participate in this event?
No, this is an event to help you reduce your backlog. If you already have a plan and don't want anyone to pick games for you, you're free to ignore it.

What happens if I don’t participate in the event?
Absolutely nothing.

What happens if I play all the games picked for me this month?
Still nothing. (You might get a shiny profile badge at some later date. And you can come back for another batch.)

What if I don’t have time to play 5 games?
Don’t worry, one is enough, we’re just asking the pickers to select 5 to give the player a little choice.

One of the game picked for me won’t run on my computer for X or Y reason, what do I do?
If this happens, please notify the picker by replying his comment and ask them to pick a replacement. If the original picker don’t give you an answer within 24h, don’t panic, just leave a comment and we’ll pick one for you. Meanwhile, you could try one of the other picked games if you haven't played them all yet.

I played all 5 games that were picked for me and I want more!
If you have completed all 5 games and reported your completion to the original comment, you can make a new request for another list.

When picking for other people, can I only pick “never played” games?
Not necessarily, you can also pick games that seem to have been abandoned but haven’t been categorized as “won’t play”. No beaten or completed games, or games being currently played obviously.

Why are there so many rules for picking the games? I can’t be bothered!
We’re trying to make this enjoyable for everyone so if you decide to pick games for others, please read and follow the rules. I’ve tried to make it as easy as possible for the pickers too, but if it’s bothering you too much, remember you don’t need to pick games for others to join the challenge.

I’m new here, can I join the challenge?
Yes of course (and welcome to BLAEO). Please just be sure to have your games sorted by progress before signing up for the challenge, to make it easier for your picker.


Post here, if any issues

Blue Ϟ Lightning

so I’m going away for a week and haven’t had alot of time to play games lately but as per tradition I don’t want to miss a month.

please dont pick anything that’s already been picked
please treat gifts the same as wins.
thank you


Well, how about this…

Blue Ϟ Lightning

thank you!
I’ll try to get to them all


Never done this before but always a first time for anything.

I have pop lists you can choose from if you want
Also if possible please try to include at least 1 non-achievement game


I’ll pick out some games in a bit


Here’s what I picked:

Let me know if you want to change any thing.


Those are great thank you. Machina is a perfect fit for my current games lately and I’ve also been tempted to start south park


Well completed Machina. Took a bit longer at 12.9 hours but not to much longer. Kinda confusing story for myself and the bosses was very grindy for me, think I was clearly missing something but oh well. However overall was a very beautiful and nice game to play. Should be done with South park soon as well


South Park is also complete. I’ll go back and 100% it soon but for now its pretty much all finished. Was just as good as when I played it on the xbox, however now I got the next south park to play too


You’re on a roll! Nice to see that you enjoyed both games.


This comment was deleted almost 6 years ago.


Thought I would inform you I’ve had to drop lego villains. I’ve reached a game breaking bug in mission 2 and can’t progress. So I’ll see about trying it on my own time where I can take it slow but I’m going to be deleting this


Ah that’s a shame! Would you like to change it for another game?


It’s a bit cheap to say no but I’ll just have to decline. I’ll use this opportunity to start early on my abc games and I’ll continue to take part with this in the next month and so on for however long it lasts


That’s fine with me, good luck with your ABC challenge games!


Dream Daddy is done. Only dropsy to go. All been great picks so far from what I’ve played


Okay Dropsy is done so I am now finished just in time for my pop pickings. Thank you again for all the picks


Good job! Glad you liked all the picks (except for LEGO Villains :P)


Eff it, I’m in it!
I know I started multiple ABC Challenges just now (shameless plug), but I should have most of this time free, so why not focus on something that will be picked here.

Disclaimer: I’m sorry in advance if I end up not playing anything picked here, I do like going at my own pace.

Please, don’t pick any games that require multiplayer or paid DLC to complete; or even Early Access (if I even have any games that fall under that). Also, keep in mind that my main PC is really weak. I’m really curious to see what will be picked :)


Rakuen - HLTB Time: 8 - 9 hours
Fran Bow - HLTB Time: 7.5 - 8.5 hours
Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.1 Onikakushi - HLTB Time: 10 - 11.5 hours
Rusty Lake: Roots - HLTB Time: 3.5 - 5 hours
ENIGMA - HLTB Time: 3 - 12.5 hours


Dang, you’re really forcing my hand there with Rusty Lake: Roots and Higurashi. I think I’ll focus on the other three first :D


Willing to participate!

If possible, I would like my picker choosing one or two recently released games (if I have any left and I should!) from my backlog.
Additionally, if possible, I would like to have a variety of genres picked.
Finally, as others have written, please, treat unfished games (which I often start just to take a quick bite at them) as unplayed, thanks.

Trilled Meow

I’m willing to pick, but I’m probably less informed than average about new releases.

  • Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom - HLTB Time: 36 hours. SG win. This is a newer release I’ve been looking at during sales, although apparently I missed a good deal about 3 weeks ago.
  • South Park: The Stick of Truth - HLTB Time: 11.5 hours. SG win. Fits the monthly theme.
  • 199X - HLTB Time: 2 hours. Someone recommended this to me.
  • Unepic - HLTB Time: 18 hours. Fits the monthly theme. I got stuck somewhere and never beat it, but I liked it.
  • Among the Sleep - HLTB Time: 2.5 hours. I was looking for something short and of a different genre.

Let me know if you want me to replace anything.


Thank you so much for the picks, TM!
And thanks for having tried to fill my requests as well!
Will do my best!

EDIT: killed 2 small targets, 199X and Among the Sleep.
Both were very enjoyable experiences, so thanks once more for the helpful choices!

Trilled Meow

I would like to be challenged. Please treat unfinished games the same as unplayed. Also please don’t pick Bioshock or Borderlands because I beat those before and don’t want to replay at this time. Thanks!


I’ll pick for you:

Trilled Meow

Thanks for picking. It’s appropriate you ended up choosing games for me, since I’m the one who just won Through the Woods from you. That was Playing Appreciated, so it will be first up.


Not sure if you are already taking part, but “Into the woods” would also qualify for this event , since you won it from me
If you beat/complete at least 1 sg win that fits the monthly theme or two that don’t fit the monthly theme you will get the links to special GA’s (for which games you can find in the description) and you can join the steam group.

Trilled Meow

I think I might join, thanks!


You are welcome. It’s a nice event and helps fight against the backlog ;)


I’ll probably be busy until the end of the month considering that I’m playing Yakuza 0 at the moment, so please make the choices on the short side. Pick from either of those two lists:
under 8 h
under 15h

Trilled Meow
  • Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered - HLTB Time: 8 hours. I think this is a game that could be played quickly. It’s so story focused, it’s easy to go right through it.
  • 12 Labours of Hercules III: Girl Power - HLTB Time: 5.5 hours. I played the first two of these, so I know they’re alright for casual downtime between bigger things. And they’re short.
  • Enslaved: Odyssey to the West - HLTB Time: 9 hours. I picked this because it’s an SG win.
  • Contrast - HLTB Time: 3.5 hours. Tbh I don’t like puzzle platformers, but this is really stylish, with good atmosphere, and twists on gameplay mechanics that fit that atmosphere.
  • Kholat - HLTB Time: 4.5 hours. I played this, but I cheated a bit and referred to an outside map. The Dyatlov Pass incident is one of those “mysteries” you may have read about, and it’s kind of interesting they made a game to explore the various theories.

Nice picks 😊
I’ll definitely try to beat/complete some. I already played the first two 12 Labour’s of Hercules games and greatly enjoyed them. So I look forward to the third installment.


And here is the list for this event :)


Completed Contrast tonight : The shadow parts are an interesting change from normal game play, but sometimes it gets really annoying.
And beaten 12 Labours of Hercules III: Girl Power: Nice addition to the series. First time I ever got stuck on levels. A bit stupid that you can get stuck and the game does not notice it by ending the game.
And another onbe completed: Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered…it’s official, I still hate QTE and this game is full of it. Had to switch back to the older version because in the newer version a lot of times the QTE commands were not recognized so you failed the tests :(
Beaten ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West today. Really nice game, but stay far away from the DLC. Controls there are next to impossible.


This comment was deleted almost 6 years ago.