What is the game that you played the most and how many hours?
I put my game on the sg thread about it but I’ll put it here too. My most played game is 100% orange juice at 794 hours. However when you also count away from steam that would be town of salem which is my 2nd highest with 582 hours when only seeing steam time
I’m the same way! I have the most on Town of Salem but not on steam. I also have a lot on 100% orange juice (183 hrs). That’s such an addicting game
I would say, the game I’ve played most is Sims 3. This game accompanys me through my youth and also as an adult. I also play a lot Diablo 3 and WOW. In Steam the game I played (and still playing it) most is Rimworld with 213 hours on N.1. N.2 is Fallout 4 with 186 hours. And N. 3 is Elex with 91 hours.
There’s no way I can go off of my Steam times, and to be honest I don’t think I play games as much as I used to - single games, anyway. When I was younger, with only one or two consoles and a limited amount of games, I really played the hell out of what I had. Now, with hundreds of games at my disposal (and a lot of them shorter games besides) I just play a game, beat it, and move on.
I don’t have any hard data to back this up, but I think it’d be the games I played over and over as a young teenager - Guitar Hero 2, Mario Kart Double Dash!!, and the two Tony Hawk Underground games.
In general?
Probably NWN. I’m sure I spent a couple thousand hours playing on the various servers and especially the Planescape one. In fact, I need to revisit this.
On Steam, King’s Bounty: The Legend with 483 hours. I got deep into a almost no-loss campaign, and finally said the hell with it after 483 hours. Never did finish the game. Outside of Steam, it would have been Diablo II, WoW, or Runes of Magic (WoW-clone MMO). No idea how long I spent on those.
On Steam it’s Mass Effect 2 with 234h - I’m sure there are some missing, but never mind. Next is Crush Crush, which is kinda embarrassing I guess :D
But honestly, that is just a “small” amount of my gaming time. Origin has higher times - Mass Effect 3 with 314h, but again, since of different systems it didn’t count everything AND HOURS of Sims 1, 2, 3 and 4 (not that much yet). Can’t say for Sims how much though, since I played the first before one even thought of keeping times. Same with the second. And the third is again the problem with different systems and Origin being a pussy ;)
Is that it? Noho! Way from it! I have played MMOs after all. Weeks and Months of gaming time with WoW alone. After that also a lot with SWtor and not so much with Lotro… and others. But yeah. I spent a lot there. Raiding, PvP, PvE, you name it, I did it.
Not lemme get back to HITMAN (currently at 59h and only in episode 2 so far xD).
I’m kinda happy/sad though not having all puzzle sets from PPU, guess that would raise the gaming hours… massively o.O
Did you tell us yet what yours is? :]
When and where did you play WoW? What class(es) were your main(s)?
Uh…. I started with classic. (Whatcha mean with where? German Servers if that helps. Started on PvP server - hated it -, spent most of my time on PvE Server and a bit on RPG ;) ) I played with lots of breaks though. But had active times in every Addon… up til the… newest one? I started raiding with Wreath of the Lichking. I used to think I’m a Druide until I discovered Warlocks - used to hate them as Druide, bc they always assumed I had to heal them, although I always sucked at healing. So then it was Warlock! And Tanks. I really enjoyed tanking. But I couldn’t abandon my little witch, so I did both.
Fun fact, I started as a Tank in SWtor, bc I didn’t want to get in the same conflict again. Didn’t work out ofc, bc I also started to play DDs so I was pretty much screwed again :D
Yes, by where I meant which server type(s) / location(s). I played from initial release until the day the first expansion released, US / Alliance / PvE. Paladin main, with Druid and Sorc as primary alts. I joined a guild late in the game, but they only did some low-level raiding, nothing endgame. I joined them a few times– maybe 5-10 times in total.
Oh yeah, that makes sense. So EU/Germany. First only Alliance, later switched to Horde, bc a friend wanted to play there. And yeah, been on all types. PvP/PvE and a bit RPG. I really enjoyed the Pala Tank sigh And now I’m getting all nostalgic again. But! I’ve learned my lesson. By now I know, I would (how do we shorten that, why don’t I know? o.o) just get super quick bored, bc it’s same all over. So nope. I shall stay strong :)
Damn I played completely different to you. My step dad got me into the game and I went for priest first, managed to get to lvl 60 something just doing story missions before I touched a dungeon. Then after I started dungeons I did paladin as a normal attacker as I realised I HATE HEALING! During the times I played with my step dad we did a wolf together so I went warrior then finally when the pandas came out we both went monk! I did try pretty much all the races and classes but those were the 4 I mainly used and 2 were humans.
As you put down below with the nostalgia I get that. I think back to when I used to play it and enjoyed it a lot but now I know if I tried to play it again it wouldn’t last long. I couldn’t play it enough to explain why I’m paying a subscription for it. Or even if I did play it enough thinking to it now I still don’t think it would last long for the fact of what it is. I have other games now I don’t need to only play that
Back in classic I never even came close to a dungeon… I think. Uh, maybe I did. Not sure. But back then I always played as DD and never managed anything rly - bc I was a stupid kid and just lazing around, bc it was SO difficult to play.
Monk sure was fun - both as Tank and as DD. Oh MAN! I feel homesick! ;(
Yeah, I get that a lot. The homesickness. And everytime I play it, it sure feels like coming home. And then I play a week non stop - more or less - and suddenly I’m sitting there and I’m bored. And I’m freaking again, bc I wanna raid, but raiding means timetables and pressure and stress and I don’t want that. So I stop. And then I wonder, why the heck did I pay for a whole month. Oooooh well. Let’s just stay strong I guess ;)
Yeah with my healer we set up our own guild and set to do a raid. However I just found it boring. You have to do it at a certain time with lots of people and planning. All it felt to me was doing a dungeon but bigger and me being even more worthless since I had lots of others healers that were better at their job doing it. Plus we got lost at one point. It was all the same looking so it took a while to get to 1 point to the other. So all that and me being young with it starting past 7pm it wasn’t that enjoyable away from just spending time with the missions. Even when I reached level 20 with dungeons I still kept to all my level 10 missions because I just wanted the story, I didn’t mind it giving me barely anything. Plus I still had no idea how people travelled anywhere so I could only do it with my step dad
Yeah, I’m one of the ppl who played the whole world, just so I get to know the whole story and all that. So I get you ;)
And yes, raiding can be super annoying and stressful. But it can also be really nice and pleasant, if you have a great group, with knowledgable leaders and smart/quickthinking/quickreacting members. I had that once and it was just awesome. I always hoped to find that again but never did, which only made me more frustrated about it. I even tried doing the leader part myself, so things would run more smoothly, but that’s just more stress. I don’t want stress while gaming. I’m already getting enough stress in rl (and sometimes in games, bc I wanna achieve something that badly!).
oh god the vanilla wow days, started with palladin, then got my cousin into it and made a warior with her. Didnt like the warior and as soon as she catched up to my palladin i swithed to him.I LOOOOVED pally.Me her and a friend( wich she later maried) lvled to 60 and just did dungeons the 3 of us..So many good times!
Then she stopped playing caus she and her husband moved back to servia and i started a druid.LOVED IT! Really got into raiding with her.I tried every vanilla class but druid was my favo.
Then bc came out.Got the expension from some random guy in chat and went back to palladin.Raiding with him wasnt fun so back to druid.Tried shaman and that was great fun.Did some light raiding with my pally and druid but soon got boring so i started lvling my other toons.
Then wrath of the litchking came out.The trailer looked so freaking awesome i bought it( had kids and a husband so didnt have much time/money ) Cousin came back to wow and we had some fun.Lved my pally and druid and did some dungeons, but wow wasnt really fun anymore.I just didnt have the time and money.
Then i got to know the privite servers!Met some awesome people, raided roleplayed and generally messed around.
Every now and then i go back to the privite servers,play a month or so and get bored again.Im looking for that beginner high,but i’m never getting it back.
ps /edit. forgot to mention i played till mop on privite.It was ok
Yeah, the feeling one had starting out with it… it just never comes back ;(
I have the most on Town of Salem if you count the off steam hours. I don’t remember how much, but I used to play for a long time before it was put on steam. Then it’s Dead By Daylight with 464 hours and 100% Orange Juice with 183 hours.
My most single-playered game is Stardew Valley with 176 hours. I think it’s the best game out of all of these!
On Steam I have killed about 236 hours on Dead By Daylight. Game wise across two platforms I have cleared at least 300 hours on Monster Hunter: World. Borderlands 2 probably has a high amount between xbox 360 days and a little on Steam. Who honestly knows in lifetime though. I had replayed so many games without a thought of how much time I actually spent on them.
On Steam, I have the most hours on Team Fortress 2 (1299 hours) followed by Garry’s Mod (239 hours), Terraria (191 hours) and Yakuza 0 (146 hours). If you count non-Steam games then it would be Minecraft.
on steam its terraria with 800+ hours but thats slightly inflated as my siblings used my account to play it for a portion of that
The most hour count is Garry’s Mod with 7017 hours and rising, but I mainly idled it for the hours played achievement(I’m 4/5 ways done on the achievement, yay!). Second one is Tapocalypse with 1189 hours which is a shitty clicker/idle game that I had to idle for that long to get the last achievement. My real most played game is Dead by Daylight with 705 hours and rising. Didn’t idle it at all.
I recently deleted a bunch of very old games I’ll never play again from my Steam account, mainly free to plays. One of them had 1400 hours. Currently my list shows Conan Exiles at 200 hours which is recent.
Off Steam, I know for a fact that I had 6900 hours on Guild Wars. Way back when life was simpler and I had tons more time to blow on vidya. I’m at a point in my life now where committing to long term games is impossible so it’s unlikely I’ll ever hit a number like that again until I become a retired old geezer. :P
Not counting Tabletop Sim which has a bunch of idled time, it’s Dead by Daylight at 269 hours that I started playing in August. I’d watched videos of people playing it since release and finally took the plunge.
As for non-Steam games (that I’ve played in recent years) it’s League of Legends, which I’ve been playing on/off since S2 (2012). Not sure the exact time (phew) but I have 2k+ wins. What about yourself? :)
Probably WoW or Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne (because of Dota 1). If you count Dota as whole (1+2), than it’s definitely my most played game.
Single player is probably Europa Universalis 4.
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EDIT: The game I have the most hours logged into on Steam is Valkyria Chronicles. The main campaign is only about 30 hours, but the Steam version comes with the DLC missions. It also has “skirmish” missions where the game reuses the same maps, but has different starting points and enemy placements.
EDIT 2: Outside of Steam, my 3DS claims I have 124 hours and 49 minutes logged into Bravely Default. I played on hard mode and died quite a bit (so excluding my various failed attempts, my time was closer to 93 hours), but on top of the end game kinda dragging itself out and being pretty repetitive, I didn’t realize I could speed up battle animations until around 60-70 hours in.