February: Spring Cleaning
While it may not technically be spring yet, it's definitely the kind of weather that'll leave you looking for stuff to do inside. Although, if you're a regular at our theme section, that's probably always the case.
This month ist divided into two possible paths: You can either go with "cleaning" your own Steam library by picking a game (or more) that you bought early on but still haven't touched yet. Or you can go with a game that centers around cleaning and tidying up from our list. Or you can do both, obviously.
For option one, just click on your username in the top right corner in Steam, go to the account settings and then view your licenses and product key activations. Scroll aaaaaaaaalllllll the way down and pick the oldest game you haven't tried/finished yet. ("oldest" in this case being added the longest time ago)
If you pick this option, I would love to know which game(s) you land on and whether you liked them, so please feel free to reply here and/or post about the experience to the community!
If that's not for you, the (as yet very short) list of games is available here. Please feel free to add to the list by commenting on it if you think of more games that fit the theme.
(Info about scripts and whatnot to help you pick coming soon, once I figured out how it all works)

Have fun neatly folding up your games so you can shelve them!
Challenge me
The newest edition of the monthly Challenge Me is available here: click.
Do I have to participate in this month’s theme?
No, as with every theme, these are merely suggestions for anyone who is unsure about what to play next. If you already have a battle plan for your backlog and/or don’t like this month’s theme, you’re free to ignore it.
What happens if I don’t participate in the monthly theme?
I don't like the oldest unplayed game in my library, can I still participate with something else?
Feel free to skip to the next oldest game if the thought of the oldest one doesn't *spark joy* for you.
My oldest unfinished game is from last week, does that still count?
Of course, and congrats on your super tidy library!
I already finished my entry can I play another?
Go ahead - the goal is to reduce your unfinished games list. The more you can play the better.
What's a good gaming-related joke about cleaning?
"hey.....would the opposite of konmari be....... katamari..........." [source]

I’m going with the cleaning game theme. My pick has ballroom decorating for the ‘cleaning’ bit and romance stuff for Valentine’s.
Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Regency Solitaire | 17 of 17 | 11.2 | completed |

Surprisingly I have two games on your short list so I’ll go for those, as I can’t really play my oldest game on steam.
Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor | 31/44 | 10h | beaten |

What’s wrong with your oldest steam game (other than probably having stayed unplayed for a reason)?

It wasn’t completely unplayed,i did play it quite a lot back then, but it’s Audiosurf, and it needs mp3 files to be played. Which i lost all my music library during my last big HDD and then laptop crash, and now i use spotify.

The theme says bought early on though, not oldest, so you’re safe :P

I also have two (three, if I count both Viscera Cleanup games). I’ll add them to my backlog.
By the way, is that a Marie Kondo gif? Her movie just dropped on Netflix for me, I couldn’t find this one but the folding looks just like hers! And it’d be a neat reference!

yup, that’s where the gif is from!

Pleasantly surprised to find I had a good portion of my initial Steam purchases/gifts beaten. Still I have yet to beat Skyrim and Oblivion(both July 2014), …so it looks like I will be stuck with those all month… and probably go for Viscera Cleanup for the literal cleanup portion.

Here’s the direct link to licenses, in case someone had trouble finding them:
It’s universal, the same for everyone.

Going for the oldest unplayed games one
Name | Achievements | Playtime | Status | Comments | Date activated |
inMomentum | 0/37 | 0,1 | Dropped | Dropped due to inconsistent framerate | 9 Dec, 2011 |
Gish | 0/11 | 1 | Dropped | Dropped due to steam version having broken physics, introduced in a late patch | 11 May, 2010 |
Max and the Magic Marker | N/A | 2,2 | Beaten | Cute little game that’s no longer sold on steam | 5 Jan, 2012 |
Critical Mass | 0/27 | 0,1 | Dropped | Servers are down, breaking the games progression | 4 Feb, 2012 |
Lugaru HD | N/A | 1,2 | Beaten | From the first ever Humble Bundle! | 11 May, 2010 |
Blueberry Garden | N/A | 0,5 | Beaten | I don’t get it | 17 May, 2012 |
Bunch of Heroes | 17/59 | 2,2 | Beaten | Some games might have stayed in my backlog for a reason | 4 Feb, 2012 |
NightSky | 12/22 | 2,5 | Beaten | And some really did not deserve to stay there for so long! | 20 Sep, 2011 |
Avencast | N/A | 0.1 | Dropped | Game is apparently not compatible with my graphics card | 26 Mar, 2012 |
Hitman: Sniper Challenge | N/A | 0.1 | Beaten | So this was a 3min long game… | 11 Sep, 2012 |
Hitogata Happa | 0/14 | 0.1 | Dropped | I’m getting serious slowdown, which turns my controller unresponsive. | 30 Jun, 2012 |
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days | 16/59 | 3.7 | Beaten | They wanted 50€ for this thing? | 18 May, 2012 |
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars | 12/25 | 7.9 | Beaten | So, is it air conflict, or air conflicts, secret war or secret wars? This game can’t seem to decide. | 30 Jun, 2012 |
Nikopol: Secret of the Immortals | N/A | 0,5 | Dropped | This game is clearly not made for people who don’t know the source material | 18 Feb, 2012 |
Midnight Club II | N/A | 0,5 | Dropped | It works, it’s just a shame I can’t edit the controls, which end up being quite odd with my gamepad | 28 May, 2012 |
SOL: Exodus | 9/53 | 1 | Dropped | This is another one of those games that “works”, but it’s just not good. There’s something very off about the physics in this one | 12 Aug, 2012 |
Chantelise - A Tale of Two Sisters | N/A | 0.4 | Dropped | That low health sound… Also that camera…. and that writing. | 19 Jul, 2012 |
Hector: Badge of Carnage Episode 1 | N/A | 2 | Beaten | Quality control, who needs that? | 28 Sep, 2012 |
iBomber attack | N/A | 0.1 | Dropped | Broken (and never fixed) due to patch released in 2015 | 30 Jan, 2013 |
Serious Sam 2 | N/A | 0.9 | Dropped | Steam version has a save-game corruption bug… that of course hit me! | 30 Jun, 2012 |
Akaneiro: Demon Hunters | 41/41 | 3.0 | Completed | Turning a won’t play into a completed! | 4 Aug, 2013 |
Total beaten | 98 | 25,2 | 10/21 | :-: | :-: |

My oldest unfinished game is Final Fantasy VII. It’s also the first one I bought. I beat it a long time ago on Playstation but would like to finish it again. I stopped playing like 5 years ago in that part where it’s cold and you pass out because I was confused about if I got all the items or not.

Not really the haven’t played it before, but after numerous tries I finished Torchlight 2 yesterday! ( bought: 20 Dec, 2013)
I guess it does not qualify but it’s motivational :P

Last month. Continuing the one per month streak~Gonna go with the second option since I have one game that I wanted to try out from the list. :3
Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor | 21/44 | 4.8 hours(Idled 6 hours 41 minutes) | Not Finished |
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior | 2/2 | 1.8 hours | 100% Completed |
Total: | 23 | 6.6 hours | 1 |

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status | Year purchased |
Spore | 0 | 0 | unfinished | Bought in 2014 |
Half Life 2: Episode 1 | 0 | 0 | unfinished | Bought in 2015 |
Consortium | 0 | 0 | unfinished | Bought in 2016 |

Cleaning! :D
Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Theme | Status |
12 Labours of Hercules | 22 / 22 | 5.4 | Cleaning | Completed |
The Silent Age | 24 / 24 | 5.3 | Cleaning | Completed |
TOTAL: | 46 | 10.7 | 2 |
This comment was deleted about 6 years ago.

For Spring Cleaning theme I’ve completed 2 games from the list:
Name | Achievements | Playtime | Screenshots | Status |
The Silent Age | 24 of 24 (100%) | 3.4 h | 17ss | completed |
Cinders | 8 of 8 (100%) | 7 h | 17ss | completed |
I’ve also beaten Rumu, but last year :)

Managed to finish:
Jalopy - 6/23 achievements - 5.4 hours of playtime
Huh! For me, that would be…. System Shock 2, bought November 2014. Wow, holy fuck, four years ago. Next after that would be Nihilumbra, from June 2015.
I… might just attempt these two, if only to finally get them out of ‘never played’. Even if it’s moving them into ‘won’t play’. I don’t really think I’ll like Nihilumbra, and even though I know the BIG TWEEST I’m afraid System Shock 2 will be too scary.
System Shock 2 is amazing! It takes a bit of getting used to, and you really want to re-bind the controls, but it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played.
(One of my oldest unplayed purchases is Amnesia, on 8 Jul, 2011. Not sure if I have the guts to play that :P )