34.9 hours
9/10 Pyramids for heads

Thank you Bloober Team for making this! I've always wanted to play Silent Hill. I wasn't aware of it as a kid, and I probably would have been too spooked to play it anyway. I was sooo excited to hear about a remake coming out.

This game is spooky! I don't know how it compares to the original, but there were moments in this game that literally made me almost jump out of my seat. It has jumpscares, but also a lot of psychological horror and overall dread. I'm very wimpy when it comes to horror, so keep that in mind. The sound design was incredible. The ambience and background music/sounds were so unsettling. Whoever did the background ambience did a great job because it caused me to take a couple of sanity breaks.

I loved the story. I didn't know anything about the game except the ending. I knew one major plot point towards the end… but thats it. I didn't know what Silent Hill (the place) was or what the hell was going on for the majority of the game. The story takes you on this somber journey where you desperately have one goal in mind, and it seems so hard to achieve it.

The voice acting and graphics were superb. Once again, I've never played the original, but I was really enthralled in the voice acting and world-building. The person who voiced James deserves an award if he hasn't won one yet. The sound design (once again) enhances the voice acting as well as the background ambience. I also really love the music in the game. I think most of it is from the original.

The only thing I didn't like about the game was that it felt a little too long. It dragged a little. There were a few moments where I was like, I had to do all that? I like that you can explore and find extra lore, but the actual gameplay could have been cut down a little. Or made more interesting in some parts.

I love all the settings for the game. I normally don't mess with settings (other than adding subtitles), but there were a lot of neat features. Lots of accessibility settings. Also, you can play on 90s mode or remake mode, which changes the color. You can set combat difficulty and puzzle difficulty. I had combat on normal and puzzle on light since I'm impatient with puzzles. I think that should be the standard for more games.

Thankfully, I got my preferred ending on the first try. It will probably be a while before I replay it since I've seen the other endings online, but I'm interested to see what newgame+ is like. Overall, I had a blast. I don't know how it compares to the original, so I can only write this vague review from a newcomer's POV. In my opinion, this is one of the best survival horrors I've played in a loooong time. I think it's up there with the RE2 remake for my favorite recent survival horror games.

January - February Update!

These two months have been pretty good for gaming. I completed four of my POP games. My birthday was this month, which was nice and I’m excited to potentially finish my PoP games in March. I didn’t play that many games on the steam deck, but I included it in the reviews if I did.

Super Lesbian Animal RPG

16.6 hours, no achievements
6/10 lesbian friends

This title really catches the eye. I've had more than a couple messages from friends asking… "whatcha playin? 👀" I may not know where this game came from and which bundle I acquired it in, but with a name like that, how can I not try it?

Let me preface this by saying I am not the target demographic for this game. It's not a bad game, though!

You play as a fox named Melody. She's part of a group of animal friends. Everyone in the group is struggling with something. They haven't achieved the goals they want in life. They feel like screw-ups, have low self-esteem, and have a few other issues that affect young adults growing up. Suddenly something shows up to threaten the world, and the friends have to use their recently acquired magic to save it.

The messages aren't heavy-handed in an annoying way, but in an endearing one. As you play, it explores themes of mental illness, friendship, romance, LGBTQ representation, and self-acceptance. It's often charming with likable characters and goofy dialogue. There was obviously a ton of work put into this game. The art is really nice and vibrant, and there were a few moments that made me forget this was made on RPG Maker.

The combat/battle system isn't that advanced but has some unique elements. It can feel repetitive after a while, but you can equip different things like spellbooks to keep it interesting. There are also plenty of side missions and content.

Honestly, I would rate this higher because there's nothing really wrong with it. Someone put a lot of time and effort into this game. I just wasn't really into it and I don't see myself ever playing it again. If you look at the Steam store and it looks like something you'd like, I definitely recommend it.

Beat Saber

41.0 hours, 10 of 26 achievements
8/10 BPM

Beat Saber is a well-known rhythm game played on a VR headset. The gameplay involves using your sabers to hit the notes coming towards you. The notes sometimes need to be hit from the left, right, diagonal, etc. There are also moments you have to move from the side or duck to avoid the walls. You are constantly moving, especially on the harder difficulties.

This game is one of the best VR games without a doubt. The only problem is that it's a sinkhole for cash. If you don't want to play the generic made-for-game songs, you have to pay for song packs or individual songs. There aren't that many options, and they are way overpriced. I highly recommend modding the game. It's not difficult. You can find a very easy tutorial online. Modding it allows you to add any songs you want.

If you want to play multiplayer online with other players, then don't mod the game. I heard there was a mod to let you do this, but from what I can see, it removes multiplayer. Multiplayer has its own issues, though. If you want to use any of the song packs or individual songs you bought for multiplayer, then good luck. If a song gets picked from a song pack and you or another player doesn't have it, they make you sit that round out. You have to watch other people play the song that was bought. Everyone online playing together has to buy the same songs to play together. It's disgraceful, really.

Overall, the game is fantastic. It's a great workout. It's so addicting, and the movement feels super fluid. It does have some lagging issues, but that's expected with VR. I wouldn't recommend it if you have a bad connection. I recommend buying the game, finishing the tutorial, modding the game, and starting a somewhat healthy addiction.

The Red Lantern

6.7 hours, 19 of 27 achievements
5/10 good boys

The Red Lantern is a dog sledding game. You pick out a team of dogs and go out in the wilderness. It's mostly a point-and-click game where you make small choices. You pick the direction to go and what to interact with and investigate when prompted.

Overall, it's a fun and relaxing game. It's stressful at first, but the more you play, the easier it gets. I think the game is set up to fail you a couple of times, but once you beat the main story, it's incredibly easy.

I like the art style and the voice acting. The dogs all have different personalities. It's only obvious when the run wants you to focus on that dog's storyline. Once you beat the game, it lets you keep doing runs to fulfill personal storylines. It does get repetitive very, very quickly. I tried to complete all the storylines, but I was too bored. I recommend this game, but only on sale.

Steam Deck compatibility: The game is "verified" but wouldn't work for me. Kept loading a black screen with no picture. I couldn't find any fixes, and the usual fixes don't work. If it works for you, then it's the type of game that is probably more fun on the Steam Deck.

I Was a Teenage Exocolonist

12.2 hours, 8 of 50 achievements
6/10 classes to attend

Another game that was really good, but I wasn't really into it.

You are a teenager who is part of a colony on a new planet. You get to decide how you spend your days. The game gives you a chance to do a few activities a day. There are plenty of choices, and what you choose will affect the story. You can attend class, play games, relax, talk to your friends, go out in the wilderness, etc. Once you complete an activity, your player will get skills. Depending on what skills you build and choices you make throughout the game, you will get a different story and ending.

When you do an activity, you have to do a card game to successfully complete the activity. The card game is super easy. You build a deck throughout the game by just doing activities and talking to people. You can also choose which cards to discard as you do activities like relaxing. When playing the game, there is a number on the side, which is the goal you want to hit. You want the number on your cards to equal or surpass the goal. You can also increase the points by matching colors or numbers (such as a straight). As you play, more game mechanics get added to keep it interesting.

There are many different directions the story can go. There are 29 endings in total, and you have to replay the game several times to get the full story. I only played it once.

The game is super well made. The characters all have unique personalities, which gives them even more depth. The art style is cute, and the world-building is excellent. There is a lot of lore, and it really feels like a new planet you've discovered and made home. There are emotional moments and moments that remind you of what it's like to be a teenager.

The game has great reviews, so if you enjoy this type of game, then go for it! I was terrible at it. I couldn't figure out how to properly manage my time, and I got every possible bad scene/ending. At least I found love. 😅

I recommend this game to those who love this type of thing and think it looks interesting. It's worth it on sale, and probably even full price since it will take ages to get through 29 endings! Overall, not bad!

Later Alligator

3 hours, 4 of 14 achievements
6/10 shady family members

Later Alligator is such a charming game. It's quirky and fun, but it lacks substance.

Pat the alligator thinks his family is out to get him and hires you to uncover the truth.

Later Alligator is a cute little point-and-click game. You talk to Pat's family members and then have to play a minigame for each one you talk to. There isn't much substance when it comes to gameplay or story. The best thing about the game is the charm and the love the developer put into it. The dialogue is funny and quirky; there are hidden Easter eggs. The premise is so strange you don't even question it. The minigames are okay. Most of them are super easy and just require point-and-click mechanics. There were a couple I really liked and a couple I hated, but overall they were very average.

You do have to replay the game three times to get the full story. I'm not a fan of that, so I looked up the endings on YouTube. I'm glad I did because replaying doesn't add anything extra except a new cutscene at the end of each one.

Overall, a cute game. Not bad at all, but the reviews might lead you to think it's much better than it is. I would recommend it on sale if you enjoy minigames, but not at full price.

Steam Deck Compatibility: This game is verified on the Steam Deck. Although it ran fine with no issues, I still don't recommend playing on the deck unless you have a mouse. The trackpad is not fast or precise enough for a lot of the minigames. The game requires some quick reaction moments.

Next Time:

  • Wanderer

    2 hours playtime

    3 of 50 achievements

  • Sea of Stars

    20 hours playtime

    12 of 48 achievements

  • Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

    18 hours playtime

    no achievements


I hope to put my hands on Silent Hill one day too… never played the original, but I am a fan of Bloober games, so I am really happy that they nailed this remake. :D
Happy to hear that you have enjoyed it! Makes it even more tempting for me. xD


I hope it goes on sale sometime soon! it’s such a good game


I definitely share your thoughts on Later Alligator. I actually didn’t even know about the three endings, I stopped at one hahaah and although it’s light on substance and has pretty annoying minigames, man, the side characters and the soundtrack are SO GOOD


The endings are worth watching on youtube. I forgot to mention the soundtrack. It was good!


ooh out of curiosity which ending for Silent Hill did you get? Also idk if you know, but the og Silent Hill 2 is only about 8 hours long, so the remake being more than double the length is why it can feel like it’s dragging on a bit


Ah that makes a lot of sense! I got the leave ending. I always go in blind so I was happy to get that one


Happy belated birthday!


Thank you!