
November: Impulse purchases

Big thanks to Zephrain for suggesting this month’s theme: “Since November is the month of Black Friday aka the national impulse buying day, next month’s theme could be about picking any game you bought impulsively but had never touched for whatever reason.”

To participate, reply to this post and tell us which games that fit the monthly theme you’re going to play.
Please use the following (or similar) format to make it easier for me to keep track of everyone’s progress, but feel free to add any extra thoughts about the game(s) to your post!

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status
:-: | :-: | :-: | :-:
name of game 1 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished
name of game 2 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished
name of game 3 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished
TOTAL: | achievements obtained | playtime this month | Number of games finished

Have fun!

Challenge me

The newest edition of the monthly Challenge Me is available here: click.


Do I have to participate in this month’s theme?
No, as with every theme, these are merely suggestions for anyone who is unsure about what to play next. If you already have a battle plan for your backlog and/or don’t like this month’s theme, you’re free to ignore it.

What happens if I don’t participate in the monthly theme?

What happens if I play all of my unfinished games this month?
Your backlog will be a much smaller place.

I don’t have any unfinished games - I’ve beaten everything I’ve started.
Really? well that makes one of us… I salute you.

I already finished my entry can I play another?
Go ahead - the goal is to reduce your unfinished games list. The more you can play the better.


Scarier than last month’s theme


I agree, we’re gonna have to face reality.


With this recent sale going on, it reminded me of a few I picked up on sale last time but still need to play. So this ties in perfectly. :D

Game Achievements Hours Played Status
AntVentor 13/13 (+13) 9.0 hours Completed
Isoland 13/13 (+13) 2.1 hrs Completed
klocki 1/1 (+1) 1.0 hrs Completed
Overcooked! 2 12/33 (+7) 2.9 hrs Beaten
Cuphead 10/26 (+0) 1.5 hrs Currently Playing
Chompy Chomp Chomp 5/27 (+5) 0.3 hrs Currently Playing
RetroMaze 232/232 (+232) 0.3 hrs Completed
Total: +271 17.1 5 Finished

I’ll have to make a list, but definitely joining this. The shame walk is coming.

Edit: Sad to report, not only I failed playing any games I bought for myself, but I added more games to my backlog on some impulse bundle buy. I’m a desperate lost cause.


Welp, now I’m starting to regret my double-edged suggestion lmao. More than 80% of my library consists of games that looked interesting but I’ve never heard of. Also, a slight reminder of this handy page on Steam to remind all of you guys of your shameful spending :p.

As a self-imposed rule, I will be crossing out bundles and Monthlies and instead pick purchases on Steam. All games are games that I bought without much research though.

Will be updating my list as I regret my dusty purchases.

Game Achievements Time Status:
Anima Gate of Memories 25 of 25 achievements 18.0 hours (2 hours idling) Completed
Electronic Super Joy 19 of 37 achievements 5.8 hours Beaten
Mirror’s Edge No achievements 5.1 hours Completed
Super Night Riders 20 of 20 achievements 2.8 hours Completed
Suzy Cube 17 of 17 achievements 5.9 hours Completed
The Coma: Recut No achievements 3.2 hours Completed
This Starry Midnight We Make 21 of 21 achievements 7.6 hours (4 hours idling) Completed
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters Daybreak: Special Gigs No achievements 6.3 hours Dropped
Transparent Black 11 of 11 achievements 2.1 hours Completed
Total: 9 games | Beaten: 8 games Total achievements: 113 Playtime this month: 51 hours 100%’ed: 7 games
Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status
The Fidelio Incident 13/14 1,6h finished
Bedlam 22/24 5h finished
Sid Meier’s Starships 17/31 1,6h finished
Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus reach N/A 39,4 finished
TOTAL: 52 47,6 4

Heh, I just played that last month. :)


Aren’t all your games impulse buys? :hehe:

I had only Rise of the Tomb Raider AFAIR and I already beat it :sadness:


It’s a very sad theme ( .__.)


Damn! That means most of the bundles with nice games that I never touched. I don’t buy a lot on Steam. So that leaves out humble monthly games since I’m an annual subscriber and games I got from trades, Tremor games, Chrono and giveaways.
It was hard to come up with a list because there are waaaay too many games that would fall into this category, but I managed to narrow it down to about 10% of my never played by choosing the games that made me want those bundles and the few purchases I made on Steam.

I all honesty, when I saw the title I thought this monthly theme would be a bad idea, but after making my list I changed my mind. Those are some great games that have been gathering virtual dust for too long.

Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status
Pixel Puzzles 2: RADical ROACH 26/26 23 hours completed
the Traveler

First time participation for me! Only picking one game. It’s a true impulse buy: wasn’t looking for it, barely knew it existed, but saw it on sale and had to have it.

Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series 30/30 11.3 hrs (restarted my game) finished

EDIT: And done.


oh damn so pretty much everything… i used to rarely buy games but now i got so many. especially when i buy bundles i tend to do it if i want a game and now just so much backlog. well guess ill have to consider what games im playing to see if it really was a random impulse buy


Right… skipped spooktober, but this one I can do. I get most of my games from bundles, but there’s a few purchases I made on steam sales that I’ve not tried or finished and I feel guilty about them, because I chose them deliberately and I just about always play games I’ve bought on steam sales.

Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status
Ori and the blind forest 0/ 50 0 unfinished
Oracle 0/ 24 0 unfinished
Crookz 0/30 0 unfinished
Submerged 0/10 0 unfinished
Intrude 0/9 0 unfinished
Song of the deep 0/10 0 unfinished
TOTAL: 0/133 0 0

End of the month Tally:

Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status
Ori and the blind forest 34/ 50 14 Beaten
Oracle 24/ 24 2 Finished
Crookz 0/30 0 unfinished
Submerged 10/10 4 Finished
Intrude 9/9 11 Finished
Song of the deep 0/10 0 unfinished
TOTAL: 77/133 31 3 Finished / 1 Beaten

Well that went better than expected. My first one was a walking simulator, and only took a few hours.

Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status
Oracle 24/24 2 hours finished

Another one done

Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status
Submerged 10/10 3.5 Hours Finished
Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status
Intrude 9/9 11 Hours Finished

Another one done. Also busy working through Ori and the blind forest. So should at least get to the end of that, if not fully beaten.

Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status
Ori and the blind forest 34/50 14 Hours Beaten

Got to the end of this one. It has some pretty mean achievements, so I don’t think I’ll complete it before the end of the month, but it’s going on the beaten list at least, and I don’t feel bad for ignoring this beautiful game.

Blue Ϟ Lightning

…so continuing spooktober cool cool…

Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status
Superflight 19/24 1 hour finished

Well, that game taught me that wind-gliding in real life would be totally awesome, and something I should never ever do.

Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status
Wuppo 4/23 11 hrs beaten
TOTAL: 4/23 11 hrs 1

I’ve played all of my impulse purchases but Asphyxia and Monkey Island, so I’m gonna cheat a little and count bundles as impulse purchases, too:

Name Achievements obtained Playtime (h.) Status Notes
Asphyxia 8/8 4.9 finished  
Memory’s Dogma CODE:01 N/A 2.0 abandoned Judging from the reviews, this one isn’t that good. Doubt I will finish it. Edit: Yeah, it’s bad. Started out strong but quickly dropped in quiality.
WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.01 N/A N/A abandoned This game is complete trash. I have nothing else to say
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition N/A 4.8 finished  
TOTAL: 8 11.7 4/4  



This comment made me realise I still haven’t played any of the other games I’ve listed. :blobcatgooglysweats:


You still have 17 more days!

I don’t believe in you :blobevil:


So mean. But that’s okay, I still like you :33:



Any progress? :blobevil:


All this peer pressure. :aaa: Fine, fine, I’m launching Asphyxia now.




I’ve done it! If you can count not finishing bad games and consequently removing them from your account as “finishing” them. :blobsweats:


I removed like 70, otherwise my stats wouldn’t be that good :blobevil:


Last month. Don’t have much recent ones on this except some that I purchased for cards way back when I first discovered steam. I’ve played all of my recent purchases and am really restricting myself on what to purchase. :3

Game Achievements Playtime Status
Catch a Falling Star 20/45 12 minutes(idled 2 hours 35 minutes) Beaten
Total: 20 0.2 hours 1

This comment was deleted over 6 years ago.


I have a good amount of games from a couple of Humble Bundles bought that I would consider impulse buys. They were really good deals tho so its okay right? ;w;

Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status
LostWinds 3/11 1 hour unfinished
Fortune-499 0/0 1 hour  
Painters Guild 0/0 1 hour  
TOTAL: 3/11 0 hours 0/3

Hmm, since I tend to only buy stuff I’ve at least wishlisted most aren’t quite impulse buys but I have made a small number in sales (mostly art and soundtrack DLC), plus I have entered a few giveaways on impulse (and won!) which I’m counting.

Actually when making this list it turns out I’ve made quite a few impulse buys - but I’ve also already played a lot of them. I think it’s because I’m not as invested in them, I’m not bothered if they are disappointing or have crap stories/mechanics because they were bought on the spur of the moment rather than looked at properly, reviews read, pros and cons considered before I made a decision on them. Part of the whole perfectionist thing that haunts aspects of my life (if you can’t do it perfectly don’t do it at all).

Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status
Soul Gambler 5/24 0.5 hrs unfinished
The Howler - 1 hrs unfinished
Shu’s Garden - 2 hrs finished? (no end)
Into Blue Valley - 1 hr finished
Collisions 18/21 8 hrs unfinished
Typefighters 0/21 0 hrs unstarted
TOTAL: 23 12.5 hr 1

others I thought I might get around to, but definitely won’t now - Knights, VOI, Refunct, All you can eat, Skyhill, Leaves (x2), Super Sports Surgery.

Edit: Well that didn’t go as well as planned, both The Howler and Collisions were ok due to short but sometimes rage inducing stages which still need completing. I did start and complete some other games during November but must get around to completing these at some point…


Well let’s see. Most of my game buys are impulse buys…Well don’t judge me. Other women buy shoes or make-up, I buy video games XD I’ll just put 2 here for starters. Might add to it later.

Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status Notes
Star Wars Jedi Knight Academy 0/0 11 hours (played totally 17 hours) finished The force was with me!
12 Labours of Hercules II : The Cretan Bull 8/22 1,1 hours unfinished  
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 7/52 8 hours unfinished Don’t think I will finish this in time. It’s fun, but takes a long time to get through all the achivements.
TOTAL: 15/74 20,1 hours 1  

Other women buy shoes or make-up, I buy video games XD

She’s a keeper! XD

BTW, Jedi Academy was one of my son’s favorite games to watch me play.


I play Knights of the Old Republic with my young nephew. He loves to watch me play and “help” XD


Does removing an impulse buy game from my library count? Okay, maybe not…

Name Achievements Playtime Status
Kokurase 22/22 5 hours finished - info below
Total: 22 5 hours 1 finished

So kokurase is actually free with episodic dlc. It doesnt really fit much since its impulse buy but ill put it anyway since its one of those games where i know i barely glanced at it before putting it into my backlog, Then when i finished episode 1 again i didnt really think at all like i did with everything else ive ever brought I literally saw it was on sale and brought episode 2 and 3. Even if it wasnt on sale I wouldve just brought it anyway and its a good game so happy


Aren’t all purchases made on impulse? I don’t honestly know which games do not fit (other than those won, gifted and received for free.. of those bought, I mean) :v

Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status
Hidden Folks 5/7 7.4 hours beaten
TOTAL: 5 7.4 hours 1
Trilled Meow

For me they’re games I didn’t necessarily plan on buying or doing much research. I played Corpse Party because I meant to for last month’s theme anyway, but it worked for this month because I bought it due to having $10 left during a major Steam sale and randomly buying it because it seemed the most appealing out of my options at the time. On the other hand, I also bought Rise of the Tomb Raider and Final Fantasy XV and still have barely touched either of them–they weren’t impulses because I play those series and knew I was going to buy them during the sale no matter what.

I think impulse wins should also count in the spirit of trying to play our wins. I’ve been careful about the giveaways I’ve entered for the most part because I already had a backlog of shit from bundles before I realized what SteamGifts was, but others may have a lot of games from giveaways they entered on a whim. For me my Manual Samuel win was an impulse win, because thinking about it now I’m worried if I would even be able to complete the game due to the Difficult tag. I didn’t think until AFTER I entered and won, making it an impulse.

If you were on the fence on buying a bundle then decided to buy it after watching the timer tick down–that’s an impulse buy.

You have a pretty large collection of games, so I would guess (based on experience) that like 80 or 90% of that was amassed by impulse.


Mine are on impulse ‘cause when I see them on Tremor I need to act fast before all the keys get taken! That’s where I get 80/90% of the games I “buy” nowadays =P
There has been a time where I bought almost every bundle that HB proposed, now I’m trying to contain myself.. all the more ‘cause playing-time is shorter by the day ^^; they could be on impulse though, since their price constantly changes, so you don’t have much time to think..
all those flash deals during steam sales were on impulse! :D

Yup, I do, but at least half of them have been acquired for free (massive giveaways and such) so they don’t fit the theme :)

Trilled Meow
Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status
Corpse Party 17/17 19 hours Completed
Manual Samuel (*impulse win) 18/28 3.2 hours Beaten
TOTAL: 35/45 19 hours 2

Just one impulse buy that I completed this month :)

Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status
Life is Strange: Before the Storm 34 of 34 achievements 10 hrs Completed