August: Decades
Big thanks to godprobe for suggesting this month’s theme: “Games released exactly zero or more decades ago.”
To easily find games that qualify for this theme:
1) Go to this website and insert your Steam name.
2) Wait patiently while your library loads.
3) In the Settings tab choose to show only games released in 1990/2000/2010/2020.
You can use the following (or similar) format to make it easier for me to keep track of everyone’s progress, but feel free to add any extra thoughts about the game(s) to your post!
Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status
:-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-:
name of game 1 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished
name of game 2 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished
name of game 3 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished
TOTAL: | achievements obtained | playtime this month | Number of games finished
Have fun!
Theme song
Challenge me
The newest edition of the monthly Challenge Me is available here: click.
Do I have to participate in this month’s theme?
No, as with every theme, these are merely suggestions for anyone who is unsure about what to play next. If you already have a battle plan for your backlog and/or don’t like this month’s theme, you’re free to ignore it.
What happens if I don’t participate in the monthly theme?
What happens if I play all of my unfinished games this month?
Your backlog will be a much smaller place.
I don’t have any unfinished games!
Really? well that makes one of us… I salute you.
I already finished my entry can I play another?
Go ahead - the goal is to reduce your unfinished games list. The more you can play the better.

I really appreciate you guys getting the monthly theme announced so early. I get to choose my games for next month before the month has even started! =)
Wish me luck. And best of luck to all of you!
Name | Decade | Achievements obtained | Playtime this month | Status |
Al Emmo’s Postcards from Anozira | 2010 | No achievements | 4h15m this month | completed |
Escape The Lost Kingdom: The Forgotten Pharaoh | 2010 | No achievements | 2h09m this month | completed |
Back to the Future: Ep 1 - It’s About Time | 2010 | No achievements | 2h05m this month | completed |
Back to the Future: Ep 2 - Get Tannen! | 2010 | No achievements | 2h49m this month | completed |
Back to the Future: Ep 3 - Citizen Brown | 2010 | No achievements | 3h10m this month | completed |
Back to the Future: Ep 4 - Double Visions | 2010 | No achievements | 3h36m this month | completed |
Back to the Future: Ep 5 - OUTATIME | 2010 | No achievements | 3h4m this month | completed |
Jolly Rover | 2010 | 16/16 (previously 13/16) | 2h32m this month | completed |
Poker Night at the Inventory | 2010 | 20/20 (previously 18/20) | 154h+ hours of AutoHotkey | completed |
TOTAL: | 5/5 | 23h40m | 9 completed |

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status | Release date |
Back to the Future: Ep 2 - Get Tannen! | no achievements | 2 | completed | 2010 |
Back to the Future: Ep 3 - Citizen Brown | no achievements | 2 | completed | 2010 |
Back to the Future: Ep 4 - Double Visions | no achievements | 2 | completed | 2010 |
Back to the Future: Ep 5 - OUTATIME | no achievements | 4 | completed | 2010 |
Bato: Treasures of Tibet | no achievements | playtime this month | unfinished | 2020 |
NEOVERSE | 3/36 before the month 3/36 | playtime this month | unfinished | 2020 |
Detroit: Become Human | 28/48 | 16.9 | beaten | 2020 |
name of game 3 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished | 2000/2010/2020 |
name of game 3 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished | 2000/2010/2020 |
TOTAL: | [28/48] | 26.9 | 5 | :-: |

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Flaky Bakery | 26/68 | 1 hours | Unfinished |
Super Meat Boy | 3/48 | 6.4 hours(previously 3 hour) | Unfinished |
Total: | 29 | 7.4 hours | 0 |
This comment was deleted over 4 years ago.

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status | Release Date |
Death Stranding | 10 achievements | 5 hrs | unfinished | July 14, 2020 (but 2019 on console so not sure if it counts) |
Higurashi When they Cry CH 8 | 0 | playtime this month | unfinished | may 14, 2020 |
TOTAL: | achievements obtained | playtime this month | Number of games finished |

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Detroit: Become Human | 31/48 | 17.3 | Finished |

Hey, it’s my thing! My thing is a thing! Yay! :D
Oh man… I should probably actually participate this time then, shouldn’t I?
Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status | Release Year |
Zork I | zero / zero | 0 hrs** | unfinished | 1980 |
Sid Meier’s Covert Action (Classic) | zero / zero | 1.4 hrs | Case #1; made one arrest | 1990 |
The Longest Journey | zero / zero | 5.4+ hrs* | finished!* | 2000 |
Blue Toad Murder Files™: The Mysteries of Little Riddle | zero / zero | 2.3 hrs | Episode 2 of 6 finished! | 2010 |
Friendly Fire | zero / zero | 26 mns | finished! | 2020 |
TOTAL: | what achievements? :D | 7.2 hrs | two / five!* | – |
*The Longest Journey – been playing it off and on this year already, 23.6 hrs on record; also, already finished it once many years ago pre-Steam.
**Zork: The Great Underground Empire - Part I – started it multiple times over the last few years, never finished it; 0.3 hrs on record on Steam.
So many good titles in every decade… I’d never remembered hearing of Covert Action until it arrived on Steam though, unlike most of the 1990 games that I did play at least demo versions of in the 90s. AlternativA, Singularity, and Puzzle Dimension are definitely 2010 runner-up selections for me, and the first Hacker game for 2000, but I don’t figure on having all that much time to play. For 2020, MIND CONTROL DELETE, Them’s Fightin’ Herds, and XCOM: Chimera Squad were also definitely contenders – a couple free indie prologue titles stood out too since I don’t have many games from this year yet: Half-Life: Restored, Welcome to Elk: The First Stories, and Whateverland: Prologue.
In any case, looking forward to running through the past (and present) with you all!

Sid Meier’s Covert Action (Classic) (1990)
Played through one case so far, and managed to arrest one of the five criminals involved. The game is randomized, so this shouldn’t be a spoiler, apart from maybe spoiling gameplay concepts. The gang managed to steal plans from the US Embassy in Mexico while I bumbled my way through learning the controls. I’d already read a review that mentioned using the keypad for combat control, so I knew to do that much (although the home row number keys also work the same way as the numpad number keys). What I learned “on the job” was the F-function keys. F2 - take a photo, F1 or Enter - do a thing, F3 - plant a bug, etc. Also, spacebar shoots. Thankfully, the interface for the cryptography section was pretty simple – press a letter to replace, press the letter to replace it with – and also very satisfying to decode. Wiretaps were confusing at first, but I think I have the hang of the basics for that now – just not great strategy yet. Driving was a little awkward, but mostly intuitive – managed to follow… someone… to another building in DC, and get some intel from there after breaking in. Really, this was a very fun game, especially for its age, and I would have played it a ton in the 90s if I’d known about it and owned it. Now… I’ll still probably play it a bunch in 2020! Hopefully I can catch a Mastermind. I only caught the Organizer, and neither the electronics expert, the thief, or the other person (I don’t remember their role in the heist).
Nice animation and overall presentation on this game, too.

The Longest Journey (2000)
Made it to chapter nine last night (of thirteen chapters and a prologue). There’s a lot that I do remember from playing it through years ago, but a lot that I’ve forgotten as well. It’s been good to play it again, already aware of the length and long dialogs and slow walking speed, and getting more engrossed in the story development and the build-up of the main character. Still a little awkward, but still a very good game to play. (Using the high-res mod.)
Update 8/2: Ah, finally finished this game for a second time – I’d been wanting to re-play it ever since finally owning a copy of Dreamfall, which I’d also been wanting to play ever since it released, although I was also disappointed that it had mediocre reviews at the time. Still, looking forward to finally getting to the sequel, and then the more recent Kickstarter’d follow-up!
Again… definitely a very long journey, and has its clunkiness, age notwithstanding, but also has plenty of charm. If you fear dialog, this game may not be for you, but for those who want a truly epic adventure, it’s quite good. I did end up going to UHS hints again for two or three of the puzzles, but for the most part got through it without. HD mod recommended too, as it will fix some bugs. Onward to Dreamfall…

Friendly Fire (2020)
It’s free, it’s short, and it’s worth your time. Great dialog, nice art, easy gameplay, fun little dumb story.

Blue Toad Murder Files™: The Mysteries of Little Riddle (2010)
Played through the first episode with my girlfriend! Wallace and Gromit style presentation and light-heartedness (and British-ness). Mostly kid-friendly casual puzzles, but they aren’t necessarily easy either. Good length for the first episode, with six more to go!
Two episodes down, four to go!

This is such an interesting theme!
I’m pretty terrible at sticking to these monthly themes, but checked some games I have anyway.. :P
Numen: Contest of Heroes
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition
Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition
Mass Effect 2
Republique VR
Summer in Mara
Samsara Room

Name | Released in | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Delores: A Thimbleweed Park Mini-Adventure | 2020 | - | 1.2 h | completed |
Swords and Soldiers HD | 2010 | 3/25 | 3.2 h | beaten |
unplayable for me, full combo of low FoV, chromatic aberration, depth of field blur and head bobbing | ||||
on hold, possibly abandoned | ||||
TOTAL: | 8070, duh | 3/25 | 10.0 h | 2 games beaten |

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Year Released | Status |
The Suicide of Rachel Foster | 0/11 | 0h | 2020 | unfinished |
Marco & The Galaxy Dragon | 2/15 | 0h | 2020 | unfinished |
Outer Wilds | 0/17 | 0h | 2020 | unfinished |
TOTAL: | achievements obtained | playtime this month | - | Number of games finished |

Actually not that many things I can choose from outside of a couple untouched 2020 games, but let’s see.
Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime this month | Status |
YOU and ME and HER: A Love Story | N/A | 5h | Finished* |
Batman: Arkham Asylum | 32/47 | 12h | Finished |
First Snow | 10/10 | 3h | Completed |
TOTAL: | 42 | 20h | Beaten games: 3 |

I don’t really know what to play this month. I have some pending Challenge me games, but I will join the monthly theme with a game, maybe some more in the near future
Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status | Release date |
![]() |
26/39 | 14 h (10 h this month) | Beaten | 2020 |
![]() |
0/47 | 0 h | Never played | 2010 |
UPDATE 16/08/20: 1971 Project Helios is beaten. Also, I’ve added a new game to the monthly theme thanks to the Challenge me, time to play as The Dark Knight xD

I’ll give this one a try.
Name | Decade | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition | 2000 | N/A | 0 | unfinished |
TOTAL: | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

Name | Decade | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Back to the Future: Ep 2 - Get Tannen! | 2010 | N/A | 1h | finished |
name of game 2 | year | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished |
name of game 3 | year | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished |
TOTAL: | 0 | achievements obtained | 1h | 1 |

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status | Decade |
VVVVVV | 0/19 | 0 hours | Not started | 2010 |
Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete Edition | / | 0 hours | Not started | 2020 |
TOTAL: | / | 0 hours | 0 |

I just finished Alpha Protocol (released in 2010), does it count? :D
Anyway, I’ll take my chances with this one and put some games down.
Game | Achievements | Playtime | Status | Year of release on steam |
Back to the Future: The Game | no achievement | 0h | unfinished | 2010 |
Persona 4 Golden | 12/50 | 0h | unfinished | 2020 |
SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE | 8/14 | 3.3h | dropped | 2020 |
TOTAL: | achievements obtained | 0h | 0 game beaten |
Hopefully, I’ll beat one or two at least.
SUPERHOT : Not recommended
It’s more of the same, so if you really liked the original game it’s not a bad add on. But for more casual players like myself, it’s way too punishing and soon turned into a chore to play.

I’m only going to pick two for now and will add more if need be.
Edit: I’m done for this month’s theme. 3 games beaten and 53 hours put in is enough :)
Name | Year | Status | Playtime | Achievements obtained | Rating |
Alpha Protocol | 2010 | completed | 17 hours | no achievements | ★★★★★ |
Darksiders | 2010 | beaten | 30 hours | 31/43 | ★★★★★ |
Alien Breed 3: Descent | 2010 | beaten | 6 hours | 3/13 | ★★★★★ |
TOTAL: | - | 3 games done | 53 hours | 34 | - |

Let’s see what interesting games the library has for the decades.
Name | Release | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Commander Keen | 1990 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished |
Escape from Monkey Island™ | 2000 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished |
The Longest Journey | 2000 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished |
TOTAL: | achievements obtained | playtime this month | Number of games finished |

Hi Daerphen! When you start The Longest Journey, I recommend using the HD mod – it fixes a number of bugs, and makes the cutscene videos much nicer. While I typically play games “vanilla”, I opted for this mod as it fixed some annoyances with white textures showing as transparent, including the cursor at times. I think that savegames are incompatible between the normal and HD version, but if you aren’t too far along yet (and if you only started it this month – you definitely are not far along yet), then it’s honestly not too much trouble to re-play the beginning parts.
HD mod info: https://steamcommunity.com/app/6310/discussions/0/2268068817156430758/
…or… https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1746858370

cool, thanks for the suggestion

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status | Year of Release | Thoughts |
Loom | no achievements | 2h | completed | 1990 | This one is my childhood favourite! |
Fairy Tale About Father Frost, Ivan and Nastya | no achievements | 1h | unfinished | 2000 | Last time I tried it, it crashed - I’ll try again. |
Puzzle Agent | no achievements | 3h | completed | 2010 | It’s a fun mix of puzzle and point & click. |
My Koi | no achievements | 3h | unfinished | 2020 | Soooooo calming! Reminds me of Viridi but with fish instead of plants. |
TOTAL: | 0/0 | 9h | Number of games finished: 2 | - | - |

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status | Release |
Back to the Future: The Game | 0/0 | 9.5h | completed | Dec 23, 2010 |
Puzzle Agent | 0/0 | 2h | completed | July 2010 |
XCOM: Chimera Squad | 14/40 | 4.5h | unfinished | April 23, 2020 |
TOTAL: | 14/40 | Number of games finished | 2 |
Finally joining after lurking for a while, hope this helps me finish some games haha

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status | Release |
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days | 15 of 58 | 4,0 hours | beaten | 17 Aug 2010 |
Shank | 8 of 12 | 3,3 hours | beaten | 26 Oct 2010 |
TOTAL: | 23 | 7,3 hours | 2 beaten | - |
Just like last month, I have a few games that I can play for this monthly theme. We’ll see how it goes.
Update (05 August): Shank beaten.

Well, it seems I haven’t participated in a Monthly Theme for a while. Figure since I was playing a couple games that fit this theme that I’d throw in a few more and see where we go from there.
Name | Achievements obtained | Achievements This Month | Playtime (Before Month - End of Month) | Status | Year of Release |
Atlantis_2_Beyond_Atlantis | 0/0 | 0 | (0h - 0h) | Unfinished | 2000 |
Thief_II_The_Metal_Age | 0/0 | 0 | (0h - 0h) | Unfinished | 2000 |

I had the chance to get at least one game.
Puzzle Station 15th Anniversary Retro Release is really a re-release of an older game but it happened in 2000 so I’m taking it.
There’s an Arcade mode that is not that fun and a Puzzle mode which is what I finished.
And another one!
Puzzle Dimension started somewhat disappointing in not having good camera controls but its warped world in a 3d space ended up being fun.
Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status | Release |
Puzzle Station 15th Anniversary Retro Release | 0 | 1.6 h | beaten | 2000 |
Puzzle Dimension | 23 | 19 h | completed | 2010 |
TOTAL: | 23 | 20 h | 1 beaten, 1 completed |

I played Puzzle Dimension years ago, abandoned it, then revisited it in June/July, and got as far as you did (23/25 achievements, which I call beaten). I liberally used video guides toward the end, though, and won’t go back to finish those last two achievements and complete the game.

I did not think that there were external guides so I only checked the Steam forum but having to attend Zoom meetings during quarantine gave me enough time to try and try again.

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status | Release |
Swords and Soldiers HD | 4/25 | 2.1h | unfinished | 2010 |
Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition | 3/47 | 0h | unfinished | 2010 |
Blade Kitten | 0/20 | 0h | unfinished | 2010 |
Metro 2033 | 0/48 | 0h | unfinished | 2010 |
Metal Unit | 6/6 | 2.7h | completed | 2020 |
TOTAL: | 13 | 4.8h | 1 | x |
I just started Sword and Soldiers last week
edit: I ended up winning some giveaways and playing the new wins so i didn’t have time to play much of these games from august theme ):

Name | Release date | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Just Cause 2 | 23 March 2010 | 50/50 | 65,5h | completed |
Devolverland Expo | 11 Juli 2020 | 22/22 | 1,2h | completed |
TOTAL: | 72 | 66,7h | 2 |

Name | Achievements | Playtime | Status | Release | HLTB for PoP |
Estranged: Act II | 14/14 | 5.3h | completed | 22/05/2020 | 30 Mins |
Just Cause 2 | 50/50 | 43.1h | completed | 23/03/2010 | — |
Nice idea! :) I found some games I’m really looking forward to play (again)